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Topic: New Study: America’s Most Liberal States Rank Least Free
ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:04 PM
It seems to me that this study was based on a subjective ideal to begin with. The line between conservative and liberal is not real clear except in the extremes. Who decides what is a liberal ideal and what is conservative for this study? It has been my experience that most people fall somewhere between conservative and liberal.

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:15 PM
As someone who has lived on both the West coast and the East coast and in both liberal and conservative states I can tell you that there is no doubt what you are going to get when you vote in a liberal or a conservitive.From my experiences Democrats always raise taxes on just about everything where Republicans rarely raise taxes.Liberals very often pass laws with out the voters say so because they think they know what is best for our country.Republicans typically leave things alone and let people live their lives like they normally do.Liberals and Democrats make our lives more restrictive,play big brother too often,and pass absurd laws and bills that make no sense.Liberals and Democrats are almost always pro choice,anti military,pro illegal immigration,and generally thinks against what America is.Republicans are the opposite.

no photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:27 PM

I don't need Rush or anyone else to tell me what I already know.I posted this article because it makes a excellent point.People just want to be left alone.They don't want more government control they want less.I post these topics because because probably only about 2% of the American population knows the difference between a liberal and a conservitive.If people knew they were voting in liberals they would stop voting for them as we all know they just make our life more miserable.I also don't need any charts or websites to tell me where the highest taxes are,who has the most restrictive environmental regulations,who has the most toll roads,who has the most absurd laws because it is always liberal states.California,Washington,most of Oregon,Illinois,and everything from Virginia on up.It will be no surprise at all when I learn that these states want to ban guns and other weapons.Anything that has to do with the gay agenda they will be backing 100%.It won't surprise me at all if they want mandatory recycling and sky high taxes.

Dang don't you know that stress is bad for you, Thomas. I have liberal views on some things and conservative views on others, so when you rant about liberals I have to laugh because I don't know many people that are actually on one side or the other strictly. Though when they are they stick out like a sore thumb but even that isn't all bad depending on how uptight one is.

Liberal liberal liberal. Ever said a word so many times that it just has not meaning anymore. You might want to try that for your nerves.

Where you get the gay agenda will be backed 100%? I wanna go there, but remember that those that will back it 100% aren't all liberals, hate to tell ya. They are liberal, conservative, republican, independent. I know at least a few of each.

no photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:31 PM

As someone who has lived on both the West coast and the East coast and in both liberal and conservative states I can tell you that there is no doubt what you are going to get when you vote in a liberal or a conservitive.From my experiences Democrats always raise taxes on just about everything where Republicans rarely raise taxes.Liberals very often pass laws with out the voters say so because they think they know what is best for our country.Republicans typically leave things alone and let people live their lives like they normally do.Liberals and Democrats make our lives more restrictive,play big brother too often,and pass absurd laws and bills that make no sense.Liberals and Democrats are almost always pro choice,anti military,pro illegal immigration,and generally thinks against what America is.Republicans are the opposite.

You know... oh never mind, it's not worth it.

AndrewAV's photo
Sun 05/31/09 09:14 PM

Imagine my surprise upon learning that Mercantus, a conservative think tank decided that conservative states were more free. Not that I don't see how they came to that conclusion.

Gun control laws are definitely going to be more strict in blue states than red states. Also there's more "redistribution" of wealth in blue states. It's not rocket science figuring out that liberals believe that there is merit in social programs like welfare and are in favor of universal health care and conservatives are not.

Liberals are more likely to believe that one can't really be free unless they have access to acceptable health care, without your health how can one be free? Conservatives would view this more as the government is forcing me to pay for someone's medical bill I should be free from this and they should be free to just be sick.

You could also say the South before the Civil War was more free, they were free to own slaves the government didn't tell them they couldn't have slaves...thus more free.

Also conservatives tend to acquiesce to government intrusion in regards to wiretapping its own citizenry, spying on internet usage etc when it's for national security.

If we simply define freedom as less government intervention, well that is a basic tenant of conservative ideology. I see freedom as being more complex.

Regardless, I have never done anything in a red state that I could not do in a blue state. I'd rather smoke pot than buy a gun any day of the week. I'd rather go to a science conference than attend mass on Sunday. I prefer living in blue states (mostly on the coast) because of the large diversity and having such close access to all sorts of foods and cultures from all over the world.

Anyone care to see quality of life index for countries around the world? How much do you wanna bet you'll see a lot of so called socialist countries on that list?

How bout lets look at GDP per capita by state
lots of blue states high on that list.

Very well said, geek.

Sounds good to me too. Government intervention is the core of the liberal economic principles. That's not new to anyone.

However, government intervention is also the core principle of the social conservative. They wish to restrict marriage, abortion, etc. at a far larger rate than liberals in the sense of what can be done. If they were given the chance, liberals would also be socially restrictive, restricting people in terms of the environment, animal rights, gun control, etc. However, these issues are largely unpopular with the general public while conservative principles are also the principles of religion that a large majority of our country practices.

Both want to remove freedoms, just in different means. Have we already forgotten the Patriot Act? The freeze imposed by Nixon in order to "curb" inflation? Both sides wish to remove our freedoms. These are conservative examples. There are at least as many cases for liberals as well.

no photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:53 AM

Imagine my surprise upon learning that Mercantus, a conservative think tank decided that conservative states were more free. Not that I don't see how they came to that conclusion.

Gun control laws are definitely going to be more strict in blue states than red states. Also there's more "redistribution" of wealth in blue states. It's not rocket science figuring out that liberals believe that there is merit in social programs like welfare and are in favor of universal health care and conservatives are not.

Liberals are more likely to believe that one can't really be free unless they have access to acceptable health care, without your health how can one be free? Conservatives would view this more as the government is forcing me to pay for someone's medical bill I should be free from this and they should be free to just be sick.

You could also say the South before the Civil War was more free, they were free to own slaves the government didn't tell them they couldn't have slaves...thus more free.

Also conservatives tend to acquiesce to government intrusion in regards to wiretapping its own citizenry, spying on internet usage etc when it's for national security.

If we simply define freedom as less government intervention, well that is a basic tenant of conservative ideology. I see freedom as being more complex.

Regardless, I have never done anything in a red state that I could not do in a blue state. I'd rather smoke pot than buy a gun any day of the week. I'd rather go to a science conference than attend mass on Sunday. I prefer living in blue states (mostly on the coast) because of the large diversity and having such close access to all sorts of foods and cultures from all over the world.

Anyone care to see quality of life index for countries around the world? How much do you wanna bet you'll see a lot of so called socialist countries on that list?

How bout lets look at GDP per capita by state
lots of blue states high on that list.

Very well said, geek.

Sounds good to me too. Government intervention is the core of the liberal economic principles. That's not new to anyone.

However, government intervention is also the core principle of the social conservative. They wish to restrict marriage, abortion, etc. at a far larger rate than liberals in the sense of what can be done. If they were given the chance, liberals would also be socially restrictive, restricting people in terms of the environment, animal rights, gun control, etc. However, these issues are largely unpopular with the general public while conservative principles are also the principles of religion that a large majority of our country practices.

Both want to remove freedoms, just in different means. Have we already forgotten the Patriot Act? The freeze imposed by Nixon in order to "curb" inflation? Both sides wish to remove our freedoms. These are conservative examples. There are at least as many cases for liberals as well.

Good point Andrew.

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