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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 23
BettyB's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:47 PM
Edited by BettyB on Mon 06/01/09 05:49 PM
Hi will
check on bug reports under Blue scroll bar about 16 posts down and look on pg.2 someone said their computer person told them not to use ie8 as it is still buggie.Use either 7 or 6

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:50 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:52 PM

Hi will
check on bug reports under Blue scroll bar about 16 posts down and look on pg.2 someone said their computer person told them not to use ie8 as it is still buggie.Use either 7 or 6

I thought I read that somewhere. I have IE7 and was thinking about "updating" to 8 but now I won't.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:53 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

I'm seriously thinking about chucking the whole thing and getting a Mac.

BettyB's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:55 PM
Hope you get it fixed.
Nite allflowerforyou

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:56 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

I'm seriously thinking about chucking the whole thing and getting a Mac.
only problem is some programs wont work with a Mac

synergized's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:56 PM

You're never too old or too closed up Tim. Sometimes it just sneaks up on ya.
yep thats what I been hearing for years

you sound synical.Don't you believe it?
I dont belive in a lot of things

Well love is something you should believe in.Instead of fighting it so hard go for it. Find someone you really trust and can get along with and go for it!1
You dont know how much I would like that. One of my relationships I put so much effort in to it. I just feel drained of energy.

If you have to put alot of effort into it, its not the right one.
But it doesn't mean to give up. So keep looking there is someone special out there. From what I've heard we all have been hurt from divorce to death of a spouce. Plus disappointments in new relationships. I feel so many stuffing those feeling as not to get hurt again, how can one be happy that way? We all need a compainion. They might not last, and might not be as our other relationships go but I don't think we should stop till we're dead. We all want to hear the music again :) thanks for reminded me Carol I almost left it out :)

I agree with you. Being older and knowing more things, I don't think we dive into relationships so fast. They come slower, and maybe with less sparks to begin with, but I feel that when it's the right one..those sparks sure will fly when you allow yourself to open up and trust again.

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:56 PM

Hope you get it fixed.
Nite allflowerforyou
you got the BOOT huh...
Good Night Bettyflowerforyou

synergized's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:59 PM

My computer keeps crapping out, blue screen, does anybody know anything about IE 8?

Firefox is great if you wish to use it. But, with IE8...I am not having any issues. What do you have for your operating system? I have vista, and that does make it a tad different. Do you have all your new updates? There are updates out there for IE8.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:59 PM
Nite Betty.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:00 PM
Edited by motowndowntown on Mon 06/01/09 06:01 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

I'm seriously thinking about chucking the whole thing and getting a Mac.
only problem is some programs wont work with a Mac

Like what programs? Only things I use this for is internet and writing letters and such.

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:00 PM

You're never too old or too closed up Tim. Sometimes it just sneaks up on ya.
yep thats what I been hearing for years

you sound synical.Don't you believe it?
I dont belive in a lot of things

Well love is something you should believe in.Instead of fighting it so hard go for it. Find someone you really trust and can get along with and go for it!1
You dont know how much I would like that. One of my relationships I put so much effort in to it. I just feel drained of energy.

If you have to put alot of effort into it, its not the right one.
But it doesn't mean to give up. So keep looking there is someone special out there. From what I've heard we all have been hurt from divorce to death of a spouce. Plus disappointments in new relationships. I feel so many stuffing those feeling as not to get hurt again, how can one be happy that way? We all need a compainion. They might not last, and might not be as our other relationships go but I don't think we should stop till we're dead. We all want to hear the music again :) thanks for reminded me Carol I almost left it out :)

I agree with you. Being older and knowing more things, I don't think we dive into relationships so fast. They come slower, and maybe with less sparks to begin with, but I feel that when it's the right one..those sparks sure will fly when you allow yourself to open up and trust again.
TRUST noway grumble rant offtopic oops I have a problem with trusting.... and the only one I trusted didnt have the sparks for meohwell ohwell

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:01 PM
I have IE7 and the system before Vista ( I am such a computer person).

synergized's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:01 PM

I downloaded firefox once but I can't get it to come on as my default browser. Have you heard any thing about IE 8?
Oh by the way hi Tim. Were your ears burning?

If you get firefox you have to either delete IE unless you are using it for your cable connection, or you need to go into your default settings and choose it as your default.

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:02 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

I'm seriously thinking about chucking the whole thing and getting a Mac.
only problem is some programs wont work with a Mac

Like what programs? Only things I use this for is internet and writing letters and such.
I have a photo slide show program that may work with a Mac if I buy it again, I just dont wanta kick out the extra bucks

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:02 PM

My computer keeps crapping out, blue screen, does anybody know anything about IE 8?

Firefox is great if you wish to use it. But, with IE8...I am not having any issues. What do you have for your operating system? I have vista, and that does make it a tad different. Do you have all your new updates? There are updates out there for IE8.

I have XP I have heard some bad tales about vista. I was going to update to 8 but have heard some not so good things about that too.

synergized's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:04 PM

You're never too old or too closed up Tim. Sometimes it just sneaks up on ya.
yep thats what I been hearing for years

you sound synical.Don't you believe it?
I dont belive in a lot of things

Well love is something you should believe in.Instead of fighting it so hard go for it. Find someone you really trust and can get along with and go for it!1
You dont know how much I would like that. One of my relationships I put so much effort in to it. I just feel drained of energy.

If you have to put alot of effort into it, its not the right one.
But it doesn't mean to give up. So keep looking there is someone special out there. From what I've heard we all have been hurt from divorce to death of a spouce. Plus disappointments in new relationships. I feel so many stuffing those feeling as not to get hurt again, how can one be happy that way? We all need a compainion. They might not last, and might not be as our other relationships go but I don't think we should stop till we're dead. We all want to hear the music again :) thanks for reminded me Carol I almost left it out :)

I agree with you. Being older and knowing more things, I don't think we dive into relationships so fast. They come slower, and maybe with less sparks to begin with, but I feel that when it's the right one..those sparks sure will fly when you allow yourself to open up and trust again.
TRUST noway grumble rant offtopic oops I have a problem with trusting.... and the only one I trusted didnt have the sparks for meohwell ohwell

I think most of us have trust issues..that's why it takes me so long to get to know someone and feel comfy with them. Of course, by that time most guys have had a snooze and then found another lady...lmaooooo

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:05 PM

I think I will work on it tommorrow and see if I can get firefox to boot up, or just try and download it again. I'm a mechanic not a progammer, I'm about to take a BFH to this thing.
well I am no computer wiz but I have never liked IEgrumble grumble

I'm seriously thinking about chucking the whole thing and getting a Mac.
only problem is some programs wont work with a Mac

Like what programs? Only things I use this for is internet and writing letters and such.
you may want to do that when this computer craps out on you

synergized's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:05 PM

I have IE7 and the system before Vista ( I am such a computer person).

laugh You have xp. I loved xp, vista is a whole new ballgame. alot of things to get used to.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:06 PM
Well I got to go outside for a while get the dog, and the wind is from the north east and I had a big ole bowl of beans tonight, so sleep with your windows closed Tim.

Nite folks.

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