Topic: Profile Honesty
Winx's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:20 PM

A lot of women have told me that they like my profile,except for the fact that I state I like going to gentlemens clubs. Most women in their profiles state they want an honest man. Doesn't the fact that I state I like gentlemens clubs make me honest. Would it be better to delete this aspect of my profile and lie about who I am? My way of thinking,To thy own self,be true. Ladies,you can't have it both ways. If you want me to be honest,you are going to get the whole picture,not a sanitized version for a dating site profile. be seeing you

I can't speak for other women but I much prefer a man who says who he is and what he is about. That said He has to be man enough to accept if I don't like his preferences to move on to the ones who do.

Personally I see an affinity for gentleman's club, even the so called classy ones, as a waste of money and asking for trouble. They have high crime statistics and bouncers for a reason. I doubt the service is that good or the place that clean, probably any other entertainment equally sexist. I am sure my gender preference doesn't appreciate the entertainment value of almost naked woman but if I want a man I would hope that my presence in his life "did it" for him in that department. I don't think that is a unique perspective. So in a way you are narrowing the field.
High scools,convince stores and banks also have high crime statistics. We might as well close them down too. be seeing you

That's comparing apples and oranges, silly.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:24 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:25 PM
indifferent There are none so blind,as those who will not see. be seeing you

Winx's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:26 PM

indifferent There are none so blind,as those who will not see. be seeing you

Hmm...people are blind if they don't have the same opinion, Prisoner?

Dan99's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:27 PM

indifferent There are none so blind,as those who will not see. be seeing you

Hmm...people are blind if they don't have the same opinion, Prisoner?

Is this the blind leading the blind?!

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:28 PM

indifferent There are none so blind,as those who will not see. be seeing you

Hmm...people are blind if they don't have the same opinion, Prisoner?

look prisoner-if you like strip clubs so be it--you meet someone that has potential and is against it--then you know..
i don't date smokers's called a deal breaker...

so, if i am following this thread correctly, a woman you are goiung to be with can't stand you going to a strip club, it's a deal breaker?
if so, ok...big deal, right?

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:30 PM
smokin Whoresmokin

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:30 PM

smokin Whoresmokin

lol pats

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:31 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:32 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

LMAO ... touche'

Dan99's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:33 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

You said you had a date last night. Did you take her to the club?

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:36 PM

smokin Whoresmokin
rofl That's classic! be seeing you

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:40 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

You said you had a date last night. Did you take her to the club?
indifferent Dan,it was a mutual agreement,we went together and had a good time. be seeing you

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:41 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

You said you had a date last night. Did you take her to the club?
indifferent Dan,it was a mutual agreement,we went together and had a good time. be seeing you

so you did take a date to the strip club? drinker

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:46 PM

I guess what I don't understand is why some women would have a problem with that aspect of my life. Gentlemens clubs are within the law and most are couple-friendly. I hate sports,but I have dated many women sports fans. I think some 'uptight' women feel there is a stigma attached to gentlemens clubs. There is not. be seeing you

i never said i had an issue with it-and you haven't talked to me in 2 days so naaaa tongue2
I've been out the past 2 days,at The Club!:banana: be seeing you

You said you had a date last night. Did you take her to the club?
indifferent Dan,it was a mutual agreement,we went together and had a good time. be seeing you

so you did take a date to the strip club? drinker
drinks Yes. It was a mutual agreement to go. She is a very open-minded woman. The kind of woman I like to date. be seeing you

MelodyGirl's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:59 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Sat 08/01/09 02:00 PM

so you did take a date to the strip club? drinker

Yes. It was a mutual agreement to go. She is a very open-minded woman. The kind of woman I like to date. be seeing you

Whooo hoooo! :banana: That can be a really fun date as long as you did other stuff like dinner and pool or darts too.

Strip clubs are entertainment -- nothing more nothing less. Eye candy is eye candy.

Crime can be found anywhere, and just like any other POTENTIAL addictions (drugs, gambling, shopping, booze, food, etc), it's only a problem if someone is lying or stealing to feed the addiction.

Even if a man and a woman are totally in love and monogamous in their attraction to each other, that doesn't stop the human need to see other beauty. Hot guys and girls are everywhere in life! That doesn't mean you don't ‘do It’ for him just because he wants to watch porn or see some stripers. Its' the same for a girl watching men's beach volley ball to ogle the hotties -- she's not trying to hook up or cheat -- she's just watching and then taking all that horniness home to her man. tongue2

Life without eye candy would be so boring. Now, the trick is to find the right person who knows HOW TO DRAW THE LINE and to be honest to their other half about their desires! winking :thumbsup:

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/01/09 02:02 PM
flowerforyou Mel. be seeing you

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 02:57 PM

flowerforyou Mel. be seeing you

well there ya go-a match made in heaven-my work here is done--have fun at the strip club! laugh

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 02:59 PM
this is all most unbecoming bigsmile

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:23 PM

this is all most unbecoming bigsmile

aint it tho? lmao rofl rofl