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Topic: Get ready for immigration amnesty...
davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:26 PM
Kennedy has announced that the house ..president..and senate have
reached agreement on the immigration amnesty bill...DESPITE ..over 70%
of the population in opposition...they will sign it into law BEFORE it
is finished being written...if you can believe that...

they say it will add 11 million illegals immediately...But the secret
number may be as much as 20 -25 million...last dagger in social care...schools...

again ..if you want to see the effects of immigration see this:

email your congress people..just google your congressperson...

huh huh

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:47 PM
Davinci did you even read the compromise bill?

It does not grant blanket amnesty. It gives them a certain time to
apply for a special visa. If thy do not apply they must go home. It
gives some sharper teeth to those trying to remove said illegals from
out country and makes it harder for them to return unless legal.

While at the same time making it harder for them to qualify for the
special visa without skills this country needs.

Damnd if they do Damnd if they don't.

Are you ever satisfied.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:12 PM
satisfied with washington?...probably not...what has always bugged me
about this democracy is this for example...the majority of the pop
doesnt want it..yet the congress ignores the constituents and does it
anyway..ignoring the will of the we have mostly millionaire
lawyers in congress deciding whats best for the rest...
If they listened to the people..there would be no bill at all...and we
would be fortifying the border.. oh well...

soffit's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:25 PM
PLEASE CLOSE THE BORDER! I am in construction and my buying power is way
down. Thank god I did not have alot of children or we would be poor!
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: grumble grumble
grumble grumble grumble

GaMail50's photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:22 PM
In this area construction workers don't make any more money than they
did 20 years ago. Thats taking a huge housing boom into account also.

lulu24's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:21 PM
from my understanding, the bill allows more immigrants...but SKILLED
ones...masters and higher? i think that a smarter, more educated
america is a good thing.

lazyj321's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:26 PM
it is only trouble.. i see so many truckin through the sand down here..
alot of bad things happen..

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:32 PM
I read it and adventure is right. The illegals are very unhappy with it.
That should tell you something without your reading it. They do not need
anyone else to help them stall longer. It is fair, and if they pass it
it will take effect this fall. Go read it, although not perfect I am
afraid its the best we will get.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:36 PM
If they come after the Z's are passed out then when they are caught
their name goes on a list, they spend time in a detention center on the
border, they are building several, and then they can never become a
citizen. No matter what they do!!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:48 PM
"We're going to fight like mad to fix the parts we don't like," said Tom
Snyder, the national political director of UNITE HERE!, a service
workers union comprised largely of immigrants.

Senate leaders huddled privately to plot strategy for next week's
debate, which is likely to feature Democratic efforts to kill or
substantially shrink the temporary worker program and Republican
attempts to prevent illegal immigrants from staying indefinitely in the
U.S. without applying for permanent residency or citizenship.

This is the problem Democrats and bi-partisan bickering. I have and
continue to let them know, esp the democrats that if they weaken it or
dont vote for it, I will not vote for them. If there is one thing a
politician understands is a vote. 1 million votes will get them off
their fat Washington asses and overcome the bi-partisan politics. Of
course you can sit here, ***** about it and in 10 yrs, when the Latino
vote out numbers the traditional American vote, you can cry and wish
something had been done sooner. Your choice, Ive made mine...

GaMail50's photo
Fri 05/18/07 04:33 PM
I just got thru watching the news on TV. From my understanding the bill
just came out of committee. It still has to go through the House and
Senate. It'll be interesting to see what amendments get tacked on. Then
it still has to pass.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:58 AM
True the senate starts debateing it Mon.bigsmile

davinci1952's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:29 PM
I heard somewhere that the bill needs another 1000 pages to be written
but they will
vote on it without those addtional pages...thats efficient...

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:38 PM
got to give the illusion that theyre making a difference for the
upcoming political season.

SheNerd's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:40 PM
Davinci, thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely keep an eye on this

GaMail50's photo
Sat 05/19/07 04:42 PM
DaVinci, if what you say is true about 1000 pages still to be written,
and I have no reason to believe you are wrong, that is disgusting.
(Sorry for that convoluted sentence) No bill on anything should be voted
on until it has been completely written. Then we could at least delude
ourselves that maybe they at least read what they voted on.

davinci1952's photo
Sat 05/19/07 05:08 PM
heard it on a talk show yesterday...thats the way they do things

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/19/07 05:10 PM
they pass an idea, then they work out the details filling it with pork
barrel spending.

hate the way that legislative branch works.

bibby7's photo
Sat 05/19/07 05:14 PM
If the pork fits..Boink it!

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/19/07 06:19 PM
the pork dont fit, thats why we're in our particular mess that we're in,
what about you canucks, whats your problems all about.

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