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Topic: The real person
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Tue 09/01/09 08:11 PM
How you exhibit your feelings is different for everyone. I never had a breakup where we fought then it ended i always said if he wants to go i cant stop him and i wont its a decision he made without me that i have no control over i dont try to get worked up over things that are out of my hands.

smokeorange's photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:13 PM
Kayarie - no way. No one ever left you, liar!

no photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:14 PM
laugh yes they all didlaugh must be something about me surprised

laugh devil MEN RUN!

s1owhand's photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:29 PM
it's not you, it's me...well actually it might be you...


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Tue 09/01/09 08:35 PM

mythicalman22's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:31 PM
Giving no effort to stop someone from leaving is blatantly saying you never cared for them in the first place..Sorry but its just the truth..People who dont try dont want too, people who try treasure something and put value to it and it becomes worth a try...I dont feel bad for you if you are being honest right now cuz you have obviously never shown a care for any of them

alonenotlonely's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:36 PM

Ok, so here's a topic I'd like to explore: theory -- the way a person handles a break-up is a good indicator of who they really are.

I would agree. Stress is the test.

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Tue 09/01/09 10:52 PM
Edited by IntriguingVictory on Tue 09/01/09 10:53 PM
Adversity reveals character - good quote.

You see it on here. Women forced to delete their accounts because of a way a man treats them after a "break-up" or the simple fact the woman does not want the man.

It's not pretty. Its gross.

Some men have all the answers when asked a question but when it comes down the knitty gritty, to reveal your real character, you see what they are really all about.

A real man doesn't give filibuster philosophies and have spew coming out of his mouth trying to "show" how smart he is - A real man doesn't need to say anything.

His actions show what he is all about - especially in the time of a tough breakup. A real man knows when to let go and doesn't play games with a womans mind and make her feel threatened, verbally or physically.

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:54 PM
I tend to just stop all contact whether im doing the breaking up or being broken up with.

This wreaked havoc with an ex gf of mine that had narissism. She would break up, i would ignore her, and a couple days later shed start thinking,

"hey, im awesome, why isnt he begging me?"

and a couple days later, shed be knocking in my door. If Id chased her shed have felt great.

I took her back too many times though and paid the price for not being strong.

Anyway, Im not the stalker type. That pretty much disgusts me.

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 03:41 PM
Edited by kayarie on Wed 09/02/09 03:44 PM
laugh i cared for them yes but they decided to leave me not the other way around i did care very much and to say that i had no feeligns is farthest from the truth of course i did i wouldnt date anyone i didnt have feelings for they broke my heart when they left to say i didnt care for them is ridiculous no one has any right to say that about anyone they wouldnt know.

to mythical what am i suposed to do baracade the door laugh

no photo
Wed 09/02/09 04:09 PM
I don't think so. I handle every break up differently.

smokeorange's photo
Thu 09/03/09 04:41 AM

I don't think so. I handle every break up differently.

I think that's the best course. Otherwise, the police will detect a pattern. pitchfork

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