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Topic: Just for curiosity sake!!!
Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:36 AM
Who would you say was America's most successful foreign policy
negotiator? (current)

And notice I said successful!

Im really interested to see what people say, Canadians, British,
Aussies, Netherlands, etc..

:cry: :cry: No one paid it any attention before, so I give this its own

bibby7's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:39 AM
If America had a "successful" Foreign Policy Negotiator, it wouldn't be
in the mess it is in now!!laugh laugh laugh

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:43 AM
As long as we stick with carreer politicians how can we expect anyone to
be good at anything?

to busy scratching backs, wearing kneepads, kissing brown round and
reaching into someone elses pockets.

If a person can be bought they will be (and sold also).

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:47 AM
Actually bibby, we do have a very successful negotiator.

I bet bl8ant, Oceans, and belushi will have the correct answer.

Esp. bl8ant, since she is involved with this mans lastest success..

no photo
Sat 05/26/07 09:47 AM
Good point adventure. I always thought that the (leaders) in all the
political offices should not have anything beyond a highschool education
We could out source for information. The working man could represent the
public in a much purer way.

jp4023's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:03 AM
if anyone finds out whose good at anything in the government let me

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:06 AM
This is sad!!!!laugh laugh laugh

Oceans5555's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:09 AM
Great question, Fanta....

I take your question to refer only to current members of the US

The most successful, I would say, is probably Bob Zoelleck.

I think the least successful involves a 3-way tie between Condi Rice,
Eliott Abrams, and Karen Hughes.

What do you think?

(PS, I have just caught up on reading other threads here in Current
Events, and will try and post in htose today or tomorrow.)


armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:13 AM
fanta i now your trying to get at carter, but i think the man is crap,
your not a good negotiator just because you give in to every demand or
criticize your country on the world stage to make the inept feel better.

best foreign policy president- aww shlt man thats a pretty tough one,
but i think im going with a combination between the roosevelt/truman and
regan/bush administrations. but you seem to think that there is a right
answer to this question when its an opinion question.

bla bla bla


Oceans5555's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:15 AM
If we go beyond people in the current administration and look at people
who are unofficial, the picture brightens a bit:

Bill Clinton (with occassional sidekick George Bush senior)
Jimmy Carter, who is doing a superb job keeping people's faith in the US
alive around the world.
Bill Gates, via the B & M Gates foundation

I'll probably think of others the moment I send this in.laugh


armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:17 AM
oh yes, and if your wanting the current good guy, what are you thining,
maybe nancy pelosi? hillary clinton?

think i'll stick with the honorable condaleeza rice thanks.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:29 AM
Richardson, in just the last couple of months, has brokered landmark
deals in Darfur and North Korea — efforts that had stymied the Bush
Administration through two terms. There is no one in American politics
today more respected and accomplished on foreign policy than Bill

The go to man.......

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:31 AM
Carters foreign Policy record is a joke....laugh laugh

Every time they need something done, they send Bill
Richardson!!drinker drinker

Oceans5555's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:39 AM
Fanta, I think you are referring to Carter when he was President, right?

My mention of him was to his efforts of the last ten years. He has been
remarkably effective.

Bill Richardson: interesting choice, and you may turn out to be right.
But I think Darfur and N. Korea at this point are still very much in the
air, and that it is still not possible to say whether he was a success
or not. Agreed, that he did seem to make headway in terms of getting
some form of dialog going where the Bush administration had failed.

I'd like to hear Bl8tant's view on Darfur, too. Darfur is not something
I know much about, alas. My guess is that her efforts in the area and
that of her organization predates Richardson's involvement.

If we are to venture into the recent past, I would throw ****
Holbrooke's name into the ring, for his work on Bosnia and other


Oceans5555's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:40 AM
Hay, man! This isn't a subtle pitch for Richardson the candidate, is

laugh :tongue: laugh


Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:46 AM
A little coy aye? LMAO,,,Oceans..

Someone else to think about.......

Oceans5555's photo
Sat 05/26/07 10:48 AM

I hear you!

no photo
Sat 05/26/07 03:00 PM
um i was eating dinner... long spring evening 10pm and it is light

oh yea... Richardson works...but don't hold your breath...

he's dealing with a very tricky group of people.

um i have a nice pouilly fume here...would you like a glass?..

.it's midnight now and i'm going to find my visit my pillow...

bonne nuit!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/26/07 03:25 PM

Alada's photo
Sat 05/26/07 03:51 PM
I thought the original question said "WAS THE MOST SUCCESFUL
NEGOTIATOR" as in the past? Maybe leaving the current admninistration
out of the picture?

Is there someone whose area of expertise is US/Latin-American relations?
I know Oceans area is not Latin America. I would certainly love to hear
the thoughts on how is the US and the Foreign Policy team going to
handle the debacle that President Hugo Chavez is causing in Venezuela,
and which threatens to expand to the other social-democratic governments
of the area, such as Chile and Ecuador. Bearing in mind that Ecuador has
recently become a dollarized economy.

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