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Topic: for anybodyreal
TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:24 PM
a lot of women like to play games they say there looking for a
relationship but they try to play somebody like a 2 dollar lottory
ticket what is you opinion about this

RoxyGrl84's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:30 PM
I feel your pain hun...I go through the same thing with guys. People ask
me why I'm single and I can't help but reply "Because all I meet are
guys who are after one thing and one thing only. I'm not looking to be
girl number 5 of the week. I'd rather be single." It sucks, it's so hard
to be patient (believe me it's killing me...LOL) but I believe that
everything happens for a reason and from what people tell me when it's
meant to happen it will. Best of luck to you, you sound like a nice guy
and I hope you find the nice girl you deserve that will make you happy.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:35 PM
roxy well yeah ive been lied to to many times you dig and im sick of it
im not a bad guy but people try to take somebody nice for granted
especally women ive had all kind of games played on my im not one of the
parkerbrothers and my name isnt milton bradley

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:37 PM
my opinion is pretty simple, they try to play people so that is the type
of person that they will be around because they get the response that
they are looking for and they won't ever be happy because they will both
be constantly tryin to play each other and arguing about it instead of
being real, don't effect me none. most of the people that i know that
do that kind of stuff don't like it when it is done to them, they are
looking for a completely self conscious, untrusting doormat with low
self esteem.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:39 PM
exactly man they must think people wont catch on to there game little do
they know they set there selfs up for falure you dig

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:41 PM
hey terrance, i know where you are comin from man and i hope that you do
find the one that won't be that way. you have to say your peace and
remove yourself from that situation man because they sure as hell ain't
gonna do it and them type of people ain't for you. i've had alot of
experience with this stuff in the past and it never leads anywhere but
trouble. don't change your heart to deal with those bitches, leave em
behind and move on with your life.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:46 PM
i have this saying and most of the time it is true in my case because
usually when someone tries to play me they end up playin theirselves
because they didn't get anything from me(possibly an asswhoopin)and they
lost someone who would have been a true friend and would have respected
them and gained another motherfucker who'll kick em in the teeth the
next time they are bleedin in the street reaching out for help. the
world is a shitty place sometimes but if you can remain strong and keep
your heart pure you will come out on top.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:48 PM
your right this is the games they play the stand me up game the cheating
game they lie about there age there weight and every thing else like
what there really looking for and when i get with sombody else all that
shit that happend in the past interfears in present relationships and
its hard for me to trust women

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:48 PM
i have the same outlook as you roxy, i'm just gonna chill and not get
worked up about the bad people i meet(it does get frustrating
occassionally tho)and look for the one that i can love and respect. good
luck to you, i wish you all the best.

RoxyGrl84's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:49 PM
Very true King...Not all girls are like Terrance, believe me. You just
have to be patient for the right one to come along, NEVER SETTLE! I know
it's easier said than done, but it'll be worth the wait won't it? ;)

unsure's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:50 PM
I think there are players in both men and women! As soon as I find out
that a guy is trying to play me, I just move on! I am not into playing
games at my age, I know what I want and I am not going to deal with
anyone who is going to try to use me.
I think maybe people are looking for a relationship in the beginning and
then sometimes it just turns out that in the middle of it all, its not
for them. I would rather them move on then go out with someone else
while they are with me.
I hope you all find what you are looking for, I truly believe there is
someone out there for everyone. Good luck in your searches :)

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:50 PM
a yo roxy im a guy

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:51 PM
to me there just looking for sex

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:51 PM
there's alot of them out there man. how does it interfere with the new
relationship? i mean do they spread rumors about you when you quit
seeing them, do they physically interfere in the current one or is it
just the fact that you have met so many bad ones that you can't get over
the feeling that the new one will try it.

RoxyGrl84's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:52 PM
Yeah King it definitely gets extremely frustrating and discouraging, as
much as I try not to let it bother me you can't help your feelings. The
other that sucks that you're talking about Terrance is the fact that it
can cause you to have trust issues in the future, I agree with you and I
have those worries in the back of my mind. What I try to do it give
people the benefit of the doubt, not punish them for someone else
treating me like shit but having it in the back of my mind and being
aware. Once they prove me wrong and show that I can't trust,
adios...don't let the door hit you on the way out.

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:54 PM
no its more like they play the same games and i keep telling them what
there doing i hold the record for kicking more females to the curb worst
then the trash man on trash day

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:55 PM
its hard to have a relationship if trust issues are there

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:56 PM
that's a good out look roxy. i kind of compare that to taking a punch.
if you get punched in the face and you flinch to protect it the next
time, you hae already lost because you are never going to be able to
throw a punch ie if you've been hurt and you throw up your walls to
protect your heart(perfectly normal reaction)you are never going to
bring them down long enough to find the true person and the moment they
make a little mistake, you are going to think that they are tryin to
play you. it's a viscious cycle but you can't be afraid to get hurt if
you are looking for love.

chismah's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:58 PM guys do look for one thing in a lady...

....and that is a "Good Wholesome Meal From a Lady That isn't Afraid of
The Stove Top Burners"

^_^ speaking of which...I am hungry..ciao!!

TERRANCE0's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:59 PM
when im in a new relationship sometimes i dont know how to handle the
issue and sometimes accuse the girl im with of what happend in the past
even thogh she has done nothing

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