Topic: Organ donors.....
keepthehope's photo
Mon 06/01/09 11:22 PM
Congrats for your famil!!

:banana: :thumbsup:

alternativa's photo
Mon 06/01/09 11:50 PM
My families knows... if someone can use it, let them have it and if a medical college wants what's left to use for training, then they can have that.

I'm not going to be using any of it and have no desire to take up space in the ground, so might as well let anyone who needs or wants anything have it, right?

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:36 AM

nope, no-ones havin my bits thank u.

I is your decision.

But may I ask you...what if it was you....that required an organ?

If you had a partner whom you were completely devoted to, and they required an organ?

If no one was prepared to give another an opportunity for life after their death, it would have been a very different outcome for my lovely cousin, her husband and their beautiful 12 year old son. :cry:

i know, i know, i know all the arguments, i just can't! and i've a phobia about once they know ur a donor they're less inclined to save u.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:15 AM

nope, no-ones havin my bits thank u.

I is your decision.

But may I ask you...what if it was you....that required an organ?

If you had a partner whom you were completely devoted to, and they required an organ?

If no one was prepared to give another an opportunity for life after their death, it would have been a very different outcome for my lovely cousin, her husband and their beautiful 12 year old son. :cry:

i know, i know, i know all the arguments, i just can't! and i've a phobia about once they know ur a donor they're less inclined to save u.
Paranoia is the correct word. not phobiaexplode

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:59 AM
First off, congrat and well wishes to your family, Jess! Your cousin has a hard road ahead but it's very doable and well worth the journey. My cousin had a kidney transplant 14 years ago and is doing just fine now. Unfortunately, for me, after 12 years of chemo I am not eligible to be an organ donor but up until my diagnosis, I was. However, they can have my body to do with as they choose after my death, then cremate what's left. If I can be of use to someone somewhere after I die, I'm happy to help flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 03:04 AM
ok paranoia, still not doin it!

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 04:37 AM

As an OR nurse I have participated in both the implantation of donated and the procurement of organs to be donated, as well as living related donor procedures.

There is an emotional toll on people involved.
If I never did another 'procurement' I would be fine.

Last one I did, they used a device still in the trial stage, that keeps the heart perfused, as well as beating. Pretty strange to see a human heart beating in a plastic box that looks like a lunch cooler.

It used to be you had to be brain dead before donation, not any more.
If there is consent, life support can be removed to allow
"Cardiac Death" to occur. I don't know if I could participate with that one.

Soon, they will be able to clone organs for transplant with out fear of rejection.

Thankyou for an inside view...I am not sure if we have similar legislation, and I know talking with my friend, who lost her husband, and donated his organs, he was declared braindead after a massive stroke...

I cannot say whether we have the same practices I genuinely dont know... and I suspect for anyone having to do such types of surgery, especially on the procurement side of things, it would be quite taxing emotionally.

I can say as a relative of a reciprient, his family is incredibly grateful to the donor and his family.

I can also say if I had have been eligible for the transplant list, I would have accepted.... for whom? For me...selfishly I want to see my children full grown...

Not having that choice, is a tough one, but I am still reasonably healthy and get about, so I cannot complain.

On the other hand: One day I participated in a "living related donor" transplant. The daughter was donating a kidney to her father. I worked the room where the daughter was, and the kidney was removed laproscopicaly, in an adjoining room was her father, who was getting ready to receive the kidney. This is so much easier on the recipient( and the donor) because it is scheduled. No ph. call in the middle of the night, no 'guilt' revolving around the person who died. It was pretty cool stuff. So about I week later I am going out side to have a smoke, I am on the elevator and a man next to me is holding a 3 ring binder, about the transplant process. So I asked him, "What part to do play in the transplant process? " (I am thinking he is a healthcare worker of one kind or another) He replied. "I am the recipient, I just got a new kidney here last week" It was the father who had received the daughter's kidney. He was up and about, not an inpatient at the hospital, he was out and and getting on with life. I was so surprised he had recovered so well. Yes there were tears in my eyes. So I understand the other side of transplants too. I wish the hospital I am at now did more transplants and less procurements.

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:21 AM
don't sweat it fife. it's not a big deal

it's not for everyone

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:27 AM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Tue 06/02/09 05:29 AM
No way

It's mine

All mine!!!

Unless someone wants my ta-tas!!!!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:32 AM
by my latest information there are 65,000 people waiting for 6000 kidneys

I'm number 64,999

galendgirl's photo
Tue 06/02/09 06:12 AM

My families knows... if someone can use it, let them have it and if a medical college wants what's left to use for training, then they can have that.

I'm not going to be using any of it and have no desire to take up space in the ground, so might as well let anyone who needs or wants anything have it, right?

Yep...even carry a card in my wallet. Organ donations first. The rest of my body to science thereafter. I won't be using it anymore at that point. My kids are okay with that and they are the only people who might have objected.

metalwing's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:27 PM
Yep. At that point I won't be needing them anymore.

Meg8771's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:32 PM
Yes, I am an organ donor and my family all know my wishes.

I am so glad to hear he is doing well, Jess. flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:43 PM
Congrats Jess!!! :banana:

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:53 PM
Yes I am an organ donor. Ive made every family member and friend I know with strict instructions to donate my organs to some one who needs them.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:28 PM
Not an organ donor. I would change that if the financial aspect to the donor and family, and recipient and family was actually no charge across the board, but because someone's making a ridiculous amount of money, it's not happening. I also have issues with those who blew their livers, kidneys, etc on alchohol and drug abuse and don't feel they should be bailed out later in life, when we have been told from earliest that drugs, cigarettes, etc really are bad for you. I have no problem with those who it was a genuine body failure, genetic, or car accident.

As far as kidney, liver, bone marrow, to an immediate family member, I would be fine with that.

I do believe people die, and find it ridiculous that we should be trying to keep ourselves alive far longer then we would be.

I think we are way behind in needing to be able to clone ORGANS for this, though I don't believe in cloning full humans or animals.

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:29 PM

Not an organ donor. I would change that if the financial aspect to the donor and family, and recipient and family was actually no charge across the board, but because someone's making a ridiculous amount of money, it's not happening. I also have issues with those who blew their livers, kidneys, etc on alchohol and drug abuse and don't feel they should be bailed out later in life, when we have been told from earliest that drugs, cigarettes, etc really are bad for you. I have no problem with those who it was a genuine body failure, genetic, or car accident.

As far as kidney, liver, bone marrow, to an immediate family member, I would be fine with that.

I do believe people die, and find it ridiculous that we should be trying to keep ourselves alive far longer then we would be.

I think we are way behind in needing to be able to clone ORGANS for this, though I don't believe in cloning full humans or animals.

And, I don't believe in killing animals, pigs especially for pieces of their hearts to keep a human alive. I made dang sure that when I went in for my heart surgery there was no pig involved.

f*ck em

let em die. no skin off your nose

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:31 PM
i'm a pig

no photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:35 PM
My father got an extra nine years on this planet because a family chose to donate their son's heart!!! :heart:

shmeeshmoo31690's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:13 PM
yup yup i am an organ doner

and even now..if someone needed a kidney..or bone marrow.
id offer it.

i also give blood as much as a i can :D