Topic: Our next President
no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:04 PM
we're the strongest country? ... depends on what you would consider
strong... technically
women and men aren't even equal under the constitution of the united
states.. abortion rights are being over turned, gas is going sky high,
highest rate of unplanned teen pregnancies and STD's in developed
countries, one of the 5 of the 100 and somethign countries that don't
have paid leave for pregnante women... we say to practice religious
freedom but we've taken away the rights of native american prisoners,the
government made treaties with the native americans and everyone of them
literally everyone of them have been broken and it continues to go that
way... we're doing coal slurring over in the navajo's land which is
making the water in the south west go down tremendously just so we can
make money.... i can go on..

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:05 PM
this country hasn't been in a surplus in many many feeds
that crap to us and we swallow every bit of it.

armydoc4u's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:05 PM
Horse dude, this aint the place, and im not the one you want to debate
about brainwashing and drinking the koolaid.

but let me see if i got this right.... i should be a dem, hmmm...

if i was a dem then i wouldnt go to iraq right or at least should vote
for one so i dont? yeah i think thats what you mean.

but since i am a rep, and voting for one, and one will win, then im
bound to die in iraq.

let me break it down for you, a dem would have me pretending to work, or
do my job, and still get paid, for not really doing anything at all-
sounds like government waste if you ask me, and yep thats what dems are
know for.

but a rep, will let me go do my job, which no one but me picked for me,
will even let me get paid to do it, and earn it, and by the way, i dont
pay taxes on it over there either, which dems hate, they think its their

put simply, i can be fake, pretenscious, and a victim with no honor-
we'll for the sake of this debate call that a democrat.


I can be honorable, and go help as many suffering people as i can,
actually do the job im being paid to do and not defraud the government
or the tax payers out of their money, we'll call that a republican, for
the sake of this debate of course.

thinkin im gonna have to stay republican- Bob.

supply and demand on the oil prices there to Bob, who sets those prices?
isnt it opec? just a thought- who's really making money off of oil bob?
think tan and sand and blew up some buildings. dont think any texans are
a part of opec- could b wrong, but doubt it.

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:08 PM
i really think we're all making generalizations over both major parties
and none of us are correct, there are the good the bad and the ugly in
each party...

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:13 PM
if dems win i,m staying if rep win i,m going to germany.

horseracer's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:19 PM
well doc dud you dying in irak doing your job. tell me exactly what will
it do. stop the fighting between the them selves no way if we are there
a 100yrs we will not acompolish anything they still will be war there.
the only diferance is there killing one another for there belife and not
what we are tring to shove down throat lets take care of our country
first before we try to fix another country. so you dying will only give
your mom a flag and no fradom to no one so wake up and look arond

Tina211's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:25 PM
Well I hate to say this but under the constitution women and men are
equal, for the fact that women are not mentioned in the constitution.
Supreme court cases are mostly responsible for major womens issues like
abortion, which was asserted in Roe vs. Wde in 1973, so it was fairly
recent in comparsion to the constitution. Also yeah our country hasent
been in a surplus for a long time because the government cant stop
spending. Reagan triples tax revenue during his presidency and still
amnaged to verate a deficit through excessive spending.

hungary22's photo
Wed 05/16/07 10:30 PM
i time for all women . to stand up and be counted for.

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:08 AM
tina i suggest you revisit your history class... and look over the
equal rights amendment.. all men are equal in the united states the
constitution says nothing about women.. and as far as roe vs wade..
excuse me you think thats to justify everything thats wrong with our
country? not to mention why don't we look at the fact that south dakota-
abortions illegal north dakota- trying to pass a low to make them
illegal , south carolina recently tried to passa forced ultra sound
bill, florida has stuff in, and the bill by president bush that
vetos 3rd trimester abortions, then the what was it a few weeks to a
month ago they passed that even if a woman's health is in danger in the
3rd trimester she can't have an abortion then... i beg you to learn
what you are speaking about, because if you really think women have
equal rights... then you obviously haven't opened your eyes to the work
force, the private or the public sphere, or their rights.. like say i
live in south carolina here a man can get a vasectomy if he wants one
without asking his wife.. but a woman has to have her husbands written
consent for getting her tubes tied... or the fact that its still in the
law books a husband can take his wife to the courthouse and beat her on
the stairs on sundays... or why don't you look at the fact the sex
trade is the top of the list for crimes on women or domestic violence...
health care and birth control did you know that your locla pharmacy can
refuse to fill your birthcontrol prescription... and it keeps going and
going and going.. there are so many issues.

KerryO's photo
Thu 05/17/07 02:28 AM
" ive never physically met a democrat that i actually liked or thought
any original ideas or for tat matter knew how to tell the truth. victims
everyone of them, all they ever do is........okay better stop, before
someone gets their delicate sensabilities offended and they call Al
Sharpton to bannish my free speech.

Nah, you know what, screw that, never met a dem that was worth a damn,
politicaly or personally. dont like it, who cares."

So, how'd you like it when Saxby Chambliss ran attack ads questioning
the patriotism of Max Cleland, a vet who lost three limbs defending his
country by morphing his face into that of bin Laden and Hussein,

As long as the ends justify the means for people like you who are
hopelessly partisan, you can expect a lot more of this type of outrage.
And you can expect more of the type of Justice Dept scandals for the
same reason. When these guys have you walking in lockstep, they are
capable of just about anything because they feel invincible and can
word-lawyer their way out of nearly any excess.

-Kerry O.

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:29 AM
Horse racer, it was the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, French, English,
Spanish, and the list goes on, throughout history that had that peephole
view of superiority and world domination and where are they now? The US
can fall just as well. Its people that have uninformed knee-jerk
reactions (you know, like when yall are dancin' that Jed Clampit dance
that I just can't seem to master laugh ) to anything pertaining to
politics without first turning off their favorite sitcom and formulating
an actual opinion based on anything other than "feelings" alone, is what
really scares me. Those people, IF they go to the polls will vote on
what? Sound bites? " Cuz he's a dem"? Or "Ah think he dun good in them
cumershals. hee hee He really dun whooped dat edjemekated guy". Lemmings
headed for the cliff. Please do a little research before posting to this
thread. I would like this to be both educational and humorous as a
discussion on politicians and politics should be. Our country pulls
left, right, and center like a drunk driver trying to stay out of the
ditch. It always works out in the end, except for the drunk driver. It
is the diversity of views that will keep us on our wandering track
rather than the mindless robots which many of you would like us to
become because you think that yours is the best way therefore everyone
else is wrong. Crap! I did put my two cents worth in, didn't I?yawn

davinci1952's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:34 AM
I think anyone who feels they are republican should give Ron Paul
a second look...if you want to play connect the dots using true
values it would would be like this: Goldwater...Reagan....Ron Paul
His record is a clear indication of his conviction...

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:42 AM
Sorority , you picked the wrong thread. You must be looking for the "I
hate men all the way back to Adam" forum. Don't go into the lion's den
just to smack it with a steak.flowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:43 AM
Thanks davinci, I will.

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:57 AM
We're a lawless mob over right to bear arms...a
government who is so deep up the arse of any president of the US, no
matter what his political persuasion..

Why would you come here?

Oh, and we dont scream too loud about rights either, well, certainly not
the masses..

we just get on with it.

Oh, and we kind of like refugees, and quite frankly we are all illegal
immigrants over here, and we don't deny it...

so maybe Australia is not the place...

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:08 AM
Oh!!! And the biggest one?? We KNOW all our politicians are criminal,
theiving, lying, scumbags.

davinci1952's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:27 AM
jess...sounds like your importing politicians from

horseracer's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:12 AM
all i can say is look at the country now repub. are running it. look at
your taxes you are paying look at the econmy look around you at all your
unemployed friends. the proof is all around you. its not somthing i
makeing up. all it is you got your head up a republicans president a$$
and you cant see anything . so wkake up and look around you. and you
already kno that it will be a dem. president that will be elected. that
i'm so sure of. watch and see everyone knows that. watch and see

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:44 AM
Home is home but I would love to visit Australia someday. I have a
friend in Cairns that builds custom artistic furniture pieces using
native woods. It is a beautiful country, And the women are hotties, eh
Jess?blushing flowerforyou

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/17/07 08:06 AM
hope ya dont vote a good guy in ya shoot all ya good presidents over
there dontcha.laugh if your next government is smart they will close
the defence will all be rich if they do. im an australian
and the road you guys are going down worrys me a bit.most australians
think of you as the good guys and we tend to follow your lead please
dont lead us astray .vote for the good guy and change your gun laws he
may have a better chance of survival.