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Topic: Ask a silly question..
Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:51 PM
Get a silly answer..

Its another question and answers thread. Just a lot more absurd..

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:53 PM
whats funnier, damn talking about fingers in his nose, or cottonelle talking about taking a dump?

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:54 PM
Why is it that Raredawg has a beard AND likes to eat chia? laugh

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:55 PM
how did moof make a family of kittens? :laughing:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:55 PM
why is it you try to be nice and help people and they act like jerks?what surprised

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:57 PM
What's the deal with wimmins havin' romantic fantasies about vampires and stuff?

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:57 PM
why do you take up for ppl, and then they turn around and act like it's all bout them? lol laugh

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 06/14/09 06:58 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

HAWT Vampires I'd guess...

Oops sorry Dan, your game... :laughing:

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:06 PM

whats funnier, damn talking about fingers in his nose, or cottonelle talking about taking a dump?

Anything i say is funnier.

I can wipe my arse with Cottonelle..

moonlight_ride62's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:09 PM

What's the deal with wimmins havin' romantic fantasies about vampires and stuff?

and where might one find these vampires...

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:09 PM

Why is it that Raredawg has a beard AND likes to eat chia? laugh

Someone once told him to go eat sh1t and die, he just misheard slightly.

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:09 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Sun 06/14/09 07:10 PM

how did moof make a family of kittens? :laughing:

I have no idea, i heard he has never been near a pu55y in his life.

SunnyMcleod's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:11 PM
Do you know that I'm stole my idea...but let's be fair, I stole it too...

Will you pull my finger Dan?laugh

DTHRomeo's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:13 PM
Why do you talk funny Dan?

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:14 PM

why is it you try to be nice and help people and they act like jerks?what surprised

Because some people just ARE jerks!

littleike's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:14 PM

Why do you talk funny Dan?
hes talking politly not funny

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:15 PM

What's the deal with wimmins havin' romantic fantasies about vampires and stuff?

Most wimmins are weird.

At least it gives strange geezers like me and you hope.

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:16 PM

why do you take up for ppl, and then they turn around and act like it's all bout them? lol laugh

Is this question to do with me?

If not, i am not interested.

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:17 PM

Do you know that I'm stole my idea...but let's be fair, I stole it too...

Will you pull my finger Dan?laugh

Yeah it wasnt really your idea, so therefore i dont feel guilty!

I'll pull your finger if you smell mine..

Dan99's photo
Sun 06/14/09 07:19 PM

Why do you talk funny Dan?

Because i am funny, its the same as why you talk like an idiot....

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