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Topic: Obama and Al Sharpton
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Thu 06/04/09 08:03 PM
Edited by crickstergo on Thu 06/04/09 08:06 PM
Obama stayed far away from Al Sharpton during his campaign.

Now, Obama has asked Al Sharpton to be a spoksman for education. Sharpton will join Secretary Arne Duncan on a five-city tour this fall

Wouldn't you know it-
Al Sharpton owes the Treasury 1.5 million dollars in back taxes.

Gumbyvs's photo
Thu 06/04/09 08:04 PM
Mildly amusing, that he owes that much and that he breeds hatred and Obama is fueling it. Should be an interesting train wreck.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/04/09 08:11 PM
:thumbsup: Excellent pick:thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 08:25 PM
A spokesman for education? On what? How to avoid paying taxes. I like Obama, but I don't understand this move at all. I really don't like the idea that he owes so much in back taxes and he's being considered as spokeman for education? I must be tired, because that makes no sense at all.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/04/09 08:57 PM
funny..if I remember right....BHO's hateful pastor spoke for him until the ratings droppped. then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 06:42 AM

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 06:57 AM

funny..if I remember right....BHO's hateful pastor spoke for him until the ratings droppped. then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

I don't judge a person by their preacher, if I did that I would dislike most christians and I don't. Though I do wish they would stand up to the bs in all churches. I also don't think his preacher was all hateful either, I just think he could not get over the wounds of the past. Anyone with an ounce of empathy could understand where his anger came from.

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:12 AM
EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:15 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

How you choose to phrase your argument says more about YOU!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:21 AM

funny..if I remember right....BHO's hateful pastor spoke for him until the ratings droppped. then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

I don't judge a person by their preacher, if I did that I would dislike most christians and I don't. Though I do wish they would stand up to the bs in all churches. I also don't think his preacher was all hateful either, I just think he could not get over the wounds of the past. Anyone with an ounce of empathy could understand where his anger came from.

ahhhh no grasshopper lol. my point of that was it was ok until the backlash started...all politics

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:22 AM

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:29 AM

funny..if I remember right....BHO's hateful pastor spoke for him until the ratings droppped. then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

I don't judge a person by their preacher, if I did that I would dislike most christians and I don't. Though I do wish they would stand up to the bs in all churches. I also don't think his preacher was all hateful either, I just think he could not get over the wounds of the past. Anyone with an ounce of empathy could understand where his anger came from.

ahhhh no grasshopper lol. my point of that was it was ok until the backlash started...all politics

My whole comment was not really directed at you, just what I was thinking when I read your's. I didn't like what I heard the pastor say but I did understand where his anger came from, and I didn't blame Obama for his pastor's comments, that's pretty much what I wanted to say.

Some folks choose to see things from one perspective only, which to me is a bit naive. The pastor didn't do Obama any favors by speaking for him. It's like here when people assume because I am white that I am a racist like they are. It's that association thing again, always makes me nuts. To me it's not politics is propaganda, both sides use it in different ways, but it's still annoying.

Maybe I have still missed your point, Rose. Getting my coffee now, maybe that will help.. grin

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:32 AM
lol ya won't help. i'm on my 2nd cup and isn't helping lol

no I just wanted to clarify my post is all. I had a problem with the pastor because of all of the hate spewed. there are ways to say things and ways not to. look at MLK...very good speaker and I never felt in his speeches what I heard in the pastors. but aslo...BHO didn't seem to have a problem until the ratings started to drop...then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:27 AM

lol ya won't help. i'm on my 2nd cup and isn't helping lol

no I just wanted to clarify my post is all. I had a problem with the pastor because of all of the hate spewed. there are ways to say things and ways not to. look at MLK...very good speaker and I never felt in his speeches what I heard in the pastors. but aslo...BHO didn't seem to have a problem until the ratings started to drop...then all of a sudden the pastor didn't speak for him

Personally I think Obama tried to stand up for the good in his pastor and got screwed for his effort by his own pastor. Of course if you flat out don't like Obama, everything he does will be tainted.

The only thing i have a problem with is that he tries to please too many people.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:29 AM
and you could very well be right about that boo...but i would think during election times...they would distance themselves from those people in the beginning. good thing I don't run for an office...I would have to get rid of a lot of people for various reasons lol

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:32 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

laugh Blacks aren't discriminated against. That's too funny.laugh slaphead

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:41 AM

and you could very well be right about that boo...but i would think during election times...they would distance themselves from those people in the beginning. good thing I don't run for an office...I would have to get rid of a lot of people for various reasons lol

I think if he had distanced himself from his own pastor that people would have then accused him of the opposite or worse. Even McCain took a beating for his associations too even when he didn't agree with those he had an association with. But McCain let accusations stand against Obama that could have applied to him. People saw through that thankfully.

I would never want to be president, that's for sure.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:44 AM

and you could very well be right about that boo...but i would think during election times...they would distance themselves from those people in the beginning. good thing I don't run for an office...I would have to get rid of a lot of people for various reasons lol

I think if he had distanced himself from his own pastor that people would have then accused him of the opposite or worse. Even McCain took a beating for his associations too even when he didn't agree with those he had an association with. But McCain let accusations stand against Obama that could have applied to him. People saw through that thankfully.

I would never want to be president, that's for sure.

my problem is that the pastor spoke out many times before he finally said the pastor didn't speak for him. so why this but distance himself from al sharpton? (trying to get back on topic lol)

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:45 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

laugh Blacks aren't discriminated against. That's too funny.laugh slaphead

LOL, I think he needs to move up where I am for a bit. Blacks and Mexicans don't even make eye contact for good reason, sadly.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:47 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

laugh Blacks aren't discriminated against. That's too funny.laugh slaphead

LOL, I think he needs to move up where I am for a bit. Blacks and Mexicans don't even make eye contact for good reason, sadly.

I missed that comment....ok...time for more coffee laugh

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