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Topic: Are you the type
longhairbiker's photo
Sun 07/19/09 05:16 PM
I'm too old for games, drama, or opinion chasing. I have better things to do.

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 07/19/09 05:19 PM
I've been blessed in that I've told many stupid people "You can't please everyone" and "I don't care what you think".

catseyes1's photo
Sun 07/19/09 05:21 PM
Truth can be harsh I will tell you like it is, and I can handle the truth. That is why they say "Truth hurts".

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 05:30 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

The truth is allusive...many people can not handle the logical truth. jmo

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 07/19/09 06:21 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

I can take anything someone else can dish out. I cut my teeth on a Master before I ever got my first bra. Especially if it is some lame generalization or name calling they can't back up with reasoning or facts it isn't going to land on me. I know what I am and how I treat people and I sleep real good.

If the rare time someone has a point I will tell them so: check myself; and even apoligize.

If they don't most of the time I won't bother argueing with a fool. lol Maybe if I am really bored but after hearing excuses and pity pot stories for 30+ years very little of it is entertaining or believable. Well sometimes it is funny how lame some folks excuses are can sometimes be funny. It's like how can someone, especialy the ones who think they are really smart or cool, come up with such b-o-l-o-g-n-e.

Since I try not to be any more harsh than is absolutely necessary to get the point across not that many people dish out a lot of "stuff" my direction. Maybe a little huff and puff as they back out but nothing significant.

I totally agree with those who suggest being harsh is necessary or just fair game for being dumb. Ugly is ugly and doesn't pass. Sooner or later Karma catches up with people. A well worded compliment is always more productive. The loaf remark seems unneccesarily cruel and not all the funny when it was directed at a individual.

People who ask for "approval" for harmful behavior; especially where a kid is involved are so NOT going to like what I have to say because I will call that out.

People who pop off on-line and ask for opinions in open forums should have to be big enough to listen to the responses but it is surpriseing the ones who can't.

TxsSun's photo
Sun 07/19/09 06:32 PM
Great answer PS...And I totally agree with the last paragraph.

trgirl's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:07 PM
i dont like liars, maybe honesty os a true texas traight! txssun, we are more alike than i thoughtflowerforyou

krupa's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:11 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

That would be me alright....of course it is my obligation to point out others faults (so they can correct them...thus leading us to a better life)

But, when any delusional nut job refuses to acknowledge my perfection...yeah...I get booty hurt.

krupa's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:13 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

I can take anything someone else can dish out. I cut my teeth on a Master before I ever got my first bra. Especially if it is some lame generalization or name calling they can't back up with reasoning or facts it isn't going to land on me. I know what I am and how I treat people and I sleep real good.

If the rare time someone has a point I will tell them so: check myself; and even apoligize.

If they don't most of the time I won't bother argueing with a fool. lol Maybe if I am really bored but after hearing excuses and pity pot stories for 30+ years very little of it is entertaining or believable. Well sometimes it is funny how lame some folks excuses are can sometimes be funny. It's like how can someone, especialy the ones who think they are really smart or cool, come up with such b-o-l-o-g-n-e.

Since I try not to be any more harsh than is absolutely necessary to get the point across not that many people dish out a lot of "stuff" my direction. Maybe a little huff and puff as they back out but nothing significant.

I totally agree with those who suggest being harsh is necessary or just fair game for being dumb. Ugly is ugly and doesn't pass. Sooner or later Karma catches up with people. A well worded compliment is always more productive. The loaf remark seems unneccesarily cruel and not all the funny when it was directed at a individual.

People who ask for "approval" for harmful behavior; especially where a kid is involved are so NOT going to like what I have to say because I will call that out.

People who pop off on-line and ask for opinions in open forums should have to be big enough to listen to the responses but it is surpriseing the ones who can't.

Wait a minute! You wear a bra? I thought your stuff was just that "perky" naturally!

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 07/19/09 07:18 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

I'm quite good handling the truth, I can drop my pride and go on. I meet a lot of people who can't, not sure because they deny it or fighting it, but simply they are incapable understanding it. I feel sorry for them, because they will never understand why things turn out bad later in their lives.

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