Topic: Organ donors.....
no photo
Tue 06/02/09 06:47 PM

Not an organ donor. I would change that if the financial aspect to the donor and family, and recipient and family was actually no charge across the board, but because someone's making a ridiculous amount of money, it's not happening. I also have issues with those who blew their livers, kidneys, etc on alchohol and drug abuse and don't feel they should be bailed out later in life, when we have been told from earliest that drugs, cigarettes, etc really are bad for you. I have no problem with those who it was a genuine body failure, genetic, or car accident.

As far as kidney, liver, bone marrow, to an immediate family member, I would be fine with that.

I do believe people die, and find it ridiculous that we should be trying to keep ourselves alive far longer then we would be.

I think we are way behind in needing to be able to clone ORGANS for this, though I don't believe in cloning full humans or animals.

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.

f*ck em

let em die. no skin off your nose

Use everything but the squeal!!!!!

Jess642's photo
Thu 06/04/09 02:27 AM

Not an organ donor. I would change that if the financial aspect to the donor and family, and recipient and family was actually no charge across the board, but because someone's making a ridiculous amount of money, it's not happening. I also have issues with those who blew their livers, kidneys, etc on alchohol and drug abuse and don't feel they should be bailed out later in life, when we have been told from earliest that drugs, cigarettes, etc really are bad for you. I have no problem with those who it was a genuine body failure, genetic, or car accident.

As far as kidney, liver, bone marrow, to an immediate family member, I would be fine with that.

I do believe people die, and find it ridiculous that we should be trying to keep ourselves alive far longer then we would be.

I think we are way behind in needing to be able to clone ORGANS for this, though I don't believe in cloning full humans or animals.

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.

It cost my cousin, and her husband nothing...not a cent...but the care and compassion, from the Head Hepatologist to the volunteer Chaplain has been profound.

How is it that such a mighty nation, like yours, can not have a mighty health system?

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 02:41 AM
way to go--good news---

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:39 AM

Not an organ donor. I would change that if the financial aspect to the donor and family, and recipient and family was actually no charge across the board, but because someone's making a ridiculous amount of money, it's not happening. I also have issues with those who blew their livers, kidneys, etc on alchohol and drug abuse and don't feel they should be bailed out later in life, when we have been told from earliest that drugs, cigarettes, etc really are bad for you. I have no problem with those who it was a genuine body failure, genetic, or car accident.

As far as kidney, liver, bone marrow, to an immediate family member, I would be fine with that.

I do believe people die, and find it ridiculous that we should be trying to keep ourselves alive far longer then we would be.

I think we are way behind in needing to be able to clone ORGANS for this, though I don't believe in cloning full humans or animals.

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.

It cost my cousin, and her husband nothing...not a cent...but the care and compassion, from the Head Hepatologist to the volunteer Chaplain has been profound.

How is it that such a mighty nation, like yours, can not have a mighty health system?

Owned, Managed, and Administered by Insurance Co. and Big Health.
with interference from Federal Gov.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:42 AM
I am an organ donor. I am registered on the National List. And my family is aware of my decision.

I am also on the bone marrow donor list also.

papersmile's photo
Thu 06/04/09 05:04 AM
It cost my cousin, and her husband nothing...not a cent...but the care and compassion, from the Head Hepatologist to the volunteer Chaplain has been profound.

How is it that such a mighty nation, like yours, can not have a mighty health system?

I'm fairly certain I've read in the recent news that Ontario wants to extend unemployment benefits to donors to allow them extra recovery time from the surgery.

Puffins1958's photo
Thu 06/04/09 05:11 AM

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.
If it wasn't for a pig's valve, my Mom would not be alive today!!!!

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Thu 06/04/09 05:21 AM
Calm down puffins. She is entitled to have her opinion.

Jesus some people in here has either no sense of humour, or just downright easily to be upset.

auburngirl's photo
Thu 06/04/09 07:00 AM

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.
If it wasn't for a pig's valve, my Mom would not be alive today!!!!

Puffins flowerforyou The Porcine valve is routinely used across the board for heart valve replacement. Yes, people die. But we have the knowledge and ability to extend it thru organ donation, chemo, surgery, etc. God gave us the brain and the talents to be used. And I don't see how having or not having a sense of humor has anything to do with this conversation. Obviously valve replacement would be a topic of concern to Puffins if her Mother had one.

hereformore's photo
Thu 06/04/09 07:21 AM
Edited by hereformore on Thu 06/04/09 07:24 AM

What a crazy year it has been!

It seems the words organ transplant has been a bit of a theme...

and a personal interest, whether I wanted it or not.

A little over a year ago, ineligibilty was the word for the moment....for me.

Then my beautiful, divine cousin, had her husband take ill, and they discovered his liver was failing...a long time of waiting and testing, hoping, and wishing to his eligibilty for a donor liver.

A little over a month ago, a beautiful friend lost her husband suddenly, the impact on her and her children, and this village was deep...they chose to donate his give the gift of life, to others...for Blue to be the legacy he had been in his lifetime, carried past his death.

This weekend just past has been tenterhook, breath holding fear, for Tony, my cousin's husband...his bilirubin count went over 800, and basically he was a very yellow dead man walking, or rather lying down...

Monday morning, (Queensland, Australia time) 5.30 am Tony went into receive a donor liver...after being on the reciprient list for only 4 days....

11 hours later, the phone rang...I answered with car keys in hand ready to do the 5 hour run, in 3...

and then put the keys down.

Tony's surgery was a complete success...he is not out of the woods yet, but the donor liver is functioning well..already he has gone from saffron to lemon colour... out breath! :heart:

Organ donors give the most profound gift, when they agree to help others. The deep loss caused to the surviving family becomes tempered with the knowledge they have helped others live.

Are you an organ donor? Have you informed your family of your wishes?

I am happy for all of you, but I would like to say that on the other side of that here is what happened in my family. My niece was pronounced dead at the scene of her accident, it had been less than six minutes before paramedics were on the scene. They took out her liscence and saw she was an organ donor and resuscitated, CPR, until flight for life arrived, I was under the impression that they were only called for cases where there was the potential to save the life, but that was not the case here. They took her to a hospital and put her on life support to keep her organs viable. The trip to the hospital was not necessary, my niece's neck was broken as was her back. She was gone at the scene. The only thing the trip to the hospital did was give my sister false hope, all of us had false hope. The the hospital told my sister that they would waive the hospital bill if she would, as next of kin, agree to the organs being taken...and they took everything. So we waited while the hospital made calls to find recipients, there is a "window" in which the organs are at their prime. One of the most difficult things for me was knowing that my niece's heart was beating while they took everything, heart going last. She didn't look like me niece in her casket.
I agree that it is the gift of life and I am proud of my sister and my niece for making the choice but it was handled deceptively.

Sweetrain's photo
Thu 06/04/09 08:18 AM
flowerforyou Hu Ra! to donors.
I've listed myself on the state registry and in my will. There will be no waste of money on a funeral or burial plot. My family and friends will remember my spirit through happy memories and pictures, not a grave stone (they send me flowers while I can enjoy the fragrance).

What is left of my remains, after donation, is to be sent to science or a medical school. If it were not for us donors advances in medical science could not have advanced.

As far as we know for sure - We are the only intelligent beings in this universe. Let's all start using our sensibilities.


Jess642's photo
Thu 06/04/09 03:05 PM

Calm down puffins. She is entitled to have her opinion.

Jesus some people in here has either no sense of humour, or just downright easily to be upset.

There's a rock over there with your name on it....perhaps crawling back under it would be beneficial to most.............................>

Winx's photo
Thu 06/04/09 03:31 PM

Calm down puffins. She is entitled to have her opinion.

Jesus some people in here has either no sense of humour, or just downright easily to be upset.


ReddBeans's photo
Thu 06/04/09 03:47 PM
Edited by ReddBeans on Thu 06/04/09 03:48 PM
When my Mom passed in '99 it was her wish to donate what could be. Unfortunately because of the cancer the only thing that could be donated were her corneas. I gladly signed the consent form cause I knew she would want it done. Because of this there are 2 people walkin around now that have sight. I'm also a Organ donor. The way I see it, I ain't gonna need it where I'm goin an if it gives someone else more time I've done my good deed. I think it's the ultimate gift u can give a stranger. shades

papersmile's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:05 PM
I think it's the ultimate gift u can give a stranger.

or even a loved one as a live donor

ReddBeans's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:13 PM

I think it's the ultimate gift u can give a stranger.

or even a loved one as a live donor

True on that onedrinker Completely slipped my mind about that one.shades

mssilverfox's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:23 PM
Miracles do happen!!flowerforyou
I too, will be an organ donor and they can take anything they can use.. My mother donated her body to OHIO STATE MED. school and my first husband gave something to 16 different people, one being a high school coach who needed a kidney... I think being a donor is one of the best gifts you can give...flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:30 PM
so what ya'll are saying is that I can have one of your kidneys but I have to wait till one of you dies?

Winx's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:31 PM

so what ya'll are saying is that I can have one of your kidneys but I have to wait till one of you dies?

If I said, "Yes", would that mean that you would have to kill me?

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Thu 06/04/09 04:32 PM
At this point I am not a donor since I am not sure if I can donate since having a blood transfusion, and from being in that coma for two months.

My lungs are shot, and I am in end stage COPD. I have told my family that I want my body donated to medical research.

I wear glasses but if my eyes can be used I say give them to someone who they will help.

Anything they can use for either research or if allowed donation take. I won't need the parts anymore.