Vivian looks 50!! Oh my goodness girl!!! Thank you!! more like 40 REALLY! |
Vivian looks 50!! Oh my goodness girl!!! Thank you!! more like 40 REALLY!!!! Ya'll are too kind....funny....but kind!! |
Bet she can ACT 40, for a little while, anyway.
Vivian looks 50!! Oh my goodness girl!!! Thank you!! You're welcome. |
I truly believe T909090 posted this topic to generate numerous controversial responses, which it did. My take on this is that most women 50 and older have matured both sexully and sensually and more often prefer men with matching experience, such as a slow hand and tender touch. Some drawbacks in this age group are dryness that can be corrected with lubricant, and leg cramps during a steamy session, not aware of a remedy for the latter. Are leg cramps common in men over 50? |
I hate leg cramps
hahaha she's okay she was mostly kidding I like sex over 50 but I'm afraid of running off the road so I try to slow down to 30 or so Now that is funny. |
To quote a line form "OLIVER".
"MORE PLEASE!!!!!!" |
you are a liar Which one of us are you talking about?? |
huh hummmmmmmm!i practice safe sex lo out!koolaid
you are a liar Which one of us are you talking about?? Precisely my question, beat me to it. Apparently he is not coming back to explain himself... Just taking his potshot and running to hide, apparently. |
you are a liar Which one of us are you talking about?? |
well how much true
I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF IT IS TRUE WOMEN OVER FIFTY DONT LIKE SEX ANY MORE By golly, you're right. I can't imagine posting a thread and not coming back to check for responses.... But I have a good guess why he asked the misguided question in the first place.. According to his profile, he is "looking for nice white female...for intimate encounter". So it is not hard to imagine that he would have a tough time finding any takers....especially in that age group.. |
Liked the smilies! But where does one find them?
Not that i know of. Leg cramps are due to bad nutrition or furring of arteries - take nattokinase and fish oils.
Not that i know of. Leg cramps are due to bad nutrition or furring of arteries - take nattokinase and fish oils. a bit of tonic water ..the quinine is helpful |
Like the song says I ain't as good as I once was but I am as good once as I ever was. it may take me a little while to get in the saddle but Lord what a ride.
There is sex after 50? Dagburn it! I didn't know that.