Topic: Where is a good place to meet single girls?
no photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:45 PM

try a church

The last gal I dated was from church.

see? there you go!

jasmine3922's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:49 PM
wrong number?.....cellphone chat/text lines.....craigslist

MikeCarbellano's photo
Tue 06/30/09 09:56 AM

wrong number?.....cellphone chat/text lines.....craigslist

Craigslist is filled with creeps and spammers. It is a joke people actually go there.

NiteOwl71's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:03 PM

supermarket, library, malls

I always laugh when someone says the supermarket. Do people actually meet that way?

Supermarket, fruit dept: Nice melons!

Zoo, aviary: Good lookin hooters!

Supermarket, meat dept (which is right next to the fruit dept): Tiny weiners!oops rofl whoa surprised winking waving

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:51 PM

wrong number?.....cellphone chat/text lines.....craigslist

Really? laugh

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:56 PM
ironically i have a friend who met her current bf from craigslist. i have no idea how she managed that. then again, maybe her local craigslist is better than most?

patsfan64's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:58 PM

So I know that nightclubs are a good way to find a single girl, but where else is a good place? I mean, $25+ cover charges and a long drive is a lot of money for one night. There are no nightclubs in Palmdale, CA, so it is tough.

I know how to hold a good conversation, just lacking of knowledge where to go.

Palmdale? Sounds appropriate in a town with no single women!

DrBogenbroom's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:34 PM
All this social stuff seems like a lot of work. Then again, I get a less than 10% return on the letters I send online. Why couldn't I keep to my old mantra that women are more trouble than they're worth? I think it's one of those deals where once you get a taste, you can't return to your happily single past. The fleeting moments of pleasure don't seem to outweigh the depression of being alone.

You women, you're a worse addiction than crack. lol

Oh well. I'll just put on a happy face and go about my business.

cabot's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:36 PM
I hang outside the divorce court doors on Fridays. They seem to be the busiest days here.biggrin

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:38 PM

All this social stuff seems like a lot of work. Then again, I get a less than 10% return on the letters I send online. Why couldn't I keep to my old mantra that women are more trouble than they're worth? I think it's one of those deals where once you get a taste, you can't return to your happily single past. The fleeting moments of pleasure don't seem to outweigh the depression of being alone.

You women, you're a worse addiction than crack. lol

Oh well. I'll just put on a happy face and go about my business.

All I hear is waaah, waaah, waaah.

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:38 PM
Exercise clubs. Although I don't go regularly, I've been only like twice in my whole life, but what I saw with all the women there, there got to be lot's of opportunities.

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:43 PM
Most people are there to exercise, though. I mean, I'm sure a few wouldn't mind being hit on while exercising, but most probably don't want that.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/30/09 06:45 PM
love right herelove

DrBogenbroom's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:21 PM

All this social stuff seems like a lot of work. Then again, I get a less than 10% return on the letters I send online. Why couldn't I keep to my old mantra that women are more trouble than they're worth? I think it's one of those deals where once you get a taste, you can't return to your happily single past. The fleeting moments of pleasure don't seem to outweigh the depression of being alone.

You women, you're a worse addiction than crack. lol

Oh well. I'll just put on a happy face and go about my business.

All I hear is waaah, waaah, waaah.

me too. What's the problem?

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:39 PM

All this social stuff seems like a lot of work. Then again, I get a less than 10% return on the letters I send online. Why couldn't I keep to my old mantra that women are more trouble than they're worth? I think it's one of those deals where once you get a taste, you can't return to your happily single past. The fleeting moments of pleasure don't seem to outweigh the depression of being alone.

You women, you're a worse addiction than crack. lol

Oh well. I'll just put on a happy face and go about my business.

All I hear is waaah, waaah, waaah.

me too. What's the problem?

Hey, if you're happy being whiny, go for it. :smile:

Cinderella75's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:51 PM
Colleges and Universities..:wink:

DrBogenbroom's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:57 PM

All this social stuff seems like a lot of work. Then again, I get a less than 10% return on the letters I send online. Why couldn't I keep to my old mantra that women are more trouble than they're worth? I think it's one of those deals where once you get a taste, you can't return to your happily single past. The fleeting moments of pleasure don't seem to outweigh the depression of being alone.

You women, you're a worse addiction than crack. lol

Oh well. I'll just put on a happy face and go about my business.

All I hear is waaah, waaah, waaah.

me too. What's the problem?

Hey, if you're happy being whiny, go for it. :smile:

Actually, yes. It feels good to write about my problems. This is just one of the topics I've been discussing with myself lately.

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:59 PM
Ummm.. online? cossss thats where Immm looking, and stuff...

find a guy.. not easy.. looking online....

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 08:02 PM
Someone told me that the waiting room of your local IRS branch is a good place to meet chicks. Then again, the only reason why you'd go to an IRS branch would be that you're gettin' audited, so that might not be as good a place to meet chicks after all. :laughing:

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 06/30/09 08:03 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Tue 06/30/09 08:03 PM

Most people are there to exercise, though. I mean, I'm sure a few wouldn't mind being hit on while exercising, but most probably don't want that.

..and then shopping centers used for shopping, I'm sure many dont' want to be hit on while buying stuff, same with libraries, they go to read there and to be in quiet, and in church, it's prayer time, not meeting others.

going with your logic here, but deep down you know you said what you said, because you wanna disagree with someone.