Topic: Just met a man...
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Sun 07/05/09 09:29 PM

who has a 3 legged dog.


I think 3 legged dogs are becoming the new trend. Like Paris and her purse poodles.

when ya say, "met" mean you saw a man with a 3 legged dog?

or does, "met" mean you spent the night after the 4th of July with him? or something like that?

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:38 PM
2 legged dogs are the trend!!Many women have them and the ones that don't, want onehappy


no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:46 PM

2 legged dogs are the trend!!Many women have them and the ones that don't, want onehappy


good one mobo

good one lol

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:48 PM
I've been called worse. Three legged dog, just plain dog.noway

AZAR09's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:51 PM
I have a three legged dog..she's a REAL *****!:banana:

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:55 PM
Well I'm not waiting for my answer to the question up there......

So here would have been my rebuttal,

If dude has a dog with three legs

You have a dog with three legs

Then I say you should definitely talk to him, because that is a sign from dog heaven saying

Talk to this man

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/05/09 11:18 PM
LOL he lives in Colorado, hon.

but he is a hottie and I think he is fabulously funny.

but the mere fact that he willingly adopted a three legged dog makes me happy. I love animal lovers who love any animal, broken or not.

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 11:34 PM

just didnt know if the main concept of the thread was to be funny or if ya were being serious

if he is in colorado id chalk it up to coincedence and continue laughing about it

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/05/09 11:42 PM
I was being serious, but I don't care if people want to be funny.

Nothing wrong about laughter.

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 11:53 PM
dont understand your response to my response then

how far r u from colorado?

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:39 AM
waving (((HE)))

long time

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:48 AM
I MISS YOU! so much has happened since we last spoke!

I am going to Israel!

OMG! You so totally have to email me, you punk!

You are looking good!

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:50 AM

I had a friend that had a three legged dog. His name was Tripod.

that's what women call me...smokin

that's not what i call you...big boylove

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:57 AM

I MISS YOU! so much has happened since we last spoke!

I am going to Israel!

OMG! You so totally have to email me, you punk!

You are looking good!

Missed seeing you round these parts too! That's great you get to see your daughter.

We'll catch up another night; I'm off to dreamland

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 12:58 AM
wow what a buzz kill that musta been

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 07/06/09 01:02 AM

what was, Billy?

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 01:08 AM
dude came and went like mel gibson at a catholic church

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 07/06/09 01:39 AM
LOL, that is Brian's style.

That is what made us friends in the first place. That and Mindy Mindy

DrMadLove's photo
Mon 07/06/09 06:51 AM
My neighbour had a dog with 3 legs once.... he named her "Eileen....."

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 07/06/09 06:57 AM
Maybe I am outa style now

My dog has 4 legs!!