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Topic: Home Schooling?
Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:40 PM
What's your thoughts on Home schooling?

I have a Born again Christian Friend who home schools his kids. Is this
ideal or just control over one's children not to be pat of the world?

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:43 PM
educationally it can be a very good idea if you live in a bad school
district but it can shelter the kid and disrupt his social growth.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:49 PM

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:53 PM
It's kind of a paradox to me.

On one hand they seem to be well ajusted kids, but who really knows
behinf closed doors. They are afraid of the public shool system with
their Ulta liberal view. Remember I said they were Born again Christian
witch means fire and brim stone types. They don't want their kids the
learn that Billy has Two Daddies and Sussie has Two mommies. So they
basicly want to control their education and not because of povity level.
It's a political issue with them.
As I said, they seem really intelligent kids for thier age. But that may
not have to do with their education?

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:58 PM
I feel they need the social skills, if they are not happy with the
public schools then there are always private schools.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 11:59 PM
i thought you meant in general, not the specific example you gave. you
would have to ask them because everyone has different reasons. i think
it is a mistake to shelter your kids from the world. if you don't like
liberal views and you don't want them to be influenced by different
ideas and what not that is fine but they are going to have to enter the
world at somepoint.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:09 AM
On one level they interact with the world,as in sports activities. On
the other hand I think they are going to miss out in the kind of
interaction as we all probably did such as dealing with bullies. They
supposadly have dealt with such but I can't help but to think not in the
same way as most of us were you have no or little support on dealing
with the like of the Bully. I feelit's a kind of mind contol on their
part. Now they are not the types to just pray over their kid if the kid
is sick. They are very modern born agains but still I can't help but
think what a control freaks too.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:17 AM
i don't think that normal sports activities is enough interaction
though. kids get alot out of just spending 6 hrs a day away from their
parents and trying to function basically on their own. it's like being
prepared to be around people who may not be understanding to you when
you are in a bad mood. they have to deal with people who don't love them
unconditionally so they have to be responsible for their actions and
their behavior.

RJPugz's photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:27 AM
well thats messed up definatly the wrong reason for homeschooling..I was
homeschooled but for different reasons (I got in trouble to much)I got
better grades but I missed seeing everybody..

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:28 AM
My point is I think the parents are setting themselves up for disaster
by trying to contol every aspect of the kids influence, like I know they
ask their parents why I am not of the samre religion as they are. That
to me says the parents are not teaching them of the different thoughts
of the world. That they are still getting a homoginalized view. But the
good thing is that the family is still exccepting of me and don't feel
threatened that I am not of their faith. To some degree I sometimes
think it's because they may want to try to convert me some how.

I have had numerous talks withthem about their and my beliefs. But
lately I seem to think that because they are so busy with there life
that they cant continur the dialoge or they don't want to because of my
beliefs. so it's a bit of a touch and go there.

I still can't help but picture there kidds totally rejecting their
beliefs as point when they are older.

In some part of me says I hope so, and in some point I hope not.

ysrider's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:44 AM
Interesting subject. I'll tell you my story - sort of lengthy - but now
you all are getting use to that with me. I mean, not like I have
opinious, eh? ;} :o

My wife and I wanted to homeschool. We felt the public educations
system had failed us in so many ways that we wanted to do better for our
kids. Not much to do with religion for us, as we are more part of an
"earth based" belief system, so public schools would do little to effect
our kids spiritual life. That is what I think Christians do have to
deal with in public school - not enough of the values and focus that
they want taught. We never had an issue with that side of things.

For us we thought the hours and regulation of school would be less than
ideal. That is to say, if we are up late in the morning, and up late at
night, can't we get the same learning done as getting up early and going
to bed early. That is more my families speed. Also why would my kids
have to be slowed down or sped up in an area of educations - why can't
they work at their own pace. I mean a 1st grader might be ready for
multiplcation, but the school will not let them race that far ahead -
for example. And a slower kid is put in "the slow class".

Also controversial - we did not want to vacinate our kids and this is a
big issue for the school, and other parents. If everyone else is
playing along (which most folks do - they think it is in the best
interest for thier kids, society, and they think doctors know the best -
I don't agree, but respect that view) we thought we should stay out of
their system, since we wouldn't just agree to that part.

With that said - we were not orginized enought at the start of when my
son should have started kindergarden. We had little plans or material
together and my wife came to me and said she would like to send him to
school at least for part the rest of that year. We did this and never
looked back. Since then I have enjoyed the socialization (I have to say
the good AND the bad). Public school is not always a good place.
Knowing some folks with kids in private school though (Christian based)
I'd rather send my kids anywhere but there. But I am not a Christian,
so it stands to reason I would not be hip to that whole routine.

Anyway, what do I think now? I think it is the right choice for some
people, but I think some people that do it, hurt their kids with the
things talked about previously. Sheltering, single mindedness, lack of
outside social contact, and just the general odd-ballness of the life
they lead. If you work hard and have a support system of fellow
homeschoolers I think it can be good. Kids get the socialization that
way. But I guess you have to realize the world is full of many
different flavors. Unfortunatly - I'm sure many of us can tell stories
about messed up things from childhood that should have never happened.
Somehow the most messed up childhoods make strong people.

AND we may not be done with homeschooling in my case. We have discussed
the idea of letting my kids change once they get to the highschool
level. Were still flexible to change - something we've had to learn is
a constant part of life, like it or not.


RestD's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:32 AM
If homeschooling is done properly...taking into account the kids social
needs and broad's a good thing. But so many times it's
abused...and that gives it a bad rap.

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:29 AM
i was home schooled for a while and when i went back to go to highschool
i was soooo bored i swear most public schools dont teach anything new
after like 9th grade i was able to learn at my own pace in a comfortable
surrounding when i did go back to school i was years ahead of most of
the school fifteen i wanted to take my ged to get out of school
but this area has a law were if your not incarserated you have to wait
for your graduationg class year to take the ged i ended up going
to a community college that had a programn were you earn you first
thirty semester hours and get your ged in one shot i aced their entrance
exam but they said i was still to young...but anywho i think home school
does have its benifeits
specially when your pop speeks 12 langauges and is an english major i
swear my pop taught me the secret to learning ...its always what you
know its how well you can find what you dont know and how well the
knowledge is applied...he told me being able to find the info your
looking for is as if not more inportant than knowing it already

FariesDoFly's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:46 AM
With me i've known alot of kids that have been in home schooling and
they seem to lack in the areas of being social... they tend to go
through things that when your 16 you should have gone through late...I
dont know if you guys have alturnative programs out in the states but
its a smaller class room and usually its your own pace so for kids that
can't handle big class room or large sized schools its perfect that way
they get more time with the teacher and are and basically have to talk
to most of the kids there , in which lets the whole group of different
kids not happen. Its a way better way to go then home schooling, it just
tends to let the kid become anti-social and when there out they learn
socialization skills and are less likely to become rebels at 21

paterafan's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:11 AM

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 12:51 PM
Homeschooling is for narrow-minded people, who want to raise
narrow-minded children.

Well there might be some cases where home-schooling is ok. But to do so
just because you dont want them to learn about the world is wrong. You
cant hide your kids forever.

Although really I think the way we teach in the United States(below the
university level anyway) is wrong. We need to teach our children HOW to
think, not mearly WHAT to think.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 04:49 PM
that's a good point sirthinksalot. if you keep telling them what to
think and never encourage free thought or discussions there are
repercussions beyond hearing other points of view, you don't think for
yourself and your ideas get stale. alot of people anymore just memorize
facts when they are in school and they don't take the time to really
understand what it is that they are memorizing. they could tell you the
answer but couldn't explain why that is the answer. i've found that when
i talk to people, alot of them have an opinion on a subject but can't
tell you why they have that opinion.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 05:35 PM
I do some times think they wish to be in a closed society were just
their Christian theme and ideas. I have seen some of their student text
books which use the theme Gods biological Creatures. I don't remember
seeing textbooks in schools that I attended that said Satan's Biology
101. But somehow I get the thinking that's how they view secular
education as being the tool by Satan to mislead mankind. I/m surprised I
didn't see something like Gods heavenly Grammar Book or Counting
number's with God. I mean come on.

I know they (Christians) don't believe in Evolution and stuff but not
all text books mention evolution in the study of biology.
It just seem they are soo concerned with how their kids are influenced
by text books but they don't really do much in the way of the kids TV

For insteance: Their kidds like to watch a show called So Raven about a
young black chick who is psychic. But yet they don't let them see the
Harry Potter Movies because of the supernatural content. I know it's
their choice of what they let them watch but it seems hypocritical and
not with consistent with their beliefs. They will celebrate Christmas
because of tradition but not Halloween. Now I don't know if you people
are familiar or not but Christmas or actually the decoration of the
X-mas tree is borrowed from a Pagan custom. But you can't tell them that
because they don't want to admit it. Again I know it's ultimately their
choice but I still feel that if you are going to aspire to a certain
life style I would think you would be more consistent in your choices.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:27 PM
i think the thing with the t.v. show is that a psychic ability can be
more easily attributed to the wonders of GOD and his power than
withccraft. i don't think you should let it get to you recon, there
children are going to have to be out in the world on their own soon
enough and they will be free to choose their own path if they decide to.
they will raise their children the way that they think is right and that
is their right to do so. the only reason i got into this conversation is
because you brought up the point about whether or not they were tryin to
shelter their kids. sheltering kids is not entirely bad but you can't
overdo it because the world is not going to be that way when they get
into it. i think it would be more beneficial for kids to be raised in
the real world but with the parents ideas and beliefs and their
relationship that those things have in the world, there has to be
understanding of what you are doing and that there are other types of
people in the world. if you don't have that we won't ever get past this
point that we are in now where people refuse to acknowledge others
beliefs except for they are wrong, that is never going to be a peaceful
world and you have to be prepared for it.

unsure's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:36 PM
You know sometimes I wonder if home schooling is good...look at all
these people going in to the schools and killing our kids! That is
getting really bad, if it continues like it is, I am thinking about home
schooling my little one!
I do think the kids that do get home schooled miss out on a lot of
social things though....just like the functions at school. They don't
get to participate in anything at the school. No dances, no senior year
fun you have to kind of weigh it out. What is the best thing
for your child.
I don't think you can shelter your child forever, if thats why you are
doing it...then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. Sooner or
later, your children have to face the real world and deal with it.

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