Topic: People just dont care!
franshade's photo
Tue 07/28/09 08:18 AM

It is a shame that there are not more people willing and able to act. It is also unfortunate that there are so many negative consequence for acting. Afterall, the message from the police is "give them what they want and walk away unharmed and let the police catch the criminal", which seems to have happened in this case.

What DID you expect the other people to do? Put themselves in harm's way in notifying the drivier? Sneaking a call to the cops (which is probably what I would have tried to do). Pulling the emergency stop?

While I agree that we should be empowered to do more and should feel responsible for doing something, I do not believe that you can judge anybody on that bus except for the criminal performing the act. Afterall, you were not there.

Sorry that happened.


As a mother, yes I would expect/hope someone got involved. There are many things that could have been done to not put themselves in harms way, a distraction, telling someone, calling cops. I have done it for others, so yes, I expect/hope someone would step in and at least try to help not ignore that it was happening.

auburngirl's photo
Tue 07/28/09 08:53 AM
Lisa, I'm so glad everyone is okay!

papersmile's photo
Tue 07/28/09 08:59 AM
there are so many incidents here in toronto where good samaritans are killed because they interferred.

i think though that instinct wouldn't allow you to think and one would immediately step right in. i'm a little more cautious now that i'm a mother of my own and want to make sure my kids have me around for as long as possible, but i have interrupted a beating of a woman in downtown toronto, and stopped a man from beating his girl here in the suburbs.

i would think, at the very least, someone would have picked up their cell and called in an emergency and am shocked that it didn't happen.

i'm glad they are all going to be fine.

no photo
Tue 07/28/09 09:05 AM

What DID you expect the other people to do? Put themselves in harm's way in notifying the drivier? Sneaking a call to the cops (which is probably what I would have tried to do). Pulling the emergency stop?

I expected ppl to mention it to the driver as they got off....i expected someone to make a call to the sons gf managed without him hearing, they were at the back of the bus. ppl wouldnt have been putting themselves in harms way by mentioning it, or making a call, in HALF AN HOUR!! of this guys tirade against my son!

I guess in this life we have cowards and heros, unfortunately, there were no heroes on that bus last night

I am sorry this happened. I would expect people to have at least done something if they knew what was going on. It's sad that no one did a thing.

Would have been nice if I were sitting across the isle with my pistol in my pocket..HUH?!!! laugh
And you wonder why some of us carryslaphead

OP..How do you know if no one else was calling the police or not?

Pink_lady's photo
Tue 07/28/09 09:19 AM

What DID you expect the other people to do? Put themselves in harm's way in notifying the drivier? Sneaking a call to the cops (which is probably what I would have tried to do). Pulling the emergency stop?

I expected ppl to mention it to the driver as they got off....i expected someone to make a call to the sons gf managed without him hearing, they were at the back of the bus. ppl wouldnt have been putting themselves in harms way by mentioning it, or making a call, in HALF AN HOUR!! of this guys tirade against my son!

I guess in this life we have cowards and heros, unfortunately, there were no heroes on that bus last night

I am sorry this happened. I would expect people to have at least done something if they knew what was going on. It's sad that no one did a thing.

Would have been nice if I were sitting across the isle with my pistol in my pocket..HUH?!!! laugh
And you wonder why some of us carryslaphead

OP..How do you know if no one else was calling the police or not?

Because when my sons gf called the police they werent aware of it. It took them 8 mins from when she called to catch up with the bus. If someone had called sooner, their terror mightve been reduced to 10/15m instead of half n hour.

The guy had assaulted and robbed another man of his mobile phone earlier in the evening, they were told later by the police. The only person that called them in regards to this was my sons gf. They were with the police for around 4 hrs, giving statements. My sons phone is being kept as evidence at the mo, it will be returned later. My son didnt want to give him his phone, but when the guy was trying to get his gfs purse, he gave him it thinkin he would leave her alone, it was soon after he turned on another middle aged man on the bus, and thats when the call was made by my sons tearful gf.

catseyes1's photo
Tue 07/28/09 09:39 AM
Glad to hear they are all ok. How pathetic all those people and they can not lift a D*mn finger to help.

fullmoonfairy's photo
Tue 07/28/09 09:41 AM
Some people are just too damn ignorant for words. Glad everyone is ok, Lisa. flowerforyou

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 07/28/09 10:01 AM
geez, glad everyone is ok. I don't think I could just sit there.. I like to think I would do something to help but I have never been in that situation.

seamac's photo
Tue 07/28/09 10:29 AM
Totally amazing! In this day when everyone has a cell - no one could muster the courage to call for help! Really it leaves me speechless...

I am ever so grateful that there was a very different caliber of people on the PA flight on 9-11.

Glad your son and his friends are safe. Give them time and plenty of time to talk it out...

Mystique42's photo
Tue 07/28/09 11:29 AM
flowers everyone is alright. Thank God they weren't hurt.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:08 PM

Last night, my son, his girlfriend and her friend, were mugged on a bus, by a young man who was obviously very drugged up. They were verbally abused and my son was threatened repeatedly to be stabbed in the neck if he didnt hand over his phone, and his girlfriend, her purse. They had to endure this trauma for around 30 mins, before anyone tried to help.

Things to take into account, this was a single decker bus, very busy with other people, yet nobody done anything to help, no-one even so much as told the driver what was happening. The driver wasnt aware of it either, so i dont know why they bother installing mirrors, because drivers dont seem to look in them. 30 minutes they had to put up with this terror, and nobody done anything to help, im furious and disgusted, if it were these other passengers kids, would they still be doing nothing?!

The police were only informed by my sons girlfriend when the thug started abusing another middle aged man, and she took the opportunity to call them from her mobile, giving them their location.

WHERE was the help?? the driver?? the many other passengers?? why didnt anyone else call the police?

My son and the other 2 girls were very shaken by this incident, and it doesnt exactly build their confidence to know that in the event of it happening again, no-one will probably help, because we are living in a world where people are so pre-occupied with their own lives and looking out for their own safety, they dont care if they see someone else is under threat, they would rather turn the other cheek and allow it to happen. Im disgusted, i am a mother, and i could not have done nothing, just making the driver aware to alert his station for help wouldve been something.

I want to send a message out to the people on that bus, if you see youths in trouble, and can help PLEASE DO, cos one day it might be YOUR child/grandchild/nephew/niece, who ends up the victim of a drug takers violent behaviour.

People need to care more and hide less.

that's horrible. frown

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:14 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 07/28/09 12:16 PM

Last night, my son, his girlfriend and her friend, were mugged on a bus, by a young man who was obviously very drugged up. They were verbally abused and my son was threatened repeatedly to be stabbed in the neck if he didnt hand over his phone, and his girlfriend, her purse. They had to endure this trauma for around 30 mins, before anyone tried to help.

Things to take into account, this was a single decker bus, very busy with other people, yet nobody done anything to help, no-one even so much as told the driver what was happening. The driver wasnt aware of it either, so i dont know why they bother installing mirrors, because drivers dont seem to look in them. 30 minutes they had to put up with this terror, and nobody done anything to help, im furious and disgusted, if it were these other passengers kids, would they still be doing nothing?!

The police were only informed by my sons girlfriend when the thug started abusing another middle aged man, and she took the opportunity to call them from her mobile, giving them their location.

WHERE was the help?? the driver?? the many other passengers?? why didnt anyone else call the police?

My son and the other 2 girls were very shaken by this incident, and it doesnt exactly build their confidence to know that in the event of it happening again, no-one will probably help, because we are living in a world where people are so pre-occupied with their own lives and looking out for their own safety, they dont care if they see someone else is under threat, they would rather turn the other cheek and allow it to happen. Im disgusted, i am a mother, and i could not have done nothing, just making the driver aware to alert his station for help wouldve been something.

I want to send a message out to the people on that bus, if you see youths in trouble, and can help PLEASE DO, cos one day it might be YOUR child/grandchild/nephew/niece, who ends up the victim of a drug takers violent behaviour.

People need to care more and hide less.

grumble That's friggin sad.grumbleI am so glad I live in the country.drinkerWe got some crime here too but its mostly domestic type stuff or someone growing weed or methlab.:smile:If someone tried that mugging stuff around here they would get their azz kicked or shot.:smile: I can't stand cities.grumble

southern_bee's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:15 PM
knowing how careless people can be i myself have considered registering to use and carry a concealed weapon!

i dont want to be defenseless and helpless and i dont want to have to worry about somebody not wanting to help

prisoner's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:19 PM
'Things like that are gonna hapen.'...OJ Simpson.:banana: be seeing you

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:22 PM
And had a responsible gun owner would have taken the threats to life seriously and shot the offenders like he should have? What then???


Usually a good Samaritan gets screwed by our system. If the punks had knives what is unarmed people with no fighting skills or spines to fight as a group supposed to do?

I would not want to be put in a situation like that because I know blood will flow and I would prefer it be the other guy's. If I had a gun in a situation like that i would have just shot the punks in the back and say "actions based on immanent threat to life and limb!"

Sucks it happened but welcome to the fuqued up realities of this world! it is full of narcissistic, self indulgent bewbz who care nothing for the other guy. I'm in a different but equally fuqued up situation right now. Life goes on otherwise...

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:23 PM
:smile: I have always lived in the country and I know if I lived in the city I would probably get killed.:smile: Whenever I have went into big cities I am on the edge and ready to fight.:smile: I don't trust any of those people.:smile: I straight up tell homeless people and anyone else I dont know to get the f away from me.:smile: When someone comes within arms reach of me I draw back ready throw down.:smile: I dont even like the way city people look.grumble They think they are so tough and they actually look rather pathetic to us country people.:smile: They just get away with more crime because people dont give a crap about each other like they do in the country.:smile: They arnt tough.:smile: They would get their a** stomped if they were in the country in Kentucky where I grew up:smile:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:26 PM

:smile: I have always lived in the country and I know if I lived in the city I would probably get killed.:smile: Whenever I have went into big cities I am on the edge and ready to fight.:smile: I don't trust any of those people.:smile: I straight up tell homeless people and anyone else I dont know to get the f away from me.:smile: When someone comes within arms reach of me I draw back ready throw down.:smile: I dont even like the way city people look.grumble They think they are so tough and they actually look rather pathetic to us country people.:smile: They just get away with more crime because people dont give a crap about each other like they do in the country.:smile: They arnt tough.:smile: They would get their a** stomped if they were in the country in Kentucky where I grew up:smile:

wow... that's kind of harsh...

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:28 PM
oh hon that sucks. i was carjacked in the middle of a busy ghetto @ss city in so cali and let me tell you... no one helped. i had to scream at the people aruond me to call the cops because everyone just stood there.

but then good for your son's gf for callin the cops. ya know?

i chased the dude down. i went apeshit and jumped into my own drivers side window, punching him and scratching him and he dragged me about 30 feet before i fell outta the window.

he got the car, and i got no help.

i'll tell ya this... being helpless is not always a choice.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:28 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 07/28/09 12:32 PM

:smile: I have always lived in the country and I know if I lived in the city I would probably get killed.:smile: Whenever I have went into big cities I am on the edge and ready to fight.:smile: I don't trust any of those people.:smile: I straight up tell homeless people and anyone else I dont know to get the f away from me.:smile: When someone comes within arms reach of me I draw back ready throw down.:smile: I dont even like the way city people look.grumble They think they are so tough and they actually look rather pathetic to us country people.:smile: They just get away with more crime because people dont give a crap about each other like they do in the country.:smile: They arnt tough.:smile: They would get their a** stomped if they were in the country in Kentucky where I grew up:smile:

wow... that's kind of harsh...
:smile: Well, I am aware that not everyone in big cities are bad but I dont take my chances.:smile: Like I said Jasmine, I know I couldn't make it there.:smile:And there are bad people in the country too.:smile: Its just a different variety of crime that happens.:smile: The stuff that goes down in the big cities wouldn't work in the country I can tell you that much :smile:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 07/28/09 12:37 PM

:smile: I have always lived in the country and I know if I lived in the city I would probably get killed.:smile: Whenever I have went into big cities I am on the edge and ready to fight.:smile: I don't trust any of those people.:smile: I straight up tell homeless people and anyone else I dont know to get the f away from me.:smile: When someone comes within arms reach of me I draw back ready throw down.:smile: I dont even like the way city people look.grumble They think they are so tough and they actually look rather pathetic to us country people.:smile: They just get away with more crime because people dont give a crap about each other like they do in the country.:smile: They arnt tough.:smile: They would get their a** stomped if they were in the country in Kentucky where I grew up:smile:

wow... that's kind of harsh...
:smile: Well, I am aware that not everyone in big cities are bad but I dont take my chances.:smile: Like I said Jasmine, I know I couldn't make it there.:smile:And there are bad people in the country too.:smile: Its just a different variety of crime that happens.:smile: The stuff that goes down in the big cities wouldn't work in the country I can tell you that much :smile:

you're entitled to your opinion :thumbsup: