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Topic: Are you a good parent
Winx's photo
Mon 07/06/09 09:30 AM

Were u not rantin an carryin on bout these very people a few months ago? Were u not advised to call Children Services? What became of it? shades

I was thinking the same thing.

Winx's photo
Mon 07/06/09 09:40 AM

What advice did I give?

The one from the bible?

Many people are 'insulated' from the real world.

Here we go!
What does he mean? Where does he get off saying that?!

Many say all the right things , but don't practice it themselves.

We all have a view of how things should be.

Take racism for example.

In public, we will all agree that we are not a racist!!
But yet many 'conveniently' structure their life to avoid certain people.
You have a good job and a make good money....why didn't you buy/move into a house in a area known locally as 'ghetto'?
...or....I don't want my child in that kind of environment!!
(the hypocrisy is glowing on fire!)
What kind of environment are you to say is the correct one?
...or even better...what's so wrong with the people who live in a ghetto?
Ohhh...I see....you're better than them!
(but can't/won't EVER admit to that!)

Again....many say all the right things , but don't practice it themselves.

...and it's super easy to type all the 'right' answers on an internet board so that others will all silently shake their heads in agreement and mumble...wow....he a such a good person!

I'm not sure what this has to do with your topic.

Just because I don't want to live in a ghetto or raise my child in one doesn't make me racist or a hypocrite. That's down right silly to even suggest such a thing, IMO. Even the people that live in the ghetto don't want to live there.

Foliel's photo
Mon 07/06/09 11:47 AM
I love when people as "Do you have kids?" doesn't matter if we have kids or not as we are someone's kids.

My mother was a firm believer in no spanking unless absolutely necessary. In fact I was only hit 4 times in my entire childhood. (Once was to get me to shape up since I was hysterical after having been molested.) I never feared my mother, she raised me while haing a broken back and one leg. My 2 sisters were raised without spanking, not once were they spanked. One turned out just fine, the youngest walked all over my mother. Did whatever she wanted without a care.

My mother tried the punishments that she was told would work:

Grounding - my sister walked out of the house after calling my mother all kinds of nasty names.

Taking things away - she would just take it back.

My youngest sister is also incredibly violent. She hits people all the time, screams yells, makes scenes in public, she swears alot whether there are kids around or not. The older of the 2 has pretty much disowned her.

I have told her that if she hits our mother again, I will call the police and have her arrested for assault and battery on a handicapped person..only problem with that is my mother won't press charges.

and now for DSS (some places call it cps)- this was my sisters favorite threat. "You punish me in any way and I'll call DSS and tell them that you hit me"

So of course my mom didnt do anything as she was too afraid of dss. So I took matters into my own hands. I brought her to the library and showed her some of the places that dss kids end up. Not all mind you, many foster homes are a wonderful place to live. I myself lived in a wonderful one (mom couldnt care for me as my mind had broken from the molestation.) But she saw enough of kids getting far worse in "bad" foster homes than in her own home that she stopped threatening it.

Sadly, as it stands, my sister and I both tolerate the youngest for my mothers sake. "You have to love her, you don't have to like her"
She is soon to be 21 and has not grown up in the least. She is still selfish, greedy, mean, swears alot, hits people, walks all over our mother, soooooo I have to wonder which of us is worse.......

Also I was raised by a man that was not my father, he came into my moms life when I was 6 months old and raised me as his own. So I feel that if you raised a child, whether it is your child or not, you count as a parent.

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 01:13 PM

I love when people as "Do you have kids?" doesn't matter if we have kids or not as we are someone's kids.

Actually to me, it does matter......esp. when people make blanket statements about what parents need to be doing. That of course is my own opinion, and I have no need to justify it.

The main reason I asked him that question is because I had never heard him talk of having children before. I do agree that parents are responsible for monitoring their kids activities online.

And I agree with you as well, you don't have to have given birth to a child to earn the title as caregiver or parent.

Foliel's photo
Mon 07/06/09 05:18 PM
I don't need to have children to speak from how I was raised. At the same time I agree that no one should be telling people how to raise their children, UNLESS I feel that there is potential abuse going on, then I will say something or call the proper authorities.

People can speak about how their parents raised them and it should still qualify. I may not have children, but I am someone's child. Everything I learned about raising children comes from my mother raising me. I can honestly say I would try every form of punishment I can think of without resorting to spanking my child. That is how I was raised, BUT a spanking won't kill your kid. I was spanked 4 times and turned out fine.

As for my youngest sister.....well let's say she didn't turn out so well from a no spanking rule. Mind you, this is my family, I have children that are wonderful people and have never been spanked.

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