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Topic: Come on In - part 71
bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 04:46 AM
Hi {{{grammy}}} :heart:

Mom is okay, we are still waiting for her blood the get to the proper level so they can operate and fix her leg tears tears She is in so much pain

How are you and I am glad i got to see you this morning too I have missed you :heart:

good morning (((merle))):heart: :heart: oh how wonderful it is to see you

how is your mom doing and how are you holding upflowerforyou

im sure happy i came on i havent seen you in so long

and ive missed you much:smile: flowerforyou :heart:

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 09/19/09 04:58 AM
Morning Again {{{MERLE}}}:heart: flowerforyou , we posted the same time and you didn't see my other post on the other page. flowerforyou It's ok...When you see MOM today just give her a big HUG for me. I hope she gets her surgery today to get her out of some pain bless her heart!!..flowers Been missing you lots and lots!!..:heart: YOU!!!!

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:00 AM
im good no worries here you just take care of you and dont let yourself get run down

today im sending out your breads one zuccine and one banana hope youll enjoy them

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:02 AM
Good Morning to you again (((Grammy))):heart: flowerforyou , glad to see you this a m!!!..:heart: YOU!!!! Hope you get to play today some!

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:04 AM

Good Morning to you again (((Grammy))):heart: flowerforyou , glad to see you this a m!!!..:heart: YOU!!!! Hope you get to play today some!

morning (((linda))) im sorry if i missed you too my eyes arent what they use to belaugh

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:05 AM
Good morning {{{linda}}} :heart:

Good Morning (((Merle))):heart:, good to see you here this a m. Hope things go well with MOM today. Been missing you bunches!! Love you lots!!:heart: flowerforyou Give MOM a hug for me!!..flowers

Good Morning (((Grammy))):heart: , Always good to see you too grammy! How have you been? I guess that girl that come by didn't get your puter fixed up too good. Hadn't seen ya much in the last couple of day...sad ..But you know I :heart: you!!!...

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:07 AM
I just talked to mom and they took her blood at 6:45, so now all we can do is wait for the results and see if it is thick enough to do the surgery, if it isn't we have to wait until tomorrow tears tears They are giving her pain medicine, but that only helps for a few hours and I am concerned that she will become dependent on that tears

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:14 AM
Its ok (((Grammy))), its early!!..for me anyway..laugh ..Its just good to SEE you this a m!!..:heart:

Good Morning to you again (((Grammy))):heart: flowerforyou , glad to see you this a m!!!..:heart: YOU!!!! Hope you get to play today some!

morning (((linda))) im sorry if i missed you too my eyes arent what they use to belaugh

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:14 AM
my positive thoughts will be of you and your mom your familyflowerforyou

oh how i wish i could be there with you:heart:

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:16 AM
Thank you {{{grammy}}} :heart: :heart: I wish you guys could be here with me too tears tears

my positive thoughts will be of you and your mom your familyflowerforyou

oh how i wish i could be there with you:heart:

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:17 AM

Thank you {{{grammy}}} :heart: :heart: I wish you guys could be here with me too tears tears

my positive thoughts will be of you and your mom your familyflowerforyou

oh how i wish i could be there with you:heart:

in our hearts and thoughts we are

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:17 AM
We will all just pray that it is think enough to do it this a m. I am sorry...tears ..I am hoping it will be. I don't think she will be dependent on the pain meds they are giving her at this point hon cause they are not going to let her get that way in the hospital. They are only giving her enough to keep her comfortable I bet. I'm so sorry and this is breaking my brokenheart for you mom to have to go threw this. :heart: flowers

I just talked to mom and they took her blood at 6:45, so now all we can do is wait for the results and see if it is thick enough to do the surgery, if it isn't we have to wait until tomorrow tears tears They are giving her pain medicine, but that only helps for a few hours and I am concerned that she will become dependent on that tears

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:24 AM
Thank you {{{grammy}}} :heart:

Thank you {{{grammy}}} :heart: :heart: I wish you guys could be here with me too tears tears

my positive thoughts will be of you and your mom your familyflowerforyou

oh how i wish i could be there with you:heart:

in our hearts and thoughts we are

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:25 AM
oh man its time again these two girls want out again already why do dogs have to go out side so muchfrustrated

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:28 AM
Edited by bad_girl on Sat 09/19/09 05:30 AM
Thank you {{{linda}}} and I am brokenheart but right now she is in the best place possible at this point.
My "precious" (and I say that being a smartazz, lord forgive me please for that) sister is there now, she found it in her heart to make the drive from Delaware to come up, so that myself and my other two sisters could get a break and do things we needed to do since we have been at the hospital every day, but she will call us as soon as the blood results come back and they decide what they are going to do.

We will all just pray that it is think enough to do it this a m. I am sorry...tears ..I am hoping it will be. I don't think she will be dependent on the pain meds they are giving her at this point hon cause they are not going to let her get that way in the hospital. They are only giving her enough to keep her comfortable I bet. I'm so sorry and this is breaking my brokenheart for you mom to have to go threw this. :heart: flowers

I just talked to mom and they took her blood at 6:45, so now all we can do is wait for the results and see if it is thick enough to do the surgery, if it isn't we have to wait until tomorrow tears tears They are giving her pain medicine, but that only helps for a few hours and I am concerned that she will become dependent on that tears

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:29 AM
Understandable grammy, Rascal is the same way. laugh laugh

oh man its time again these two girls want out again already why do dogs have to go out side so muchfrustrated

Silveradogal's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:33 AM
Cause they have to TEE TEE too Grammy!!...laugh laugh

oh man its time again these two girls want out again already why do dogs have to go out side so muchfrustrated

grammy09's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:35 AM
well i left them out alone i just keep checking them now they are just sitting on the back deck i just dont like them out alone this early because i dont want them to bark which they are uselt good about not barking

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:35 AM
:laughing: :laughing: Just like us humans do :laughing: :laughing:, unfortunately we can't just lift our leg and do it now can we :laughing: :laughing:

Cause they have to TEE TEE too Grammy!!...laugh laugh

oh man its time again these two girls want out again already why do dogs have to go out side so muchfrustrated

bad_girl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 05:36 AM
Oh hell, let them bark. I look at this way, if we are up everyone else should be up spock biggrin

well i left them out alone i just keep checking them now they are just sitting on the back deck i just dont like them out alone this early because i dont want them to bark which they are uselt good about not barking

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