Topic: The Shack
tribefan73's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:15 PM
Anyone here read it?

I just finished in about a day. It is a very compelling book & difficult to put down. It had me on a roller coaster of emotions. I highly recommend it. It is a must read like C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity", John Eldredge's Wild at Heart" & John Piper's "Passion of Jesus". (fifty reasons why he came to die) It will challenge every preconceived notion you have about God, His working within the Trinity & the relationship he desires to have with you.

PS- If I see 1 more fair-skinned, blue-eyed actor, portraying Jesus, I'm just going to scream. My Lord is a Jewish handyman for crying out loud.

sabbathearth13's photo
Thu 09/03/09 07:06 PM
yah you got that right,a very hard book to set down i read it a couple time and took notes the third time through. Id say the best ive heard in making any real sense of the trinity.

Periwinkle58's photo
Sun 09/06/09 06:33 AM
I read "The Shack" twice and would love to do a book study. Sadly many Christians are going by "book reviews" or editorials based on book reviews by people who have not actually read the book or that are so close minded that they cannot be open to the errors in their own belief system. I grew up in the church and have a powerful relationship with my Lord today. Yet, this novel (make-believe story) challenged every one of my paradigms. When the word of God says that we cannot fathom who God is, I hardly think the little box where I've put God is sufficient to understand Him. I read the book to my children (9 and 12) softening the most difficult parts, yet they loved our nightly time to explore who God is. We lauged and cried together as we sensed the deep compassion of our God and His desire to bring us closer to Him in a truly intimate relationship. Last month Guideposts ran a story about the author and a new view into his own pain.

digger56's photo
Sun 09/06/09 06:36 AM
I have read this book. I loved it. I will probably read it again. The librarian started to read it and quit when it said God was a women. I think everyone should read this.

tribefan73's photo
Sun 09/06/09 03:10 PM
To Sabbath, Peri & Digger, thanks for the comments. Digger, initially I struggled with the feminine persona, then I remembered that when God created humans, where do we think the "female persona" came from? Also Paul wrote that he strove to be all things to all people. I think that is exactly what God is, although anything we attempt to imitate of God would so pale in comparison.

And Peri I think you hit the nail on the head about that we can not truly fathom who or what God really is. Remember Moses' encounter on the mount? God had to shield Moses eyes because in our present form, the visual overload of seeing God in His fullness is beyond what we can comprehend or process in our limited capacity. I'd rather worship a God that I can't easily wrap my arms around, than one that easily fits into my own-notion-of-what-God-is-box. I'll take an out of this world God any day.
