Topic: Professional Drivers...
myteemouse's photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:14 AM

Lol. Talk about things changing in the last 30 years.... "10-4 good buddy" not such a nice thing to call someone on the radio these days. Sorry but I really don't wanna explain for fear of starting an argument.

I was thinking the same thing!!

laugh laugh laugh

Ah yes, and all the "fun" to be had during the "transition" of that phrase. Made for some interesting radio convos and happenstance meetings at truck stops.

lighthouselover's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:12 PM
My husband and I owned a small trucking company. I never drove, but I tagged along when he drove a lot of times. The things you see from the cab of a truck. Oy!

It's awful how we mandate how long a driver drives and YET we make it impossible for them to stop and rest when required to do so. (No parking, no idling, etc.)

I've known a lot of drivers who have been the first on the scene of an accident, the first to give aid, the ones who call for help, etc. Many a car goes tooling by when someone needs aid, but a trucker will throw his tight schedule to the wind and stop.

Drivers often get a bum rap. For the most part, they are some of the nicest, most polite and down-to-earth folks you'd ever want to meet.

Having just come off a 1000 plus mile trip in 92 hours (with some spots of sleep in a decent bed with good meals in between), I can tell you I could never hang with the Knights/Duchesses of the Road. My hat's off to ya'll who keep this nation going.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thanks for the great post, Sunny!! I agree with you!!

When I was in the truck with Darrel for 3 months I was shocked at so many things...

I had a wonderful time, and Darrel is a brilliant driver...and has been doing it for the better part of 25 years I think now...

I have to say, that the 'travel centers' have really gone down the tubes...the showers are mostly horrible, and the service and food has really taken a hit, IMO.

the drivers really have no real choice here...except that I know that Darrel would drive an extra 100 miles to get to one of the better truck stops...and there are a few of them that are awesome!!

some of the trucks I saw were incredible!! just beautiful!!

we were not in a custom sleeper truck at is like living in a small walk in closet!! laugh

There is the test of a relationship if there ever was one!!!

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:14 PM

It's nice to know somebody still gives a damn !Sometimes when your asked what do we need you for ya start to wonder .Thanks to Earthy !

I hope ya mean that, because, I thought that meant like, I heard you, and i adknowlege.

lighthouselover's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:17 PM

It's nice to know somebody still gives a damn !Sometimes when your asked what do we need you for ya start to wonder .Thanks to Earthy !

I hope ya mean that, because, I thought that meant like, I heard you, and i adknowlege.

it did, and still does to some extent...

no big deal...

the important thing that I wanted to do with this thread is to bring attention to the professional trucker and the difficult job they do...and to do it safely year after year is a great accomplishment!!

so, yes..

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:19 PM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Tue 07/28/09 12:20 PM
Cool! Both my grandfathers were truckers.

I dated a trucker once, I went on the road with him for 2 days, and I saw how hard a worker he was. What an experience!

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:23 PM
And now Im misty. *sniff*

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:24 PM
i knew a guy who was a driver.

he used to tell me stories of the good and the bad.

including tweakers behind the wheel.

so it goes both ways. its a tough job just like any other tough job out there.

so yay for drug free awesome truckers.

boo to the abusers.

chevylover1965's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:37 PM
drinker smokin

Tue 07/28/09 12:43 PM
Edited by STARTRAVELER on Tue 07/28/09 01:04 PM
This is pretty cool you guys are great .Thanks flowerforyou

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:59 PM
Thanks lighthouselover. I'm just doing my job I fell into. I've hauled millions of pounds of toxic waste for 3M. I'm under strict rules and government oversight. I'm bonded. I've got 2 degrees. I've got government clearance and TSA authority. I make sure the toxic waste is secured, treated, and disposed of correctly so you don't have to see it, smell it, or taste it. The only reason I got 3 million accident free miles is sheer blind luck. Because its a jungle out there.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 01:06 PM
To play the devils advocate I have been in cars with people who never had accidents after lots and lots of years of driving and they were so bad drivers.

Not because you were never in an accident that you were never the cause of one, the bad ones are either killing people or causing accidents so I always take it with a grain of salt when someone says i never had an accident so I'm a great driver.

I respect anybody who drives a truck it is a hard job.

lighthouselover's photo
Tue 07/28/09 02:38 PM

To play the devils advocate I have been in cars with people who never had accidents after lots and lots of years of driving and they were so bad drivers.

That is then, what I would consider lucky, very lucky. lucky for them, lucky for you when you were with them, and lucky for the people that they did not hurt or kill. They had no accountability to anyone.

Not because you were never in an accident that you were never the cause of one, the bad ones are either killing people or causing accidents so I always take it with a grain of salt when someone says i never had an accident so I'm a great driver.

really? I wonder if people realize what it means to drive 1 or 2 or 3 million miles? even in 20 years time...THAT is about 150,000 miles a year...give or take a 1,000 or 2,000...

I really do not think that driving a truck or any other vehicle for that matter, that many miles a year for 20 friggen years is a matter of NOT being a great driver!

I understand that you are entitled to your opinion...yet, I just do not agree with it at all.

When people are doing a high risk job, and do not have accidents on their record, then...not only do I think they are very careful and aware...I think they are a great driver!! a SAFE driver!!

I respect anybody who drives a truck it is a hard job.

Thank you for saying that! They are the heartbeat of America...

lighthouselover's photo
Wed 07/29/09 08:35 AM

Just wanted to bump this up and re post the link to a great tribute song!!

The Heartbeat of America!!

Hats off to the Big Rigs!!

Wed 07/29/09 08:41 AM

Just wanted to bump this up and re post the link to a great tribute song!!

The Heartbeat of America!!

Hats off to the Big Rigs!!

aaaaawwwwwwwww geez I wish you were'nt married !laugh

no photo
Wed 07/29/09 08:46 AM

Thanks everyone !30 yrs here !
WE have the same time in, on the road,,30 years 3 million miles and no accidents,wink,I know I am damn good,wink,lol
But knowing that I got them by NEVER ASSUMING any driver is doing what they signal, act, or lead you ,,,to be doing....wink,NEVER TRUST ANOTHER DRIVER on the road,and YOU will BETTER your life and theirs..

Wed 07/29/09 09:14 AM

Thanks everyone !30 yrs here !
WE have the same time in, on the road,,30 years 3 million miles and no accidents,wink,I know I am damn good,wink,lol
But knowing that I got them by NEVER ASSUMING any driver is doing what they signal, act, or lead you ,,,to be doing....wink,NEVER TRUST ANOTHER DRIVER on the road,and YOU will BETTER your life and theirs..
Amen Terry just take care of yourself and hopefully we'll both survive to retire !

lighthouselover's photo
Wed 07/29/09 09:34 AM
Edited by lighthouselover on Wed 07/29/09 09:44 AM

I will have to get some pics on photobucket and then post them in here...

I have some of when we were going over Cabbage that you could barely see the was beautiful until you started going down!! then into the clouds we drove..

We live in 200++ inches of snow each year, so going out toward Cali was going to be great!! we had snow in every state on the way out, including California...and in the Mojave Dessert on the way back!! right outside of Albuquerque it was almost a white out...laugh

we ran into the snow in new Orleans last year...all along the coast...noway

It was great!! We were in 15 states in about 10 days...

Hats off to the Boise Stage Stop!! what a great truck stop!!

I pray every day for all the Truckers!! Keep safe, both on the road and when that truck is stopped!!

Wed 07/29/09 09:43 AM
I understand your experiences Been there done that !I've been in more blizzards than I can shake a stick at .But it's all worth it in the end .Thanks Light it's all I can say .Your hubbys one lucky guy !

pkh's photo
Wed 07/29/09 09:48 AM
Kudos to all you drivers.My ex drove over the road and I would go once a year just to appreciate how hard he worked

lighthouselover's photo
Wed 07/29/09 09:48 AM

I understand your experiences Been there done that !I've been in more blizzards than I can shake a stick at .But it's all worth it in the end .Thanks Light it's all I can say .Your hubbys one lucky guy !

You are so very welcome, although, I still maintain that is the trucker that deserves the thanks!!

If the industry stopped for one day...America would be in a world of hurt!!!

Thanks!! It is worth it! even when I am not in the truck now...I know that Darrel is driving smart and safe!

*giggles* he wants to come home to those homemade biscuits and gravy...and those sugar cookies... He is a very good man! I am so blessed with that. :heart: