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Topic: Profile Honesty
prisoner's photo
Sun 08/02/09 07:26 PM
'Honesty is such a lonely word,Everyone is so untrue. Honesty is hardly ever heard,And mostly what I need from you.'. Sorry,I just thought this thread could use some Billy Joel. Please continue. be seeing you

s1owhand's photo
Sun 08/02/09 07:48 PM

Kudos always to honesty. Although being honest about one thing, does not necessarily mean a person is being so about everything else. I never assume a person is honest, especially when they make the statement 'i am honest'. I will decide that for myself when a person has shown enough honesty, consistently over a period of time.

I honestly think you are being honest. But honestly though can't we just lie for tonight. I like chasing cars.

K - Baabs - For you... flowerforyou


no photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:04 PM

A lot of women have told me that they like my profile,except for the fact that I state I like going to gentlemens clubs. Most women in their profiles state they want an honest man. Doesn't the fact that I state I like gentlemens clubs make me honest. Would it be better to delete this aspect of my profile and lie about who I am? My way of thinking,To thy own self,be true. Ladies,you can't have it both ways. If you want me to be honest,you are going to get the whole picture,not a sanitized version for a dating site profile. be seeing you

There's nothing wrong with being honest. However, just because you're being honest, it does not mean all women are going to be completely ok with everything you're honest about.

i agree but neither should women take it upon themselves to email him and tell him what a worthless piece of crap he is, just because it's something that turns them off. people do that to me all the time, and i hate it.

i say kudos to the honesty.

I don't think people should do that either. If they do not like what he does, they should just move on. Honesty is great, though people can't assume that just because they're honest, everyone will be ok with what they're doing.

Do you think its possible to be too honest? As in, it becomes a negative trait in that person?

This whole conversation aside, so not to make it personal. Say someone said 'My name is fred and i like fat girl porn', is that a good thing that he is being honest? Or is it more twisted that he would say such a thing? Even though there is nothing inherantly wrong with liking fat girl porn.

There's a time and place for some honesty. Perhaps that's not a first conversation kind of thing to bring up. :tongue:

As for being too honest, I do think some people can be too honest. Some just give way too much info. But, as I said before, sometimes there's a time and place for certain things.

southern_bee's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:15 PM
i prefer to be honest sometimes though i guess i get too honest for people and hurt their feelings but i dont mean to but whats the point of lying?

yes ive always wanted to go to a gentlemens club..

but im not after to a fairy tale ******** story either

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