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Topic: Breaking up by a text msg.
anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:49 PM

i had something similar happen like that to me last thursday , but in an email. almost the same words, i am sorry to hear that you had that happen too. flowerforyou

I am so sorry to hear that. You got denied respect. Thats my opinion

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:55 PM

i had something similar happen like that to me last thursday , but in an email. almost the same words, i am sorry to hear that you had that happen too. flowerforyou

I am so sorry to hear that. You got denied respect. Thats my opinion

And that's the gist of the situation- respect, or a lack thereof. It's totally disrespectful and shows how little they mean to you. Why even bother having a relationship with the person-in-question in the first place if they don't even have the slightest bit of respect for you? You'd probably be better off not even wasting your time with them in the first place if they're gonna pull that crap on you.

And people wonder why there are so many out there with a bad taste in their mouth with regard to dating and stuff. whoa

trgirl's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:55 PM

i had something similar happen like that to me last thursday , but in an email. almost the same words, i am sorry to hear that you had that happen too. flowerforyou

I am so sorry to hear that. You got denied respect. Thats my opinion

flowerforyou thank you anthsm22, i agree, but im not sure he really knew how to respect me. it has been a horrible week, but im am going to claw my way back out of this hole i fell in last thursday and make my way back to a normal life.... a life without the broken heart.brokenheart

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 07:58 PM

i had something similar happen like that to me last thursday , but in an email. almost the same words, i am sorry to hear that you had that happen too. flowerforyou

I am so sorry to hear that. You got denied respect. Thats my opinion

flowerforyou thank you anthsm22, i agree, but im not sure he really knew how to respect me. it has been a horrible week, but im am going to claw my way back out of this hole i fell in last thursday and make my way back to a normal life.... a life without the broken heart.brokenheart

Im waiting for the elevator doors to open.....lol.... P.S. I peeked at your profile. You sound fun, so you should rise fast.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:50 PM
Anthsm you need to research bipolar diorder.
I do not see any acknowledgement your g/f problems. What a nightmare, no sane person wants to be bipolar.
For all you know your g/f may call you and apologize for the text message. Frequently their behavior is out of control for periods of time and then they stablize.

losthighwayman's photo
Sat 08/15/09 09:00 PM
I HATE texting. So if someone broke up with me with a stupid text message, well, to say the least I would be angry.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 09:22 PM

Anthsm you need to research bipolar diorder.
I do not see any acknowledgement your g/f problems. What a nightmare, no sane person wants to be bipolar.
For all you know your g/f may call you and apologize for the text message. Frequently their behavior is out of control for periods of time and then they stablize.

I have researched bi-polar disorder. If by acknowledgement of her problems you mean to say give her an excuse?., well I cannot do it anymore. She had never broken up with me before, but the disapearings I cant do anymore. I did my best for what I could do, got her back on meds for 2.5 years and she took herself off of them. Nothing I can do. I entered into the relationship knowing she was bi-polar, but there were alot of other things I had to accept too. I picked her up and took care of her, got her into college and she got her Associates and had her in a very very good university. Paid all her bills, took care of her legal expenses, got her her drivers license back (DUI), got her a car and many numerous other things....Yeah she was a mess when I met her and I accepted it and looked only forward for her, us and me. Somehow with all of what Ive done, I dont think texting me for a breakup showed any respect at all. Bi-polar or not.

anthsm22's photo
Sat 08/15/09 09:37 PM
......and just to top it off so I can get it out of my system, I put my life on hold in many aspects to accomidate her situations and help get her life straightend out so that WE would have a fighting chance at having a happy life together. Total amount spent only to get a text msg, close to $260,000.00. (Only costs associated with her, my expenses above that) so I think I have a certain amount of backing to be chaped.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 09:40 PM

Anthsm you need to research bipolar diorder.
I do not see any acknowledgement your g/f problems. What a nightmare, no sane person wants to be bipolar.
For all you know your g/f may call you and apologize for the text message. Frequently their behavior is out of control for periods of time and then they stablize.

I don't personally buy the whole "bi-polar" excuse. While it may certainly be one possibility, it's not the ONLY possibility. More than naught, the person pulling the hi-jinks is just lacking in maturity and respect, as well as having a distinct lack of common sense.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 10:14 PM

......and just to top it off so I can get it out of my system, I put my life on hold in many aspects to accomidate her situations and help get her life straightend out so that WE would have a fighting chance at having a happy life together. Total amount spent only to get a text msg, close to $260,000.00. (Only costs associated with her, my expenses above that) so I think I have a certain amount of backing to be chaped.

It is time to put this behind you and move on. Angry yes. Please assess anyone else you are interested in for their mental health status.

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