Topic: What do Jehovah's witness's believe?
Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:02 PM

If they don't believe in hell, what do they believe?

I'd rather be a fence post in Texas than the KING of Tennesee.

robert1652's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:03 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Wed 08/19/09 09:04 PM

they believe in waking you up early in the morning and standing on your porch preaching to you when you are in a groggy stupor from a hangover

And if they don't manage to convert you they walk down the road shouting "and you will burn in the hell of Satan. Long live the Watch Tower Society"

Isn't that what they do?

How did I get into this thread I don't even do religion
They do not believe in a burning hell. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract society is the legal name for the non profit organization that produces there literature.
That is what she and her mate were yelling walking down the road once when I wound them up something rotten

Logan1976's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:05 PM

If they don't believe in hell, what do they believe?

I'd rather be a fence post in Texas than the KING of Tennesee.

Looks like I got a barb wire neck tie and a turtle for a hat. You know that pick was just before that turtle got shot off by a mossberg model 500 loaded with 00 buckshot.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:07 PM

they believe in waking you up early in the morning and standing on your porch preaching to you when you are in a groggy stupor from a hangover

And if they don't manage to convert you they walk down the road shouting "and you will burn in the hell of Satan. Long live the Watch Tower Society"

Isn't that what they do?

How did I get into this thread I don't even do religion
They do not believe in a burning hell. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract society is the legal name for the non profit organization that produces there literature.
That is what she and her mate were yelling walking down the road once when I wound them up something rotten
Sounds like she has here JW 101 all mixed up.

robert1652's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:12 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Wed 08/19/09 09:15 PM

they believe in waking you up early in the morning and standing on your porch preaching to you when you are in a groggy stupor from a hangover

And if they don't manage to convert you they walk down the road shouting "and you will burn in the hell of Satan. Long live the Watch Tower Society"

Isn't that what they do?

How did I get into this thread I don't even do religion
They do not believe in a burning hell. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract society is the legal name for the non profit organization that produces there literature.
That is what she and her mate were yelling walking down the road once when I wound them up something rotten
Sounds like she has here JW 101 all mixed up.

This was in England back in early eighties. I made a point from that day onwards to verbally torment them like asking them things like "do you play with our toys at night before you go to bed?" and keeping a straight face . or how was your three some last week if there are three of them I think they eventually marked my house and used to pass it by and going and offending the neighbour
Once I went out and told them they missed my house do they want to come and try to convert me? They walked away looking a bit scared

Logan1976's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:16 PM

they believe in waking you up early in the morning and standing on your porch preaching to you when you are in a groggy stupor from a hangover

And if they don't manage to convert you they walk down the road shouting "and you will burn in the hell of Satan. Long live the Watch Tower Society"

Isn't that what they do?

How did I get into this thread I don't even do religion
They do not believe in a burning hell. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract society is the legal name for the non profit organization that produces there literature.
That is what she and her mate were yelling walking down the road once when I wound them up something rotten
Sounds like she has here JW 101 all mixed up.

This was in England back in early eighties. I made a point from that day onwards to verbally torment them like asking them things like "do you play with our toys at night before you go to bed?" and keeping a straight face . or how was your three some last week if there are three of them
WOW! You may just go to hell.devil pitchfork

Dragoness's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:17 PM

My impression of you is New Age maybe Wicka or the like.

That would be "Wicca". And, her views are not even close to Wiccan from what I have seen her write here or elsewhere.

Of course, I could be wrong. ohwell

I do have Wiccan tendencies but I am not Wiccan.

They believe in the respect of all religions and non religions. They believe in personal power and responsibility. They believe in what you put out, bad or good, you get back. They believe just by living we effect our environment so try to live well and responsibly. They believe in living this life and cherishing everyday. These are things that I believe in also.

Utopian beliefs perhaps. So they believe you dont need God you are capable of determining good and evil on your own aside from God? Is'nt that the original lie? You know the whole Eve and serpent story. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

LOL Utopia? No, I do not have delusions in that sense. We are personally responsible for our very own happiness and life. We are not going to be handed heaven, we have to make what we have heaven. We are blessed with this life. NO matter what is handed us during this life, it is our responsibliity to make the best of it for ourselves.

As for original sin etc... that would be biblical or Christian in origin, the Wiccan religion is much much older than that. Believing in the power of the world around them is more up their alley. They have dual gender gods too.

Now the ten commandments of the bible are probably the best thing to come from it, excluding a couple of them or at least editing them.

robert1652's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:19 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Wed 08/19/09 09:21 PM

they believe in waking you up early in the morning and standing on your porch preaching to you when you are in a groggy stupor from a hangover

And if they don't manage to convert you they walk down the road shouting "and you will burn in the hell of Satan. Long live the Watch Tower Society"

Isn't that what they do?

How did I get into this thread I don't even do religion
They do not believe in a burning hell. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract society is the legal name for the non profit organization that produces there literature.
That is what she and her mate were yelling walking down the road once when I wound them up something rotten
Sounds like she has here JW 101 all mixed up.

This was in England back in early eighties. I made a point from that day onwards to verbally torment them like asking them things like "do you play with our toys at night before you go to bed?" and keeping a straight face . or how was your three some last week if there are three of them
WOW! You may just go to hell.devil pitchfork
Having said all that I still go to the Church (catholic) at least twice a month but don't do confession. I am out of here

Logan1976's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:23 PM

My impression of you is New Age maybe Wicka or the like.

That would be "Wicca". And, her views are not even close to Wiccan from what I have seen her write here or elsewhere.

Of course, I could be wrong. ohwell

I do have Wiccan tendencies but I am not Wiccan.

They believe in the respect of all religions and non religions. They believe in personal power and responsibility. They believe in what you put out, bad or good, you get back. They believe just by living we effect our environment so try to live well and responsibly. They believe in living this life and cherishing everyday. These are things that I believe in also.

Utopian beliefs perhaps. So they believe you dont need God you are capable of determining good and evil on your own aside from God? Is'nt that the original lie? You know the whole Eve and serpent story. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

LOL Utopia? No, I do not have delusions in that sense. We are personally responsible for our very own happiness and life. We are not going to be handed heaven, we have to make what we have heaven. We are blessed with this life. NO matter what is handed us during this life, it is our responsibliity to make the best of it for ourselves.

As for original sin etc... that would be biblical or Christian in origin, the Wiccan religion is much much older than that. Believing in the power of the world around them is more up their alley. They have dual gender gods too.

Now the ten commandments of the bible are probably the best thing to come from it, excluding a couple of them or at least editing them.
That all sounds good but is'nt that what Jesus taught the law of love" Love your neighbor as yourself,Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and mind?

Dragoness's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:30 PM

My impression of you is New Age maybe Wicka or the like.

That would be "Wicca". And, her views are not even close to Wiccan from what I have seen her write here or elsewhere.

Of course, I could be wrong. ohwell

I do have Wiccan tendencies but I am not Wiccan.

They believe in the respect of all religions and non religions. They believe in personal power and responsibility. They believe in what you put out, bad or good, you get back. They believe just by living we effect our environment so try to live well and responsibly. They believe in living this life and cherishing everyday. These are things that I believe in also.

Utopian beliefs perhaps. So they believe you dont need God you are capable of determining good and evil on your own aside from God? Is'nt that the original lie? You know the whole Eve and serpent story. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

LOL Utopia? No, I do not have delusions in that sense. We are personally responsible for our very own happiness and life. We are not going to be handed heaven, we have to make what we have heaven. We are blessed with this life. NO matter what is handed us during this life, it is our responsibliity to make the best of it for ourselves.

As for original sin etc... that would be biblical or Christian in origin, the Wiccan religion is much much older than that. Believing in the power of the world around them is more up their alley. They have dual gender gods too.

Now the ten commandments of the bible are probably the best thing to come from it, excluding a couple of them or at least editing them.
That all sounds good but is'nt that what Jesus taught the law of love" Love your neighbor as yourself,Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and mind?

If that is what you read, you read it wrong. Personal power, personal responsibility, personal spirituality that transforms once accomplished into a respect and connection with all life.

What you stated was trying to connect with an invisible entity of power nad then working through that invisible power to make your life better. Not even close to what I beleive.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 08/19/09 09:30 PM
I am headed to bed, good night all.flowerforyou

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 08/20/09 02:01 AM
They think soldiers are going to hell

sail2awe's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:12 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Thu 08/20/09 07:14 AM
They got a couple of things right, hell is merely the grave, same word is translated hell, grave, and pit in the OT. Paul only used the word once, & that would be in 1 Cor.15.

They do not believe in one Lord. They do not believe that Christ is God manifest in the flesh fulfilling OT Scripture.

They do not believe they are overcomers who are to inherit the heavenly city, even though they quote the number of overcomers as being 144,000. They don't have an answer for having more than 144,000 members either.

The do not believe in taking the context of Scripture into account if it goes against their beliefs. They don't believe what Paul wrote, that with the revelation of the mystery (secret) that God's Word was completed. They believe that God does have more to say but only to them, so although they will quote Paul when it suits them, they don't believe what Paul writes anyways. And so they need to by default also dismiss what the other apostles wrote, seeing as how they upheld Paul's status as an apostle sent from God.

In other words, they contradict both themselves as well as Scripture.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 08/20/09 07:57 AM
They got a couple of things right,

that is purely subjective

one person's right is another person's blasphemy

sail2awe's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:51 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Thu 08/20/09 08:59 AM
Here are a list of where to find the word and it's Biblical usage 'hell':

Search and see:

Satan's one great goal is keep Christ from His rightful position, and he can quote Scripture quite well, hence all the division of man while The Bible instructs unity.

I am not judging that any particular religion, merely stating some facts that were brought up on this thread. Although The Lord does state he believes blaspheme to be subjective, He does state that
Man has the 'right' to blaspheme, you can read it while addressing the leadership of the Jews:

Mat 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

The context was that Christ's healing works were from Satan and not from the Holy Spirit. So we even get a Biblical definition of Blasphemy here.

Point is, I don't think I am blaspheming anyone group, merely pointing out what they themselves declare, and yes, they got some things correct. Most every Christian religion finds parts of the truth.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 08/20/09 08:54 AM
oh great

just what we need

another one whose duty it is to instruct us on the one true path to god.

sail2awe's photo
Thu 08/20/09 09:01 AM
Edited by sail2awe on Thu 08/20/09 09:06 AM
Quote me where I used the words 'true path to God' or any equivalent, if I am being accused of something then please state the facts? Did I write something about the subject of this thread that is not accurate or something? Please tell me so I can correct it.

What does this Book say ? Many paths to God, or is it the few who find it ? And how does it say this path you mention is to be found? Organized religion or by His Words alone? Or some other way ?

Please do check out those links and see how the word is used in Scripture. It's quite instructive, and, after all, we are reading His Interpretation when we look it up and study them. At least that is the claim made about the Words in this Book.

Logan1976's photo
Thu 08/20/09 02:30 PM

They got a couple of things right, hell is merely the grave, same word is translated hell, grave, and pit in the OT. Paul only used the word once, & that would be in 1 Cor.15.

They do not believe in one Lord. They do not believe that Christ is God manifest in the flesh fulfilling OT Scripture.

They do not believe they are overcomers who are to inherit the heavenly city, even though they quote the number of overcomers as being 144,000. They don't have an answer for having more than 144,000 members either.

The do not believe in taking the context of Scripture into account if it goes against their beliefs. They don't believe what Paul wrote, that with the revelation of the mystery (secret) that God's Word was completed. They believe that God does have more to say but only to them, so although they will quote Paul when it suits them, they don't believe what Paul writes anyways. And so they need to by default also dismiss what the other apostles wrote, seeing as how they upheld Paul's status as an apostle sent from God.

In other words, they contradict both themselves as well as Scripture.
They believe 144,000 will go to heaven and the "other sheep" the rest of them will live forever on a paradise earth. They do believe that GOD's word is complete. Revelation does speak of other scrolls that have yet to be open. I guess that remains to be seen. they belive that all scripture is inspired of GOD and beneficial for teaching,reproving and setting things straight. You mentioned Paul several times, are you Pentacostal? The bible says that Jehovah is God, and Jesus is his son.

Logan1976's photo
Thu 08/20/09 02:30 PM

They got a couple of things right, hell is merely the grave, same word is translated hell, grave, and pit in the OT. Paul only used the word once, & that would be in 1 Cor.15.

They do not believe in one Lord. They do not believe that Christ is God manifest in the flesh fulfilling OT Scripture.

They do not believe they are overcomers who are to inherit the heavenly city, even though they quote the number of overcomers as being 144,000. They don't have an answer for having more than 144,000 members either.

The do not believe in taking the context of Scripture into account if it goes against their beliefs. They don't believe what Paul wrote, that with the revelation of the mystery (secret) that God's Word was completed. They believe that God does have more to say but only to them, so although they will quote Paul when it suits them, they don't believe what Paul writes anyways. And so they need to by default also dismiss what the other apostles wrote, seeing as how they upheld Paul's status as an apostle sent from God.

In other words, they contradict both themselves as well as Scripture.
They believe 144,000 will go to heaven and the "other sheep" the rest of them will live forever on a paradise earth. They do believe that GOD's word is complete. Revelation does speak of other scrolls that have yet to be open. I guess that remains to be seen. they belive that all scripture is inspired of GOD and beneficial for teaching,reproving and setting things straight. You mentioned Paul several times, are you Pentacostal? The bible says that Jehovah is God, and Jesus is his son.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 08/20/09 02:51 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Thu 08/20/09 02:53 PM
I'll proclaim you to the father
If you proclaim me to the people
My father said, "Church, it's in your heart, son"
You don't always need a steeple
A preacher's truths aren't alway shown
If you follow a heart, make sure it's your own
One man's lifted up to Heaven
One man's cast into Hell
the first man's beliefs are the second man's prison
the second man's beliefs are the first man's jail
To be or not to be
Born to decide what will set you free

When it's said and done
Sit back and watch the show
When it all goes down
There ain't nobody knows

I got something on my mind
That I can't ignore
I gotta tell you the truth
The devil comes rappin at my back door
Sometimes I don't know what to do
I see the light and it starts to fade
It blinds my eyes as I turn away
When it's said and done
Sit back and watch the show
When it all goes down
There ain't nobody knows

The offer's on the table
The pen's in my hand
The devil thinks she's got a deal
Temptation road may be paved in gold
But the gravel one is better my friend

When it's said and done
Sit back and watch the show
When it all goes down
There ain't nobody knows