Topic: Yet Again!
yellowrose10's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:35 PM

People who have been here for awhile tend to forget that there are new people signing up all the time -- and that your 4883rd "nice guy" thread is also somebody else's first one.

Call it short-sightedness, self-absorption, whatever -- it is kind of interesting when someone complains "THIS IS THE SEVENTY MILLIONTH TIME I"VE SEEN THIS TOPIC POSTED SINCE APRIL 24, 2007" and the OP just joined yesterday.

I guess new people are supposed to be psychic somehow and already know everything that's been posted before they joined.

Hey, and I've heard this argument: "They should at least take the time to read the forums and find out about what's been posted a lot already."

I agree with the first part -- I think everybody should read the forums for awhile before they post; it helps you get accustomed to the interplay, the ebb and flow, the cast of characters.

But as to making a detailed survey of everything that's been posted already? -- that's insane. I never did that. I signed up, read for awhile, and jumped in.

Look, people are people, so why should it be that new people get treated so awfully? (Sorry, had a musical brain cramp there.)

Give 'em a little time, let 'em learn. This is a damn good site, with lots of great people, and the LAST thing we need to do is drive the new good ones away by picking on them for trivial little piddly stuff that maybe we even did OURSELVES when we were new, right?

I look at it like this -- how would I want to be treated as a newcomer? And I think if we put ourselves in that position, and stop being so damn proprietary and territorial about everything (you know who you are!), we MIGHT just get some INTERESTING new people on this site.

Worth a try, huh?


tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:38 PM

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:40 PM
sorry, i was taking life seriously for a bit...

relax... life aint so bad.

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:41 PM

sorry, i was taking life seriously for a bit...

relax... life aint so bad.

That's an awfully big pill!

7z3r05's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:42 PM

sorry, i was taking life seriously for a bit...

relax... life aint so bad.

That's an awfully big pill!

and i think a lot of people here could use 750,000 mgs of CHILL THE EFF OUT.

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:44 PM
ohwell chill pill would be nice when my kid is whining and crying!

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:44 PM
There are a few ( not many) on here that just love to disagree & look for arguments, i just don't bother to reply back because they don't even realize that's what they do. Oh & there's also the 2,500 word responsesslaphead

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:46 PM
Think not of what the other is doing, saying, being!Only think of the self!It is much easier on the soul!

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:46 PM

There are a few ( not many) on here that just love to disagree & look for arguments, i just don't bother to reply back because they don't even realize that's what they do. Oh & there's also the 2,500 word responsesslaphead

HEY! I like my 250,000 word responses! :tongue:

I don't necessarily want to turn this into a b*tch-fest, but just to have people stop for a minute and look around.

Debate is good and fun, but sometimes it is taken too far... and most definately your choosen sparing partner should know that they are choosen!

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:47 PM

Think not of what the other is doing, saying, being!Only think of the self!It is much easier on the soul!

Thinking only of self is selfish... thinking of others is selfless!

Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:49 PM
welfare thread

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:50 PM

Think not of what the other is doing, saying, being!Only think of the self!It is much easier on the soul!

Thinking only of self is selfish... thinking of others is selfless!
I think you mistook what i am saying.Other people's negativity means nothing except the meaning you give it!So pay it no mind!

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:51 PM

welfare thread

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

spock Why is my thread being deemed a 'welfare' thread? Clue me in here, I don't know the inside joke!

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:55 PM
Well, I have to get going! But still curious about this 'welfare' thing!

tanyaann's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:58 PM
And I am bumping it!

HeyBeautiful88's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:01 PM

People who have been here for awhile tend to forget that there are new people signing up all the time -- and that your 4883rd "nice guy" thread is also somebody else's first one.

Give 'em a little time, let 'em learn. This is a damn good site, with lots of great people, and the LAST thing we need to do is drive the new good ones away by picking on them for trivial little piddly stuff that maybe we even did OURSELVES when we were new, right?

I look at it like this -- how would I want to be treated as a newcomer? And I think if we put ourselves in that position, and stop being so damn proprietary and territorial about everything (you know who you are!), we MIGHT just get some INTERESTING new people on this site.

Hey Lex, Thanks!
I'm new here, and I Joined the site so I could participate in the Forums, not to get picked up by some Random Hot Man who lives half way across the United States.
At the moment I'm content with simply adding my 2 cents here and there, and Flirting with Eileena, Rara and their Crew. Eventually, when I have paid my Dues, and my Bills, I may elect to start a Thread or Two of my own.

I am as Sarcastic as the next Northerner, and very often type in Accents... That doesn't mean that I'm ignorant, and don't have a Grasp on the English Language, (or a Copy of Brother Websters....)

That just means that the way I type fits my mood.
I say that now, because I plan on being part of this Community for a good long while, and am wondering exactly how long the "incubation period" is...

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 06/23/09 04:11 PM
People who have been here for awhile tend to forget that there are new people signing up all the time -- and that your 4883rd "nice guy" thread is also somebody else's first one.

Call it short-sightedness, self-absorption, whatever -- it is kind of interesting when someone complains "THIS IS THE SEVENTY MILLIONTH TIME I"VE SEEN THIS TOPIC POSTED SINCE APRIL 24, 2007" and the OP just joined yesterday.

I guess new people are supposed to be psychic somehow and already know everything that's been posted before they joined.

Hey, and I've heard this argument: "They should at least take the time to read the forums and find out about what's been posted a lot already."

I agree with the first part -- I think everybody should read the forums for awhile before they post; it helps you get accustomed to the interplay, the ebb and flow, the cast of characters.

But as to making a detailed survey of everything that's been posted already? -- that's insane. I never did that. I signed up, read for awhile, and jumped in.

That's understandable, Lex. By the same token, if some of these new people actually thought about their first threads they're creating -- I mean REALLY sat for a few minutes and thought about it -- do you think they would actually still post a "Does this site really work?", or "Has anyone met?", or "nice guy" thread, or anything of that ilk, honestly believing that that question hasn't been asked here before? I'm not trying to sound sardonic, but it's really all a matter of using one's own common sense.

Just an observation. No offense intended.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 04:24 PM

People who have been here for awhile tend to forget that there are new people signing up all the time -- and that your 4883rd "nice guy" thread is also somebody else's first one.

Call it short-sightedness, self-absorption, whatever -- it is kind of interesting when someone complains "THIS IS THE SEVENTY MILLIONTH TIME I"VE SEEN THIS TOPIC POSTED SINCE APRIL 24, 2007" and the OP just joined yesterday.

I guess new people are supposed to be psychic somehow and already know everything that's been posted before they joined.

Hey, and I've heard this argument: "They should at least take the time to read the forums and find out about what's been posted a lot already."

I agree with the first part -- I think everybody should read the forums for awhile before they post; it helps you get accustomed to the interplay, the ebb and flow, the cast of characters.

But as to making a detailed survey of everything that's been posted already? -- that's insane. I never did that. I signed up, read for awhile, and jumped in.

Look, people are people, so why should it be that new people get treated so awfully? (Sorry, had a musical brain cramp there.)

Give 'em a little time, let 'em learn. This is a damn good site, with lots of great people, and the LAST thing we need to do is drive the new good ones away by picking on them for trivial little piddly stuff that maybe we even did OURSELVES when we were new, right?

I look at it like this -- how would I want to be treated as a newcomer? And I think if we put ourselves in that position, and stop being so damn proprietary and territorial about everything (you know who you are!), we MIGHT just get some INTERESTING new people on this site.

Worth a try, huh?

Well said, Lex. I think people here need to have a bit more patience with the new guys.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 06/23/09 04:25 PM

I am seeing the negativity cropping up again.

Can you think back to when you were new? When the site was confusing? Or when you were frustrated with something?

Can't we just give a simple reply? Some words of encouragement. NOT chastizing or ridicule! If they asked for help and you can give advice, if not why not keep it to yourself

Now don't jump on me about free speech and all that stuff... free site... post whereever you want... blah blah blah

Can't you think for a minute about what other that don't post on the forums might think when they read your posts! That could be a potential date/relationship/friend and negativity might have scared them away!

Please stop and think for a moment. Reflect on yourself. Are there changes that you might make to make yourself more apealling for a potention partner? Could that be... being less negative on the forums?

If a prospective partner doesn't like me on the forum...they sure won't like me in person.laugh laugh

lighthouselover's photo
Tue 06/23/09 04:27 PM
That's understandable, Lex. By the same token, if some of these new people actually thought about their first threads they're creating -- I mean REALLY sat for a few minutes and thought about it -- do you think they would actually still post a "Does this site really work?", or "Has anyone met?", or "nice guy" thread, or anything of that ilk, honestly believing that that question hasn't been asked here before? I'm not trying to sound sardonic, but it's really all a matter of using one's own common sense.

Just an observation. No offense intended.

I think of it as "nervous" when you walk into a room full of people and you know that many of them know each other...there are a ton of inside jokes among people and it feels, you maybe say..."sure has been hot,eh?" or..."how about them Packers!"

I have been on here for some time now, and even though I don't post much...I do "LURK"!!! *gasp gasp* most of the time I don't post because I really don't know many people here...and it feels a bit uncomfortable to me at times...that is my issue, btw, not trying to 'blame' anyone for anything...

so, when I see people that post those age old questions...those questions of course have been asked here before...and they have been asked on every other site too...lots of times...yet, the person that posted the question has not had their question answered they ask for them...

is it really a big thing if different people ask the same question? and sometimes new people respond to it and give a different perspective even if the same question is asked, sometimes there are different answers!! TA DA!! *clicks my Ruby Slippers together*

Thank you Tayaann for this thread.