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Topic: Micheal Jackson
no photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:22 PM

I really don't care what others think about the man...personally I wasn't a fan but I can respect how others think about HIM

Thank you kindly. Maybe we can agree to disagree about each others opinion but let's respect the family and friends who are mourning right now. Thank you!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:24 PM

Please educate yourself about our court (Judicial) system... YOU CANNOT PAY A JUROR! Are you nuts?

this is what I responded to with facts....BTW

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:25 PM

I really don't care what others think about the man...personally I wasn't a fan but I can respect how others think about HIM

Thank you kindly. Maybe we can agree to disagree about each others opinion but let's respect the family and friends who are mourning right now. Thank you!

but in a debate forum...I will call out what I see as incorrect.

Dan99's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:26 PM

You are telling me you have not been serving as a jury in your life. and if you are: You are lying. I've been a juror and been called 3 times in my 20yrs of being here in the US. I served 3 cases each of those times. I know the system and I know the rule and I know you are lying. Lawyers are the only one who can communicate each other. Jurors are not allowed to talk to any lawyers or even the judge until the end when the verdict is pass. YOu are full of BS!

laugh seriously???? yes I HAVE served on juries...but even that doesn't make someone an expert. there are cases of jury tampering...look it up

you realize there are ways to get around it don't you??? seriously??? I don't think the jury was bought in MJ's case...but guess what....there are cases that site jury tampering

We are talking about Michael Jackson's cases in this thread. If you are referring your statement to some other cases you know, then you are out of this topic and it should not be brought up here.

Your attitude is not required in this thread either.


If you are one of the family members of the Jackson family. Would you want this kind of bickering and belittling of your dead family member? Can people at least respect family who are mourning? and not making some negative comments? This is what is wrong with the world today!

You mean his family that have defended him through the accusations when they would likely know the full extent of his pedophilia?

I dont care for them either.

People that defend and harbour child molesters are just as bad as the molesters themselves.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:28 PM
Dan... BTW... I sent you an email explaining and apologizing for my reaction earlier

Dan99's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:29 PM
It never got to me!

You must have used a bad word!

You can try send it to me again

But either way I forgive ya! If you forgive me?!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:32 PM

It never got to me!

You must have used a bad word!

You can try send it to me again

But either way I forgive ya! If you forgive me?!

Dan...all is good. I think the site is having some issues and making it slow because of the new dealio about the banned words. and no I didn't cuss you out lol. But maybe it will explain things

Dan99's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:42 PM
If i get it i will reply to it. I dont think its gonna come through now though.

no photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:58 PM
Dan I sent you a male too

Dan99's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:01 PM
I haven't had any mail for a few hours, and no males for A LOT longer!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:13 PM
Due to the attacking within this thread that is totally uncalled for this thread will be locked up.

I see no reason to leave this thread for comments no matter what no one is going to agree on this situation.

Site Mod

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