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Topic: Quitting smoking.
TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 08/10/09 08:25 PM
I think I've ben doing alright so far. I'm not smoking at all until I simply cannot stop thinking about it. Then I have one. On day one of trying to quit I had 7. On days 2 and 3 I had 5. Yeasterday I had 4 and today I've had only 3.

This has caused no withdraw simptoms. In fact it's been pretty easy so far.

For those that asked, I started smoking to be one of the cool kids.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/10/09 08:42 PM
Regardless why you started what is important is that you want to quit. Sure it is one of the hardest things to do. I smoked for many years it will be 7 years this January that I quit cold turkey.

I had a good reason to quit.....

Things that helped me was chewing gum, Sugarless Cinnamon hard candy & straws. I would take straws cut them into three's leave them in the truck at the time my purse, my desk at work ect. That way when I wanted a cig I would grab a straw that motion to and from your mouth is one thing we seem to miss.

If the cravings got real bad I did yard work or cleaned anything that would occupy my mind till the urge left.

It normally takes a couple of weeks to a month to get past those urges everyone is different.

Myself when I quit I was smoking 3 packs a day so yeah I was hooked. I did not use the patches due to your still getting the nicotine that is what your trying to get away from not another source to get it. For many it works that way or even the pills they have out now. For me cold turkey was better for me.

At first I even treated myself for each month I made it without one went out and bought me something I wanted with about 1/3 of the money I saved from not smoking even then that was great due to the amount I had been smoking.

It gets easier each day it's tough but it all depends on how much you really want it. I had quit a few times before even once for 2 years. But now I have no urge to even smoke at all. noway

Hey good luck and give the guitar hell for a while to help you get through it...:thumbsup:

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 08/11/09 01:35 AM
Wash your clothes and bedding with a 1/4 cup of ammonia added it will breakdown the nicotine in the fabric. Use it to wash down surfaces and clean out heat ducts . Change your furnace filter every week for two months. Get a mattress and pillow cover. Wash your hair and soak your combs and brushes. Clean your carpets and drapes. Unfortuneately nicotine dust has pretty much covered your living environment snd when you smell it or get it in your eyes it triggers the need for it. Drinking water and taking fiber does tend to help you flush out your system. Have your teeth cleaned and replace your toothbrush.
Be patient with yourself you didn't get addicted to cigs and develope smoking habits over night and you won't change them that fast either. Substituteing behavior is alot easier than stopping a behavior. I carry a worry stone to rub between my fingers. A keychain, nailbuffer, rubic cube, I don't recommend the toothpick idea. Smoking has done serious damage already to your teeth. Try to chew only sugarless gum.
Good luck. It is worth it. After the yucks get out of your system you really will feel better. And look better. Smoking really ages your skin.

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