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Topic: There's Something About Scammers
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Sat 07/18/09 07:59 AM
Here's something I've been seeing for awhile but never mentioned before....

I'm on a couple of sites where I get e-mail from scammer/spammers constantly, I mean multiples every day. I get a few here, too, but not nearly as many as everywhere else.

More and more, I'm noticing a tendency for them to use a city name that doesn't match with the state name in their location. Like, if I see "Seattle, Washington," OK, I know where that is; but if it's "Seattle, Tennessee," that just sounds wrong.

Now, there may actually be a Seattle, Tennessee, and it's easy enough to check. But something like that always makes me suspicious.

The one who IMed me here last night had a radically wrong city/state matchup. In fact, it was the first thing I asked her about after accepting the IM request.

I said something like: So, (name of city) is in (wrong state name) now? Did they move it? I never heard anything about that.

She says: No, I'm in (name of city), (right state name).

* I should mention here that the name of this particular city could ONLY fit ONE state *

So I asked her why her profile said (name of city), (wrong state name).

She ignored the question and tried to shift the conversation to something else.

So -- I'm not saying every spammer/scammer uses a bad city/state combo. I'm just saying every glaring bad city/state combo I've ever run across has turned out to be a scammer.

It's a little too prevalent to be coincidence, so I'm wondering why it seems so many of them are doing it that way....?

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:02 AM
State of confusion
Drunken State

silentmonolith's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:19 AM
Edited by silentmonolith on Sat 07/18/09 08:21 AM
I'm getting similar scamming messages. Usually the scammer would mention in the profile a location somewhere in the States. But soon as I ask more details, I find that they would live in Ghana...Nigeria or similar and then they get pissed.

Besides their broken English (too broken to reside in the States), sexy profile pictures, another thing to give them away is what they're looking 4: man between 18-65, smoker: doesn't matter, kids: doesn't matter, status: single/divorced/widowed. As you can see they're trying to fool a large audience.

Why are they doing this? I'm not too sure, but I have a guess: if you remember the famous "Nigerian letter" where some lawyer is trying to convince you that you inherited a large amount of money. I'm still getting this type of BS in my regular email. I think they're just a bunch of ppl with lots of pseudonyms doing this.
...just my 2 cents

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:25 AM

I'm getting similar scamming messages. Usually the scammer would mention in the profile a location somewhere in the States. But soon as I ask more details, I find that they would live in Ghana...Nigeria or similar and then they get pissed.

Besides their broken English (too broken to reside in the States), sexy profile pictures, another thing to give them away is what they're looking 4: man between 18-65, smoker: doesn't matter, kids: doesn't matter, status: single/divorced/widowed. As you can see they're trying to fool a large audience.

Why are they doing this? I'm not too sure, but I have a guess: if you remember the famous "Nigerian letter" where some lawyer is trying to convince you that you inherited a large amount of money. I'm still getting this type of BS in my regular email. I think they're just a bunch of ppl with lots of pseudonyms doing this.
...just my 2 cents

Yeah, the Nigerians are a consistent presence in this field!

Although I have found that some of them seem to be aware that any mention of "Nigeria" is now a red flag, and have shifted their operations to Ghana.

I have also encountered a fair (?) number of Russian scammers.

Although, lately, the majority of my scammer/spammers seem to be women, who may or may not be in this country, trying to get me to go talk to them on Yahoo. Automatic Red Flag there.

I'm one one site where they seem to be intent on hosting scammers from the Philippines, too.

7z3r05's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:28 AM
Edited by 7z3r05 on Sat 07/18/09 08:29 AM
youd think they would be familiar enough with our 50 states to be able to get it right. i mean come on... if i were to start a life of scamming (which i am not) i would at least do* the basic research to say tallahassee, tennessee and not rhode island, connecticut.

silly's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:46 AM
I was getting alot of them on another site.but I put myself on private and it seems to have taken care of it.Haven't gotten any on here.O I should watch me get them.

silentmonolith's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:50 AM
...and let's not forget the China connection: the message usually advises you to join a Chinese site with translation capabilities as the person who messaged me has poor English skills.

..oh yeah and those messages from Mother Russia! :) usually their e-mail address ends in

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:50 AM
Edited by Gypsy41 on Sat 07/18/09 08:51 AM
I would like to know where semen yemen is???? Apparantly he wants to marry me immediately and have 1000 babies that run like kenyans!!scared shocked rofl

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:51 AM
all for the low low price of 67832672 rupies!!drinker

silentmonolith's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:54 AM
Edited by silentmonolith on Sat 07/18/09 08:54 AM

all for the low low price of 67832672 rupies!!drinker

At least you'd get your money back when they start competing in the Olympics! lol

southern_bee's photo
Sat 07/18/09 08:58 AM
i actually got an email the other day from a guy who had this amazing model body but for some odd reason he didnt have a head in the picture!sorry not into dating just torsos!

silentmonolith's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:02 AM

i actually got an email the other day from a guy who had this amazing model body but for some odd reason he didnt have a head in the picture!sorry not into dating just torsos!

By any chance, was there a horse in the picture as well? :))

southern_bee's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:07 AM

i actually got an email the other day from a guy who had this amazing model body but for some odd reason he didnt have a head in the picture!sorry not into dating just torsos!

By any chance, was there a horse in the picture as well? :))

lol no cuz then i woulda copy the picture and posted it on here!

newarkjw's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:07 AM
Love them Russian girls smokin

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:08 AM
:heart: We will always have Summercusp:heart:

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:09 AM

:heart: We will always have Summercusp:heart:

Good point! Although I haven't seen her lately....OK, I guess I have a project now....

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:11 AM

:heart: We will always have Summercusp:heart:

Good point! Although I haven't seen her lately....OK, I guess I have a project now....

Get her:banana:

no photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:19 AM

:heart: We will always have Summercusp:heart:

Good point! Although I haven't seen her lately....OK, I guess I have a project now....

Get her:banana:

I miss her waving at me. She did it so well.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/18/09 09:42 AM

:heart: We will always have Summercusp:heart:

Good point! Although I haven't seen her lately....OK, I guess I have a project now....

Get her:banana:

I miss her waving at me. She did it so well.

She won the hearts of men all over the world

rara777's photo
Sat 07/18/09 12:38 PM
Edited by rara777 on Sat 07/18/09 12:40 PM
flowerforyou :heart: smooched Scammers, you just gotta love emsmooched :heart: flowerforyou

love Where else is someone my age going to improve their sex life for the price of a ticket to the states and they want to bring over the whole damn family. Just how damn lucky can one man get. Especially when they are "hotties" in their mid 20`s wanting my old azz to stud them and make me some babies. Way fng kewl. Hey G.I. I love you loooooooooong love

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

rofl I asked one, one time if the acronym G.F.Y.S. meant anything to them.rofl

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