Topic: Whats the point???
kidatheart70's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:00 AM
Hi Sherrie, Bobby, Leeflowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:02 AM
Hello Harry! flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:11 AM
Here's what I did, and this was after my first encounter. There was a
point when I was trying to make changes in my life on my own. I was
getting nowhere. I read, prayed, talked to others, I mean I did every
thing I could think of, until one day I just walked into the middle of a
field and screamed. Your going to have to change my desires, because I
can't do it.

I'll be honest. For a while nothing happened, and then all of a sudden I
started realizing that my thoughts about things and my desires were
changing all on their own. It was the weirdest peaceful feeling that
came over me (gives me chills even now). I could actually feel the
presence of another inside of me. (like a voice inside) This was very
peaceful and had no guilt attached to it. It was a guide (plain and
simple). Our people can call it what they want (it's cool). I don't care
what name is given to it. For me it felt like a holy spirit. Bingo The
Holy Spirit. My hunger for learning came flying back to me, only this
time I had a guide, a very peaceful guide.

My fear of death, gone. My worries of "is this all", gone. My desire to
give to others instead of taking 180. Now I look at life as a
continuing, un-ending journey.


Just like your poems will never end. Once they hit your brain they are
there for the writing, and once they are written, they are around
forever. This is how I see life, never ending. On that day, I will not
wake up and stop. I will wake up and keep going.



LAMom's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:36 AM
I have spent my life growing up in Private Christian schools and always
as a child and young adult believed thier was A God, Never questioning
just knowing he is thier all around me,, Yet again I sit back and look
at my life and its sudden turns
and changes, One day I am a happy mother of 4 and them Whammmmmmm life
kicks me in the a ss and at this point in my life I have questions and
no answers Why does God let people hurt, suffer, starve, die, Why does
he take a good Soul and bring upon it sickness,, I meditate daily and
threw this I am able to release some pain not all, I am once again at a
point in my life where I feel lost and dont have the answers, My safe
place within has been tampered with and I cant find my way back,,,,So
again I am questioning my faith and beliefs...

Sorry My Ms Poet, I guess this was more of a ranting for me and not the
help you were looking for,,, I am just lost and confussed at this point
in my life..

SheNerd's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:46 AM
I believe in a Higher Power (call it whatever you will) that governs the
Universe, but not in any manmade religious creeds, sects or other
dogmas. I'm not sure why I believe in a Higher Power, I just do, maybe
because the idea of a Higher Power is a comforting thought for my inner
child to cling to, especially when I'm feeling down or downtrodden.

kariZman's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:09 AM
love, love, love,love is all ya need hey we are not here for long
time might as well be a good time peace love n good vibes smokin
:smile: :wink: laugh happy :tongue: mad :angry: explode
grumble noway frown smokin :wink: :cry: sad blushing huh
yawn laugh i think its cool to feel all the emotions ya just gotta
balance them all i surpose.laugh sad laugh sad narrhlaugh
laugh laugh smokin laugh laugh bigsmile am i misbehaving
with emoticoms???????????ohwell box on reguardless.

LAMom's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:12 AM
drinker flowerforyou laugh bigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:22 AM
Go out in the woods or somewhere in the wild and just watch the life.
Existing microcosms show you how things work together, that every thing
fits in there some place. The same way we as a species fit in, or at
least should fit in if we find the right way.
And within this species you have a place, you are there for a purpose,
and if it is only to ask questions like this one.
These questions are needed, they are vital for the thought process.
They will not always be appreciated, but they need asking.flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:23 AM
Hello lovely flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:25 AM
Hello to you, beautifulflowerforyou

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:28 AM
Hi Andreaflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:29 AM
your emoticons look balanced to

it's just what music you happen to be listening to!bigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:44 AM
Hello Harryflowerforyou


Jess642's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:48 AM
happy Well, we're a happy, cheery bunch, aren't we??flowerforyou

Good Morning to all, that are in their morning!!:heart:

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:51 AM
Hello lovelyflowerforyou

frown frown

I forgot a special helloembarassed embarassed

Hello Fredflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

kariZman's photo
Wed 05/23/07 03:26 AM
flowerforyou invisible glad to to seeyabigsmile

irishlass's photo
Wed 05/23/07 03:31 AM
It is hard to explain to another the feelings you feel. The glow of
light, warmth, love, calmness, peacefulness, embraces you all at the
same time and it gets more intense as you get closer to it. You want to
stay, but until your purpose is served here, you are pushed back into
this body, never sure exactly what the purpose of this life is. I have
been back and forth a couple of times and still don't know my full
purpose here, but one day I will reach the great glory and stay.

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 06:17 AM
Thank you all for the answers you gave, I will read them over and over
for the next few days, many great thoughts and feelings here.

I am still confused and have doubts, but that is slowly coming around
the more I read and think.I think the doubts are more doubting my self
than anything else.

I know there is something out there, I may not know its name or title,
and I don't suppose that mere humans really should know it. You all have
truly moved me in a great way, I have much more thinking and feeling to
do, time to sort things and reach down deep inside and examine my own
self. My spiritual quest is really just beginning and you all have
helped out in some way.

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 06:18 AM
Oh and Bla8ant...I have coffee that donut would go rather nicely with it

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/23/07 06:25 AM
Poet...just a thought..why not just allow it...whatever 'it' is.

Don't hunt for it...allow yourself to be moved, by whatever it is that
moves you.

You know when you watch a movie, and you are affected by the movie?

Some group of words, an actor says, a scene, of natural beauty?

Start all I am saying..just allow whatever comes up in you the
space to do so, and what it is you seek, will appear...

What ever is right for you, will be right for you.

And in my experiences, it is like crossing a stepping stone,
leads to another...a work in progress..even when it feels like I am
standing still..I am moving.