Topic: I'm Ahsly Loose and this is my story
ashly_loose's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:21 AM

But guess what, I have that I won't

today or tomorrow isn't what you should worry about god helps us
but we must also help our selfs

14shadesOfgray's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:23 AM

But guess what, I have that I won't

today or tomorrow isn't what you should worry about god helps us
but we must also help our selfs

I help myself every day by coming on Mingle and meeting people who tell me I have 5 years of no problems like you

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:23 AM

But guess what, I have that I won't

today or tomorrow isn't what you should worry about god helps us
but we must also help our selfs

I'd also be more inclined to take you seriously if you used proper grammar and spelling.

Our selfs, FYI, is not a word flowerforyou

And punctuation is a wonderful thing for helping people understand your message.

Just a public service announcement :tongue:

14shadesOfgray's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:23 AM
Guys, I bet MONEY this is mirrormirror messin with us

Rasmus916's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:24 AM
Edited by Rasmus916 on Wed 08/26/09 05:26 AM

man, there has to be one in every forum doesn't there?

Only question, why predict the end of the world, doomsday, and all that other stuff on a singles website? Please don't tell me the whole "friendly people, fast responses" garbage. What strategical advantage does it give to let a bunch of night owl singles know the end of the world is coming?

Wait, i'll finish my post after I call John Connor, give me a few minutes.


EDIT: well, night owls and early birds :P

michiganman3's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:25 AM

I'd be more inclined to take this seriously if you can predict something that will happen say in the next 30 minutes laugh

Like this thread dieing???

14shadesOfgray's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:25 AM
The end of the world was when that girl in 7th grade decided to date the other guy:banana: rofl

papersmile's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:25 AM
Only question, why predict the end of the world, doomsday, and all that other stuff on a singles website?

maybe so we don't feel so bad if we can't find a match?

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:26 AM

I'd be more inclined to take this seriously if you can predict something that will happen say in the next 30 minutes laugh

Like this thread dieing???

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yeah, something like that :tongue:

ashly_loose's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:26 AM

But guess what, I have that I won't

today or tomorrow isn't what you should worry about god helps us
but we must also help our selfs

I help myself every day by coming on Mingle and meeting people who tell me I have 5 years of no problems like you

I never told you, you would have no problems for five years.

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:27 AM

so like I said, tell me something good

2011 - Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.

2014 - Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars).016 - Europe is almost empty.

I see a bleak future ahead for us Europeans.........Help me Obi 1 Kenobi, you're my only hope.

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:28 AM

Rasmus916's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:29 AM
Earthy babe, did you just kick the form lop sided?!

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:29 AM
Hey, can ya say the predictions in more of a Transylvanian accent?

ashly_loose's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:29 AM

I'd be more inclined to take this seriously if you can predict something that will happen say in the next 30 minutes laugh

Like this thread dieing???

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yeah, something like that :tongue:

I never asked for anyone to trust what i'm saying.
everyone has there own thoughts

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:30 AM

Earthy babe, did you just kick the form lop sided?!

arrow arrow arrow arrow.. yes. ha ha.

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:30 AM

I never asked for anyone to trust what i'm saying.
everyone has there own thoughts

Then the point of this would be????????????? spock spock spock

michiganman3's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:31 AM

I'd be more inclined to take this seriously if you can predict something that will happen say in the next 30 minutes laugh

Like this thread dieing???

laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yeah, something like that :tongue:

I never asked for anyone to trust what i'm saying.
everyone has there own thoughts

Trust me, we don't

ashly_loose's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:31 AM

Hey, can ya say the predictions in more of a Transylvanian accent?

To me there not pedictions there events that has taken place.

Rasmus916's photo
Wed 08/26/09 05:33 AM
well, this threat is dying now that I have just started in on my fun, beer anyone?