Topic: Dont know where to put this
silly's photo
Sat 08/15/09 10:50 AM
It will get better,he's not worth your life.U will found someone who is worthy of u.flowerforyou flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 10:58 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

:smile: Well ,he kind of screwed up then because he could have had you but now he done blown it:smile:

Queene123's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:00 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

how is it possible to get engaged over the nethuh

I quess it's possible, next they will have wedding over the net whoa

dont think it would be legal

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:00 AM
Honey pick the seeds out of this lemon and just make lemonaid.

Sounds like you had a guardian angel that was looking out for you to find out about this jerk. Give her a high five and rock on.

So you got yourself a passport. Great one more thing out of the way if you get a shot at a job that travels or take a class that goes somewhere exciteing. They are offered at community colleges.

So you threw out some things. Lord knows you are young you will replace with newer and better more than likely. Or really didn't need them in the first place.

As you can see you are not the first and sure won't be the last that gets stung by a romance. Compared to most you just got your feelings hurt. Do yur dilligence and make sure you change your passwords and whatever you can to make sure this guy can't access your identiy or credit.

You might want to check yourself before you start useing dramatic phrases about wanting to die. Someone might take you seriouse and give you a very uncomfortable "little vacation" at your local mental health facility. With that on your "redcord" you really will have something to boo hoo about.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:05 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

how is it possible to get engaged over the nethuh

I quess it's possible, next they will have wedding over the net whoa

dont think it would be legal

drinker It would be cool if it wasdrinker

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:13 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

how is it possible to get engaged over the nethuh

I quess it's possible, next they will have wedding over the net whoa

dont think it would be legal

drinker It would be cool if it wasdrinker

"do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I dp" (backspace backspace backspace) "I do"

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:19 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

how is it possible to get engaged over the nethuh

I quess it's possible, next they will have wedding over the net whoa

dont think it would be legal

drinker It would be cool if it wasdrinker

"do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I dp" (backspace backspace backspace) "I do"

:banana: It would be awesome if someone could get married like that on Mingle:banana:

transientmind's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:20 AM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

how is it possible to get engaged over the nethuh

I quess it's possible, next they will have wedding over the net whoa
They do, but it's not legally binding without a marriage license.

...Which you can fill out online, in some places.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:39 AM
slaphead This guy screwed up bigtime.laughCrazyStacey looks pretty hotdrool

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:40 AM
Since no one else has.. I have to ask.
Where did you meet this guy from so far away??

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:42 AM

slaphead This guy screwed up bigtime.laughCrazyStacey looks pretty hotdrool

Behave now.. don't make me spank the monkey!!:wink: laugh

But agreed!

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 11:55 AM
Humans; mostly they suckith mightily.
Get a cat or dog some other furry creature. It always helps to have some other living thing that depends on you to keep you sane and grounded.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:04 PM
If true, I do feel your pain.

to all other members.. proceed with caution. As I'm sure you are already aware, The message from the OP can also be a sneaky way to come in the back door and attempt to harm another member here, especially since she is giving out another members name for others to view"see first reply on page one".

Just saying...Who knows the whole / real truth?:thumbsup:

To the OP.. If true.. be darn glad that you found out NOW! not after you moved there

countrybelle6471's photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:08 PM

One of my friends randomly saw that my "fiance" logged into this site. My friend made this profile & after he viewed it decided he is interested in meeting her. He doesn't know her. Now I know where our relationship stands. I just got my passport paid over $100 threw away so many belongings so I can move to be with him in a few months only to find he is a liar. Be warned he will tell you all you want to hear. I am beyond hurt right now & honestly do not even want to live.I can't deal with this pain at all.

hun I understand I just got out of a relationship with a guy who said he loved me,and has wanted to be with me for 20 years And I him long story there,My 1st crush & all and all lot of inbetween,but finally I /we believed our time had come,well he turns out to have been lying a lot about so many things not just 1 or 2,but a long list ,we lasted about 6 months 5 of which we lived together..and where planning the rest of our lives together.. now its been a weeek that he been gone.and almost 5 days and not a word..
He is just very selfish..Your a beautiful woman,there is a man for you,just not him..Wait,the pain will numb,I wont say it will pass.or that it will ever go away for ever ,but you will learn to live with it..and the anger will pass to,at yourself & him..Just be gald that you found out now & not later,,I am ..though I still have feelings for him.I always have,I probably always will,I mean I have loved him for 20 years,before I had him in my arms,when I did it was crazy & scary..and Idont know what else..But I'm sorting through it,He's something to me.But I'm not sure what yet..He has alot of issuses that he has to work through,before he can do anything,I see it,I see the real him & knows it..Though I never cared about any of it..I think it bothered him..but you must 1st like or be homest with yourself before you can be with anyone else,and trust me he's found a good/bad way to hide his pain..

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:12 PM
:smile: Does this guy know that he messed up yet?:smile:

countrybelle6471's photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:22 PM

:smile: Does this guy know that he messed up yet?:smile:

honestly does any man know until its to late...:wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:24 PM

:smile: Does this guy know that he messed up yet?:smile:

honestly does any man know until its to late...:wink:

flowerforyou I think this guy will know when he realizes that he dont have anyone now.laugh He had it all set up with CrazeyStacey and screwed it up for nothing!slaphead :laughing:

countrybelle6471's photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:27 PM

:smile: Does this guy know that he messed up yet?:smile:

honestly does any man know until its to late...:wink:

flowerforyou I think this guy will know when he realizes that he dont have anyone now.laugh He had it all set up with CrazeyStacey and screwed it up for nothing!slaphead :laughing:

thats true..And Hey I'm single again ..glad I found out b4 I wasted to much time..CONCERT>> WITH MY GIRL>>gonna go rock:banana:

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:37 PM
Well when I am upset I act before I think hence showing his username which was promptly deleted by a mod. Anyway, I have no reason to go to this site & make up stories.I could prove that its true but all of that is against the TOS in here.

My friend is Stacey its her account but she is letting me check everything & she actually sent him a interested thing & he sent one back to her.She told me he was interested. I couldn't believe it & had to see for myself. I did message him back & said for him to look at MSN. Yeah he will have more than a few paragraphs to read when he gets back to his computer.

I'm sitting here trying to think what I did wrong to deserve any of this.I have been through so much in life & the one source of happiness has been a lie all along.I want all of this to go away. My eyes are swollen & they burn from the tears.

Details on relationship I just will not discuss here. I'm sorry.

If you knew there was a woman (or a man) who cared about you so much they were willing to leave the only home they ever knew to start a life with you & that woman (or man)was truly in love with you....could anyone here do such a thing to hurt them?

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 12:45 PM
Actually, maybe I should join this site. I mean if he says he's single then I must be too right?