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Topic: Acceptance Or Settle
tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/14/07 05:41 AM

1- ...will not settle

2-'re not perfect, and neither am I, so let's accept it

Which statement do you follow and/or live your life by?

Are you the hard-nosed unforgiving type who makes others walk that thin
line, the "if you screw up once, you're out of here" or "if one little
thing is wrong with you, then I won't even consider anything with you"
type.......let's face it, that's what it comes down to when you say
"will not settle", right?


Are you the softer, "everybody makes mistakes", "nobody is
what", or the "willing to work around it" type.......may be more risky
and a lot more work to have feelings for someone who just is not
perfect, but definately defines what kind of person you are...more of a
anti-shallow-ish attitude, but settling to an acceptable level...

Would love to hear the "whys" of one or the other...and I am just asking
for a bit of insight on how people's perspective of relationships are

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/14/07 05:44 AM
#2 all the way I'm not perfect nor will I ever be if they expect perfect
they better keep on going. lol And to me the communcation level is very
important as well as the humor one has they must be able at times laugh
the things off that everyday life throws our way. bigsmile laugh

PetiteKitten's photo
Mon 05/14/07 05:46 AM
I honestly don't know.........Right now at this point in my life, I want
to settle down eventually.......I want to be with someone who wants to
possibly start a life together. So settling, I doubt. I'm not hard-nosed
though........Everyone does make mistakes. The only mistakes I will
never deal with are: Cheating, Lying, abusiveness, or anything on those
lines......Other than that, no one's perfect. I sure as hell know I'm
not. When I think about this more, I'll respond again later. :wink:

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:08 AM
I have done both in my life time.

sometimes it just gets old, or I get weary of the whole dating scene..

I guess for me it depends on what some of the problems might be.

I am open minded, somethings can't deal with,
one rule breaker off the bat drinking more than once a month..

for some reason it is a deal breaker .

I pass no judgement , other than I don't want my mate to be a drinker .

Turns me off.

However have lots of great friends who drink thats fine..

I dont have to live with them everyday.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:09 AM
I'm both. There are certain things for which I have absolutely no
tolerance and there are other things for which I'm a bit more lenient.

davinci1952's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:12 AM

<--- bored with drinking & drunks

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:21 AM

drinking is cool @ times.......

but when it is a let"s get "smashed weekend"

I gagsick

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:23 AM
Humm dating thing well hell I can't get bored with what I don't do I
come in here have fun and well that is about it dont do the bar scene
had enough of that in my early years of life lol

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:38 AM
While I am not perfect and neither would my potential mate, however,I
will not ever again settle for an abusive alcoholic. So I suppose I am a
little of both.

rivergirl301's photo
Mon 05/14/07 06:47 AM
I could settle for a life w/out sex, with a male friend of mine who just
does not care about sex (he's *not* gay). I've considered it, but then I
am here looking.

izzyva's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:00 AM
I will not settle, and i'm not perfect.


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:15 AM
There was never a time in my life when I was so naïve to believe that I
would meet a perfect woman.

I don’t think of ‘settling’ as merely accepting someone who is less than

I think of ‘settling’ as hooking up with someone you aren’t really best
friends with. And by that definition I would never ‘settle’.

To me, the single most important element in a relationship is to be best
friends with your partner. Everything beyond that will fall in place on
it’s own.

If you settle for someone you aren’t best friends with then you’re
definitely going to be looking at a miserable relationship down the

SheNerd's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:31 AM
Abracadabra, I couldn't agree more.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:30 AM
Hum well first I must say I had to reread the post lmao . Humm can one
say jump before reading it completely lmao. Yeppiers I did at
that.laugh laugh laugh Besides after re-reading the post actually
I'm a little of both. For there are things in life I will not budge on
and very strong willed at times when it comes to cheating or lying I
don't have any room for compasion when one cheats. But then there are
things that I can also see past and work things out. As well I have an
open mind and a voice and to me communcation and trust are two of the
main factors in life itself. I want one that is my best friend. And will
not settle for just a good time or the first one that pays attention to
me. They must be one that I can have that trust with as wel as the
commucation with. Humor is a must for me I will not be with someone that
can not sit at what life throws our way at times. There is a time to be
serious but come on not all the time. Got to be able to laugh with each
other and enjoy things in life. Ohh and as far as drinking once in a
while is kewl everday have never been with someone like that and never
will. As well as one that is abusive. Never no need fo it or verbal
abuse as well.bigsmile bigsmile Whew lmao hummm had to back track on
my first response big time cause I have never just settled on something
that I don' believe in nor would I expect anyone to.bigsmile

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:36 AM
a little of both.

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:38 AM
<<<<<<<----------somewhere in the middle

some mistakes just should not happen

but others are just a part of life

jp4023's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:40 AM
i'm not settling for anything less and i'm not also letting people walk
over me like in the past also if you cant except me the way I am oh well
mistakes and all

Duffy's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:50 AM
i am perfect 10 in everyway, except for the points on my head, and i am
trying to file those off.:wink: :wink: laugh

ellgee1976's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:56 AM
i won't settle again..

that's not to say im looking for mr. perfect..

somethings one CAN over look, ya take the good with the bad

as long as the good outweighs the bad...

i'll listen to my gut next time, when my gut says something's not right,
then something really isn't right..and i'll either confront it to reach
some kind of 'compromise' or walk away compeletely from it

ladypegasus's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:02 AM
Guess I too would have to say I am little of both. While there are
some things on which I will not settle,if I don't see the faults in
people around me and,in turn,learn to accept them I would lose
friends,or be unable to gain news ones, simply because my own flawed
mind saw them as less than perfect.

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