Topic: I figured out who God is after all these years!
no photo
Wed 11/18/09 10:43 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Zeitgeist has been refuted by historians. Almost every "fact" they gave about past religions was fake. The stuff on Horus was based on the writings of a "egyptologist" who couldn't read hieroglyphics and his writings have never been confirmed by an actual egyptologist.

no photo
Wed 11/18/09 10:45 AM

Why do you assume we can not do greater things than Yahshua did?

YOU said, "Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them?" as the bar for what one would have to exceed as far as deeds go.

No, there is no one who can raise themself from the dead or stop death from coming to him.

So, I still don't understand what you are talking about.

Let me clear that up for you.

Jesus never said that we would do greater things than he did.

Jesus raised himself from the dead.

Miles has some beliefs that are very non-biblical.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 11/18/09 06:25 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 11/18/09 06:41 PM

Why do you assume we can not do greater things than Yahshua did?

YOU said, "Can anyone here raise themselves from the dead or stop death from coming to them?" as the bar for what one would have to exceed as far as deeds go.

No, there is no one who can raise themself from the dead or stop death from coming to him.

So, I still don't understand what you are talking about.

Let me clear that up for you.

Jesus never said that we would do greater things than he did.

Jesus raised himself from the dead.

Miles has some beliefs that are very non-biblical.

A couple of quick things Yahshua said he could call 12 legions of Angels down if he wanted.

This was faith that Yahweh would give them to him not that he had the power on his own just like He created the Earth through Yahweh he could not by himself.

Yahshua is not Yahweh.. Hear oh Israel Yahweh is one.

2nd Yahshua did not say we would not do greater things than him. Then I guess we better cross these verses out of the bible as we have the Torah.

John 14:12-14

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE HE WILL DO, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

So we have a couple of problems here We can do greater works than Yahshua and we can also call 12 Legions of Angels down to defend us if needed.

I stand on what scripture says and no one can deny the words of Yahweh....Blessings...Miles

3 if Yahshua raised himself from the dead then he was never dead because the word says the Dead know nothing

John 14:27-28
28 You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away and coming back to you.' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for My Father is greater than I.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:01 PM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

There's no need to be insulting. I think most people agree that the human Jesus was real. When we speak of the myth we are referring to the Virgin birth and the idea that he was resurrected from the dead and is God.

I find the belief that Jesus is God very disturbing because Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, used the toilet, had all man's part, had no power to save himself from his human enemies....etc.
The belief that Jesus is God is against any logic, reason and common sense .

Jesus clearly stated that he had the power to save himself from his enemies. Jesus choose not to. That's what makes his sacrifice so amazing, Jesus could have given up at any time and destroyed his tormentors and healed himself. Jesus was a master of self control.

That is my understanding of what the Bible says as well.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:05 PM

3 if Yahshua raised himself from the dead then he was never dead because the word says the Dead know nothing

Miles, I'm just wondering what religion you are. Not trying to label you or anything, I just don't understand where you are coming from exactly. You quote a lot of scripture, but you don't believe that Jesus was God. I don't think I've ever come across someone who knows and believes the New Testament but doesn't believe what it says about Jesus being God.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 11/18/09 07:45 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Wed 11/18/09 07:49 PM

3 if Yahshua raised himself from the dead then he was never dead because the word says the Dead know nothing

Miles, I'm just wondering what religion you are. Not trying to label you or anything, I just don't understand where you are coming from exactly. You quote a lot of scripture, but you don't believe that Jesus was God. I don't think I've ever come across someone who knows and believes the New Testament but doesn't believe what it says about Jesus being God.


I am a Yahwists. It comes from the respect from the Persian kings like thier Magi priests had for Yahweh which is the name of the Father.

Yahshua is the son which literally means Yahweh is Salvation not Yahshua it comes through him granted to him from his father.

The persians had many dealings with the Israelites and knew thier diety was called Yahweh.

They called the Israelites because of thier great wisdom they had Yahweh's Wisdom.. Meaning Yahweh is where they got thier wisdom from.

I am a Yahwists short for where I get my wisdom from Yahweh.

Hope that did not confuse you.

Many places Yahshua says he is not the father and can do nothing without him. He is the son and he took on his fathers name as we do.

Yah is the poetic for of Yahweh.

When the king james Bible was written they took the liberty in many places of replacing a Y with a J as Hebrew or Greek either one have a J letter or sound. This has greatly confused people as they can not see what the scriptures really say.

So Yah-shua shua would be like a 1st name but they really did not have 2 names back then. The Yah would be like the last name we were given from our father so the son is Yahshua who points to the father.

The scriptures should never of been devided as they were. When all the Apostles and Disciples were alive they did all thier preaching and instructing from what we call the OT..Thier was no NT for over 100 years I believe then it is mostly a collection of writing.

We see all these other books come out that says the evangel of Thomas should be inthier, Hermas,Revelations of Peter. The Shepard.

And many more that just confuses things even more.

This all happened at the Council of Nicea in 325ad.

Constantine the Roman Emperor claimed when he was going to battle greatly out numbered that he saw a cross in the sky that said " By This Sign Conquer" and he won the battle easily and converted.

This cross in battle you can see in all the wars crosses on uniforms, helmets ,swords all saying the same thing by this sign conquer.

Now The Y in many places being changed to a J made a huge difference. Names came about that we do not know where they came from . 2 of them is the father and the son and thier meaning is not good.

We can see easily as almost everyone has said it at one time is Hallelujah.

That is wrong.. The Hallelu means Praise be.. but to who.. who is Jah?

This is really HalleluYah meaning Praise be to Yahweh.

The prophets had the poetic names given them and has been purposely hidden.




And even who must come 1st Elijah whay does it mean.

EliYah means my El is Yahweh.. That is the message that is coming back who Yahweh is.

Went alittle far but i am trying to give you alittle bit where I am coming from.

With all these books floating around that some seems to have been recorded as being in the cannon before 325 ad what do we use as a measuring stick for truth.

Yahweh says all things agree. The OT through the influx of saying it was not needed has been left alone even the Dead sea scrolls attest to the Book of IsaYah word for word.

The NT what is good for sound doctrine will agree with the OT. If not it is not from Yahweh.

Yahweh did not say he made a mistake he said because of the people Yahshua came to be the perfect Lamb of Yahweh.

Yahweh grants to his son all things but Yahweh is greater. Yahshua is not Yahweh.

I do not even see how this got to be when he says over and over I am the son I do my fathers will. I can do nothing with out him.

I am happy to explain where I am coming from because the EliYah message is what I hope is being seen.. Blessings of Showers...Miles

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 11/18/09 08:10 PM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

Whew!!! For a second there I thought you were going to give my name out directly.

No, not exactly you're close. I think you're on the right path, just be prepared, when it all comes clear you will transend and become one with everything. Just try not to do it while driving in traffic. Oh, and when you want to come back, just think of something you really love, and you should pop right back. It'll be a disappointment, but you will come back.

Scrittore's photo
Wed 11/18/09 09:05 PM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

You've been reading your Spinoza, very good.

abda's photo
Thu 11/19/09 07:01 AM
Hello and much respect to all,

I am open for honest dialougue with anyone who is truly seeking understanding about this subject and skeptics are free to communicate as well.

Seek understanding and you will find truth along the way.


Ruth34611's photo
Thu 11/19/09 10:37 AM

I am happy to explain where I am coming from because the EliYah message is what I hope is being seen.. Blessings of Showers...Miles

Thank you very much for taking the time to explain that to me. I had never heard of these beliefs before. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 11:52 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Zeitgeist has been refuted by historians. Almost every "fact" they gave about past religions was fake. The stuff on Horus was based on the writings of a "egyptologist" who couldn't read hieroglyphics and his writings have never been confirmed by an actual egyptologist.

that's funny. From what I've seen, pretty much what was said there agrees with what everybody else, historians, scientsts, et. al. says on the subject.
But hey, whatever floats your boat...

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 11:54 AM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

Whew!!! For a second there I thought you were going to give my name out directly.

No, not exactly you're close. I think you're on the right path, just be prepared, when it all comes clear you will transend and become one with everything. Just try not to do it while driving in traffic. Oh, and when you want to come back, just think of something you really love, and you should pop right back. It'll be a disappointment, but you will come back.

What did the Buddist say to the hotdog vender?
"Make me one with everything."

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 11:56 AM

Hello and much respect to all,

I am open for honest dialougue with anyone who is truly seeking understanding about this subject and skeptics are free to communicate as well.

Seek understanding and you will find truth along the way.


umm..hello. And welcome to the fray...:wink:

no photo
Fri 11/20/09 12:01 PM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Zeitgeist has been refuted by historians. Almost every "fact" they gave about past religions was fake. The stuff on Horus was based on the writings of a "egyptologist" who couldn't read hieroglyphics and his writings have never been confirmed by an actual egyptologist.

that's funny. From what I've seen, pretty much what was said there agrees with what everybody else, historians, scientsts, et. al. says on the subject.
But hey, whatever floats your boat...

Show me a Historian who agrees that Horus was the product of a virgin birth.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/20/09 12:30 PM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

I can respect that conclusion.

Mine is: Who needs a god? Why call anything god? God is a man made invention. God is not a necessity of life nor does it do anything for anyone that they cannot do for themselves.

How about life is a force no matter where it is in the universe and this force of life is a gift to all who live.

And no god didn't make life possible nor create the universe, also a man made invention.

Living life is the greatest thing any of us will ever do or experience so I hope we are all enjoying every breath and day of it.flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Fri 11/20/09 12:32 PM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

Whew!!! For a second there I thought you were going to give my name out directly.

No, not exactly you're close. I think you're on the right path, just be prepared, when it all comes clear you will transend and become one with everything. Just try not to do it while driving in traffic. Oh, and when you want to come back, just think of something you really love, and you should pop right back. It'll be a disappointment, but you will come back.


no photo
Sat 11/21/09 12:42 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Zeitgeist has been refuted by historians. Almost every "fact" they gave about past religions was fake. The stuff on Horus was based on the writings of a "egyptologist" who couldn't read hieroglyphics and his writings have never been confirmed by an actual egyptologist.

that's funny. From what I've seen, pretty much what was said there agrees with what everybody else, historians, scientsts, et. al. says on the subject.
But hey, whatever floats your boat...

Show me a Historian who agrees that Horus was the product of a virgin birth.

do a little web searching. It took me about an hour. I dug deep. Know what I found out? About half of all sources say he was and half say he wasn't. Interesting. Of course, everyone that says he wasn't seem to have a religious agenda.
One thing most sources agree on, Isis "magically" conceived Horus AFTER her husband, Osirus, was killed. No source, that I've found, claim Isis ever boffed her husband, or anyone else for that matter.

So, as I said, whatever floats your boat.

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 12:43 AM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

I can respect that conclusion.

Mine is: Who needs a god? Why call anything god? God is a man made invention. God is not a necessity of life nor does it do anything for anyone that they cannot do for themselves.

How about life is a force no matter where it is in the universe and this force of life is a gift to all who live.

And no god didn't make life possible nor create the universe, also a man made invention.

Living life is the greatest thing any of us will ever do or experience so I hope we are all enjoying every breath and day of it.flowerforyou

the universe is a man made invention???
I KNEW it!!!

msharmony's photo
Sat 11/21/09 12:57 AM

Wow! I think I figured out who god is!

God is the people and everything that lives on Earth. That is god!

Not a single plural being in one sense.

It is all of us and we are the ones responsible for our happiness.

So we look into ourselves and onto every person on this planet.

This is God!

How do you feel about this conclusion?

I can respect that conclusion.

Mine is: Who needs a god? Why call anything god? God is a man made invention. God is not a necessity of life nor does it do anything for anyone that they cannot do for themselves.

How about life is a force no matter where it is in the universe and this force of life is a gift to all who live.

And no god didn't make life possible nor create the universe, also a man made invention.

Living life is the greatest thing any of us will ever do or experience so I hope we are all enjoying every breath and day of it.flowerforyou

the universe is a man made invention???
I KNEW it!!! to me too

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 11:08 AM

is there acid being handed out in this section? Jesus wasn't Created from any myth, he was an actual person and there's plenty of historical documents to prove it. The only myth is the one created by Paul and the kiddie diddlin Roman Catholics that he's God which is false.

Actually, there aren't any credible historical documents that show the validity of his actually having been real. That would be one of the problems of believing in him.
However, just about everything that has ever been written about him can be found in other, older, stories about other "people". That would be another problem.
Look up zeitgeist. Then do the research yourself. You'll be amazed.

Zeitgeist has been refuted by historians. Almost every "fact" they gave about past religions was fake. The stuff on Horus was based on the writings of a "egyptologist" who couldn't read hieroglyphics and his writings have never been confirmed by an actual egyptologist.

that's funny. From what I've seen, pretty much what was said there agrees with what everybody else, historians, scientsts, et. al. says on the subject.
But hey, whatever floats your boat...

Show me a Historian who agrees that Horus was the product of a virgin birth.

do a little web searching. It took me about an hour. I dug deep. Know what I found out? About half of all sources say he was and half say he wasn't. Interesting. Of course, everyone that says he wasn't seem to have a religious agenda.
One thing most sources agree on, Isis "magically" conceived Horus AFTER her husband, Osirus, was killed. No source, that I've found, claim Isis ever boffed her husband, or anyone else for that matter.

So, as I said, whatever floats your boat.

However, the resurrected form was Horus, who had previously been considered a sun-god, having been identified with Ra as Ra-Herakhty, and the solar death-resurrection cycle over a year involves a whole entity, said to be composed of 12 sections - the zodiac.[citation needed] Consequently, it became said that before resurrecting Osiris/Horus, Isis put together 12 of the 13 parts, but was unable to find the 13th, which was said to have been destroyed completely. As Set was considered to be homosexual (due to having originally been the god of the desert, and thus thought of as infertile), it was said that a manifestation of Set - the Oxyrhynchus fish (a fish with an unusual curved snout resembling depictions of Set), had swallowed the part that was Osiris' penis. The Trundholm sun chariot pulled by a horse is believed to be a sculpture illustrating an important part of Nordic Bronze Age mythology. ... Zodiac signs, 16th century , medieval woodcuts The zodiac (from Greek zoon, animal) is an imaginary belt in the heavens extending approximately 8 degrees on either side of the Suns apparent path (the ecliptic), that includes the apparent paths of the Moon and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. ... Homosexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by esthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire exclusively for another of the same sex. ... A dune in the Egyptian desert In geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that receives little precipitation - less than 250 mm per year. ... Fertility is the ability of people or animals to produce healthy offspring in abundance. ... Oxyrhynchus (Greek: Οξ��υγχος; sharp-nosed; ancient Egyptian Per-Medjed; modern Arabic el-Bahnasa) is an archaeological site in Egypt, considered one of the most important ever discovered. ... The penis (plural penises or penes) is, in addition to the scrotum, one of the external male sexual organs. ...

This new description lead to a new description of how Osiris/Horus was resurrected. It was said that Isis made wax models of each dismembered part and gave them to priests to worship, and fashioned a new penis for Osiris/Horus. Isis and Nephthys then were said to have applied sufficient magic to make the penis function, and so Isis had sex with the dead body and new penis, resulting in Horus' birth. An alternative version not requiring a magic penis has it that she impregnated herself from semen removed from his testicles [1].

A full refutation of Zeitgeist

I fully realize that you will find a website that supports the crazy theories proposed in Zeitgeist, there are plenty of them. The only sources they have are the same couple of people who claim to be Eqyptologists, but real Eqyptologists either don't know who they are or have said they are frauds.