Topic: Breaking up by a text msg.
TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:52 PM

Ok..... I was just recently broken up with via text msg following 4 years together. Im pretty angry still that it was done this way. Am I being too sensitive, or do I have a legitimate reason to be angry?

I totally despise texting in any shape or form even my kids will only text me if it is down right necessary but......they know not to expect a text back.

I prefer face to face if ya gonna break up unless there is distance between you then at least pick up the phone don't do it between e-mails or texting specially if your in a relationship where you see them on a normal bases.

To me that is just down right rude.................noway

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:53 PM

"I'm gonna blog and text and post and host...

Podcast your bastard *** from coast to coast!"

man i blasted this song for weeks when i first heard it!!

fantastic. :p

I :heart: Kelly!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:55 PM
whoever did that to u needs 2 grow up what an idiot

Anton_k's photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:57 PM
she is just gutless.she might as well have sent you a card in the mail..after all the time together you deserve a face to face no matter the outcome.some people ..their could have been something that needed talking over in her mind that could have been fixed ..but at least an in person communication in such a sensitive'll see what she was hiding from you before too long..the truth will come out..

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/15/09 05:59 PM
Hummm it is wrong but then I must ask what was her excuse I notice you have been a member here for a while so if you were in a 4 year relationship it strikes me odd you have been a member here for so long but not one that is obvious here for the forums so is there and underlying reason she broke up with you was it due to you.

Cause even though I'm against the way she broke up that really would kind of be determined by why ya'll broke up if you were playing the field so to speak then one deserves what they get.....

So guess it all depends on the reason ya'll broke up.........

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:06 PM
I kind of wondered that myself Txsgal.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:15 PM

Hummm it is wrong but then I must ask what was her excuse I notice you have been a member here for a while so if you were in a 4 year relationship it strikes me odd you have been a member here for so long but not one that is obvious here for the forums so is there and underlying reason she broke up with you was it due to you.

Cause even though I'm against the way she broke up that really would kind of be determined by why ya'll broke up if you were playing the field so to speak then one deserves what they get.....

So guess it all depends on the reason ya'll broke up.........

I was a member of just say hi and then it rolled to mingle2. I was indeed here for the blogging. as to why she left, she gave me no reason, only a text after disapearing for a week that said "I want to be with you. I do love you but I am done. We are over!" and nothing after that despite my efforts to get answers.Like I said, I am left with who what when where and why.

seamac's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:27 PM

Hummm it is wrong but then I must ask what was her excuse I notice you have been a member here for a while so if you were in a 4 year relationship it strikes me odd you have been a member here for so long but not one that is obvious here for the forums so is there and underlying reason she broke up with you was it due to you.

Cause even though I'm against the way she broke up that really would kind of be determined by why ya'll broke up if you were playing the field so to speak then one deserves what they get.....

So guess it all depends on the reason ya'll broke up.........

I was a member of just say hi and then it rolled to mingle2. I was indeed here for the blogging. as to why she left, she gave me no reason, only a text after disapearing for a week that said "I want to be with you. I do love you but I am done. We are over!" and nothing after that despite my efforts to get answers.Like I said, I am left with who what when where and why.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:30 PM
So then ya'll had no prior problems that she had brought up but was left on the back burner.

I do feel for you and not saying it is your fault just curious for there are so many times that I have heard one say someone left them and they had no clue.

But later found out there were many reasons but they just did not want to admit it nor deal with the issues when they were brought up.

Her message to you just does not make sense normally when one tells someone I love you but just can't take this anymore there is a deep rooted problem........Humm those are almost the exact words I told my ex but to his face due to he was cheating and I had had enough and when I said it was over soooooo long I never turned back.....

I do hope that you can get that closer that is needed makes it tough to move on at times when we do not get it............

seamac's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:34 PM

Hummm it is wrong but then I must ask what was her excuse I notice you have been a member here for a while so if you were in a 4 year relationship it strikes me odd you have been a member here for so long but not one that is obvious here for the forums so is there and underlying reason she broke up with you was it due to you.

Cause even though I'm against the way she broke up that really would kind of be determined by why ya'll broke up if you were playing the field so to speak then one deserves what they get.....

So guess it all depends on the reason ya'll broke up.........

I was a member of just say hi and then it rolled to mingle2. I was indeed here for the blogging. as to why she left, she gave me no reason, only a text after disapearing for a week that said "I want to be with you. I do love you but I am done. We are over!" and nothing after that despite my efforts to get answers.Like I said, I am left with who what when where and why.

Sorry for the duplicate...

If your side of the story is true, that you are only here to mingle, chat, forum - has she know about your being on here and why? Because I think it can be a threat to a relationship if kept separate.

If your side of the story is true, then I am very sorry that this has happened to you. Heal and move on to the next (real) love of your life.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:38 PM

So then ya'll had no prior problems that she had brought up but was left on the back burner.

I do feel for you and not saying it is your fault just curious for there are so many times that I have heard one say someone left them and they had no clue.

But later found out there were many reasons but they just did not want to admit it nor deal with the issues when they were brought up.

Her message to you just does not make sense normally when one tells someone I love you but just can't take this anymore there is a deep rooted problem........Humm those are almost the exact words I told my ex but to his face due to he was cheating and I had had enough and said it was over soooooo long and never turned back.....

I do hope that you can get that closer that is needed makes it tough to move on at times when we do not get it............

The only problem we had constantly was, How ironic, communication problems.(her disapearing. She is Bipolar) No I never cheated, hit, called her a name...etc, and to my knowledge she never did those things to me. I am glad in the fact that she at least told me she was done, and didnt just leave me hanging.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:43 PM

Hummm it is wrong but then I must ask what was her excuse I notice you have been a member here for a while so if you were in a 4 year relationship it strikes me odd you have been a member here for so long but not one that is obvious here for the forums so is there and underlying reason she broke up with you was it due to you.

Cause even though I'm against the way she broke up that really would kind of be determined by why ya'll broke up if you were playing the field so to speak then one deserves what they get.....

So guess it all depends on the reason ya'll broke up.........

I was a member of just say hi and then it rolled to mingle2. I was indeed here for the blogging. as to why she left, she gave me no reason, only a text after disapearing for a week that said "I want to be with you. I do love you but I am done. We are over!" and nothing after that despite my efforts to get answers.Like I said, I am left with who what when where and why.

Sorry for the duplicate...

If your side of the story is true, that you are only here to mingle, chat, forum - has she know about your being on here and why? Because I think it can be a threat to a relationship if kept separate.

If your side of the story is true, then I am very sorry that this has happened to you. Heal and move on to the next (real) love of your life.

Yeah she knew, but I hadnt been on for well over a year. she never had a problem with me blogging because I confided in her with everything I thought and felt about everything. My post were ones like, who your fav. stooge charecter, best buggs bunny episode, lets talk about the 80's. Things like that. Yes my side of the story is true. I wish that there was something I could hide behind and just tell people I had been wronged, but I dont and so that is a killer in itself. Trying to figure out what it was that I could have done to make her feel she needed to leave.

Foxy_Lox's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:46 PM must be something in the air this week. Wednesday I got the "I need a break- I need 'me' time" text from the guy I was in a relationship with for 7 months. (((((Hug)))))

My heart hurts for you. :o(

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:46 PM
Trying to figure out what it was that I could have done to make her feel she needed to leave.

sometimes it doesn't matter if you did things differently; the person will still want to, and does, leave.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:49 PM must be something in the air this week. Wednesday I got the "I need a break- I need 'me' time" text from the guy I was in a relationship with for 7 months. (((((Hug)))))

My heart hurts for you. :o(

WOW...... I am soooooooooo sorry that happend to you!!!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:56 PM
Well like I said sorry it happen to you that way and sad to say but watch out for next week she may text you back saying she is sorry blah blah blah and please forgive her and take her back....

If she is bi-polar then make sure she is on her meds if you do consider taking her back or you will be right back asking this same question when she disappears again...

Foxy_Lox's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:56 PM
I know I didn't have the time invested you did, but being broken up with is never a pleasant feeling- especially by acting like a kid and not having balls to say it to your face.

Get angry! You have every right. This just cleared the path for the one you're meant to be with.

Take care of you! :o)

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:57 PM

Ok..... I was just recently broken up with via text msg following 4 years together. Im pretty angry still that it was done this way. Am I being too sensitive, or do I have a legitimate reason to be angry?
Yes, get angry's just normal to be pissed!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:18 PM

Well like I said sorry it happen to you that way and sad to say but watch out for next week she may text you back saying she is sorry blah blah blah and please forgive her and take her back....

If she is bi-polar then make sure she is on her meds if you do consider taking her back or you will be right back asking this same question when she disappears again...

When you decide to enter into a relationship with someone that is bipolar you will have to except some unusual to bizarre behaviors as part of the territory. Even if they are taking their medications on a regular basis, sometimes the medications have to be re-adjusted. Many people that are bipolar will usually have episodes of hospitalization during their life time. They are born with this disorder and it can not be changed. The first signs of this disorder occur during the twenties then increase after that. I was a psychiatric R.N. for a number of years and worked with many bipolar patients. I am now working only with medical patients.

trgirl's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:28 PM
i had something similar happen like that to me last thursday , but in an email. almost the same words, i am sorry to hear that you had that happen too. flowerforyou