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Topic: Night Owls
citygurl's photo
Fri 08/07/09 12:41 AM
I just can't sleep tonight..

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 12:45 AM

I just can't sleep tonight..

I can't either and I have to work tomorrow at 8am....urghhhhhhhhh!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 12:50 AM
I probably could sleep. I just chose not to because I could actually get some writing done on a story that had stalled on me for a long time.

citygurl's photo
Fri 08/07/09 12:56 AM
flowerforyou Tell us your story, please

vortecpowered's photo
Fri 08/07/09 12:57 AM
i couldn't sleep so i installed a ceiling fan in the dark. it's the cool remote control kind and it's currently keeping me nice and comfortable.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:00 AM

flowerforyou Tell us your story, please

I posted what I have gotten done so far in the Creative Writing area.

Enjoy. flowerforyou

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:01 AM

i couldn't sleep so i installed a ceiling fan in the dark. it's the cool remote control kind and it's currently keeping me nice and comfortable.

In the dark?? You adventurous BEAST

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:10 AM
I can't ever sleep...the voices...they just keep telling me to eat people...they won't stop until I do...the voices, always, voices...

transientmind's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:11 AM
Caffeine. I've been drinking coffee all day.

Which only explains s o m e of what I've written.:tongue:

michiganman3's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:15 AM
I better not be asleep, I am at work

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:21 AM
Good thing we're here to keep you awake

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:28 AM
Hey, Justaguy. Have you ever read Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Keset? Your story is very similar in style.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:28 AM

Good thing we're here to keep you awake

Us Michigan guys got to stick together!!!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:29 AM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Fri 08/07/09 01:29 AM

Hey, Justaguy. Have you ever read Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Keset? Your story is very similar in style.

Nope. Never heard of it.

Should I take that as a compliment??? lol

By the way. Thanks for taking the time to read it. :-)

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:29 AM

Good thing we're here to keep you awake

Us Michigan guys got to stick together!!!

Damn straight!!! LOL

rukasamus's photo
Fri 08/07/09 01:29 AM
I work overnights so I'm supposed to be up lol! I just happen to have the night off o.o;

southern_bee's photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:02 AM
hell i cant sleep til i see the sun come up im a vampire lol

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:03 AM

hell i cant sleep til i see the sun come up im a vampire lol

a sparkly vampire, yayy drinker

southern_bee's photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:05 AM

hell i cant sleep til i see the sun come up im a vampire lol

a sparkly vampire, yayy drinker

no i dont not sparkle i never have sparkled and i dont intend to start lol

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:28 AM

Hey, Justaguy. Have you ever read Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Keset? Your story is very similar in style.

Nope. Never heard of it.

Should I take that as a compliment??? lol

By the way. Thanks for taking the time to read it. :-)

It's a compliment, but it's also unfortunate, because some may have read both and think you borrowed his style directly from the book.If you take into consideraton what my creative writing professor said, that you can never write anything original because of the vast wealth of fiction out there, then it's really no big deal. Even if you haven't read it, or done it on purpose, someone has written something similar. He even went as far as to suggest that if we couldn't think of something to write about, take a plot from a book you enjoyed and reword it making some changes in it's direction here and there.
There was a character named Lee in Sometimes a Great Notion that was paranoid. His fear would speak to him like it was a seperate entity arguing with him and his calm side, interjected throughout the tha action and dialog, the same way your character's was, kinda jagged. Not bad though. It was jagged on purpose.
I wish I had the same motivation you do. I can't seem to do any writing without a deadline hanging over my head. Good thing I'm gonna start back to college, taking a writing class or two. I'm looking forward to getting some work down on paper.
The worst part of listening to critics is that some of thier opinions aren't worth listening to, and seem to have no purpose other than bitching, but any writer has to listen and contemplate what's offered. You're never going to make everyone happy, and you'll never get anything accomplished if you try, so choose your audience and write for them.
I hope that my two cents was taken with a grain of salt and not resented. Just the opinion of one guy.

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