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Topic: Obama and Al Sharpton
MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:47 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.
huh Saddam Hussein?huh

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:51 AM

and you could very well be right about that boo...but i would think during election times...they would distance themselves from those people in the beginning. good thing I don't run for an office...I would have to get rid of a lot of people for various reasons lol

I think if he had distanced himself from his own pastor that people would have then accused him of the opposite or worse. Even McCain took a beating for his associations too even when he didn't agree with those he had an association with. But McCain let accusations stand against Obama that could have applied to him. People saw through that thankfully.

I would never want to be president, that's for sure.

my problem is that the pastor spoke out many times before he finally said the pastor didn't speak for him. so why this but distance himself from al sharpton? (trying to get back on topic lol)

I don't know that anyone can keep up with people speaking out, it seemed every time Obama turned around someone was speaking out. How can any one person keep up with it, and still allow for free speech. The pastor can say anything he wants, that doesnt' mean that thinking human beings should automatically paint Obama with the same brush.

As for Sharpton, what are you saying again? That he is distancing himself or not distancing himself. Why distance your self. Can't one disagree with a person and not distance themselves so that ignorant folks won't missunderstand?

I don't personally trust Sharpton and don't thing he has any business sponsering education with this tax record. Here I think Obama should just take it back, period. But I also can't say I know the whole story either. I could be affected by the fact that I just don't trust Sharpton. Does that make sense?

Either way I don't think people that dislike Obama are going to like anything he says or does.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:00 AM

Obama stayed far away from Al Sharpton during his campaign.

Now, Obama has asked Al Sharpton to be a spoksman for education. Sharpton will join Secretary Arne Duncan on a five-city tour this fall

Wouldn't you know it-
Al Sharpton owes the Treasury 1.5 million dollars in back taxes.


Considering Obama promised to be diplomatic with all of his decisions this is no surprise and it is not detrimental to anyone.

Sharpton and his crew did not want Obama in office. So they are not necessarily on the same page at all.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:02 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

Ignorancy at it's best.

Sad to see it is still so prevelant in our society today.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:06 AM
boo...I actually didn't dislike BHO any more than any other politician, but I did question why he didn't speak up sooner about the pastor. Wright and Sharpton are birds of a feather IMO. nothing wrong with not agreeing with thse 2...IMO...that is a good thing. But BHO knew Wright and was close to him for many years and had to know Wright's feelings on things. IMO...he should have spoken out sooner...just like with Sharpton

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:14 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.
scared Empathy iz like sumthing hilter would do isnt it?scared

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:14 AM

boo...I actually didn't dislike BHO any more than any other politician, but I did question why he didn't speak up sooner about the pastor. Wright and Sharpton are birds of a feather IMO. nothing wrong with not agreeing with thse 2...IMO...that is a good thing. But BHO knew Wright and was close to him for many years and had to know Wright's feelings on things. IMO...he should have spoken out sooner...just like with Sharpton

Why should he even have talked about his Pastor? I don't talk about mine.

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:17 AM
al sharpton attended Brooklyn College, dropping out after two years in 1975.

Nice ambassador laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:19 AM

al sharpton attended Brooklyn College, dropping out after two years in 1975.

Nice ambassador laugh
huh Where duz it say he iz an ambassador?laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:21 AM

boo...I actually didn't dislike BHO any more than any other politician, but I did question why he didn't speak up sooner about the pastor. Wright and Sharpton are birds of a feather IMO. nothing wrong with not agreeing with thse 2...IMO...that is a good thing. But BHO knew Wright and was close to him for many years and had to know Wright's feelings on things. IMO...he should have spoken out sooner...just like with Sharpton

Why should he even have talked about his Pastor? I don't talk about mine.

because the pastor publically spoke and mentioned how close he was to the now president. if it was just in the church...no biggie. but when they become public figures...then the public forms opinions. wright is racist IMO

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:26 AM
Edited by Winx on Fri 06/05/09 10:27 AM

boo...I actually didn't dislike BHO any more than any other politician, but I did question why he didn't speak up sooner about the pastor. Wright and Sharpton are birds of a feather IMO. nothing wrong with not agreeing with thse 2...IMO...that is a good thing. But BHO knew Wright and was close to him for many years and had to know Wright's feelings on things. IMO...he should have spoken out sooner...just like with Sharpton

Why should he even have talked about his Pastor? I don't talk about mine.

because the pastor publically spoke and mentioned how close he was to the now president. if it was just in the church...no biggie. but when they become public figures...then the public forms opinions. wright is racist IMO

Why should he talk about his friends?

I know a few racist people. That doesn't make me a racist.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:29 AM
winx...when a country is deciding on a president...if the person speaking publicly is very close to the candidate...it does matter. it wouldn't be any different if McCain's pastor (if there is one) spoke out the same way. McCain would be linked until he spoke out. Wright made his views public and he isn't any different than Sharpton

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:31 AM

EMPATHY???????????????????????????????????? First they would have actually had to go through all they claim, instead of making it up or embellishing. Try talking to a jew or a gypsy if you want to know about discrimination. Trying to even pretend that blacks are discriminated against, when they are openly "favored" and given preferential treatment in education, hiring, ....and you will just look like as big an idiot as prez hussein.

laugh Blacks aren't discriminated against. That's too funny.laugh slaphead

everyone is discriminated against at one time

no doubt about it

some let it make them better

and others just move on

and yet others have to work through it before they can move on

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:36 AM

winx...when a country is deciding on a president...if the person speaking publicly is very close to the candidate...it does matter. it wouldn't be any different if McCain's pastor (if there is one) spoke out the same way. McCain would be linked until he spoke out. Wright made his views public and he isn't any different than Sharpton

it is not any different than mccain losing the election because bush and him were close

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:37 AM
"They said pigs would fly before a black man was elected president...

Well.....100 days into Obama's Presidency.....

"Swine Flu"

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:39 AM

winx...when a country is deciding on a president...if the person speaking publicly is very close to the candidate...it does matter. it wouldn't be any different if McCain's pastor (if there is one) spoke out the same way. McCain would be linked until he spoke out. Wright made his views public and he isn't any different than Sharpton

it is not any different than mccain losing the election because bush and him were close

good point. and how many posts were there about Palin's daughter?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:43 AM

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:03 AM

winx...when a country is deciding on a president...if the person speaking publicly is very close to the candidate...it does matter. it wouldn't be any different if McCain's pastor (if there is one) spoke out the same way. McCain would be linked until he spoke out. Wright made his views public and he isn't any different than Sharpton

it is not any different than mccain losing the election because bush and him were close

:smile:I remember when the Bush Campaign brutally trashed McCain back in the republican primary back in 1999-2000:smile:

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:27 PM

winx...when a country is deciding on a president...if the person speaking publicly is very close to the candidate...it does matter. it wouldn't be any different if McCain's pastor (if there is one) spoke out the same way. McCain would be linked until he spoke out. Wright made his views public and he isn't any different than Sharpton

it is not any different than mccain losing the election because bush and him were close

:smile:I remember when the Bush Campaign brutally trashed McCain back in the republican primary back in 1999-2000:smile:

Yes and McCain never forgot that slight either. McCain was tied to some religious right fanatic as I remember, can't think of his name, but anyway McCain I believe wasn't going to throw him under the bus but I think he finally had to or did he.. sh$t can't remember now.

Both Wright and Sharpton living in the past.

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