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Topic: SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Sufferers
Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/20/09 01:51 PM
Anyone suffer from this disorder? I do. I should use my light therapy in the winter, but I haven't. I find that if I spend some time outdoors in the summer it does make me feel happier, as stupid as that sounds. Anyone have the reverse kind (sad in the summer?) Let this be a place to talk about this disorder.

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 05:27 AM
Ex-wife #2 suffered from winters of discontent. The last winter we were together was enough for me, and her mood extended to spring and summer, probably as a result. Life's too short to be miserable and regardless of body chemistry, it's possible to find humour and happiness. Sometimes it takes work though. Real work. I don't honestly think SAD is your primary issue though. Your posts scream borderline, in context.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:24 AM
Edited by Bi_CurizGrl on Thu 05/21/09 06:25 AM
Yeah, I have SAD, dysthymia depression, and Borderline Personality Disorder. I inherited the Borderline from my biological mother whom I've never met. The SAD came from being in the wonderful state I'm in (literally). The depression most likely came from my experiences, having to grow up faster than most kids. It is EXTREMELY hard to find happiness or good in anything when you suffer continously because of life's circumstances and because of your own self destruction. But I do plan to become a therapist and make something of myself and help others like me. I am not doomed in this darkness. smokin Btw, I am quite humorous and can have fun tongue2

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:57 AM
Hit the beach, that's what I do.

lilith401's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:06 AM
All of your conditions are either treatable or manageable. The Borderline thing... that is a learned maladaptive behavior. It's also commonly known as a "drama queen" in women.

Psychological therapy can be invaluable to you.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:09 AM
I suspect that I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, but nothing to the extent that I have be pushed to seek help. Usually the first sunny day at the end of winter, snaps me out of the winter blues. Last winter, if I went one more week with feeling off, I would have went into my family doctor. I think it would probably help tremendously if I moved from the north.

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:16 AM
I also suffer from NSB&SD.......need some beers & sex disorderdrinker

tanyaann's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:17 AM

I also suffer from NSB&SD.......need some beers & sex disorderdrinker

rofl Can't that at least be partial cured with a trip to the bar? rofl

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:19 AM

I also suffer from NSB&SD.......need some beers & sex disorderdrinker

rofl Can't that at least be partial cured with a trip to the bar? rofl

It's possible for both to be cured from therelaugh laugh laugh

tanyaann's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:19 AM

I also suffer from NSB&SD.......need some beers & sex disorderdrinker

rofl Can't that at least be partial cured with a trip to the bar? rofl

It's possible for both to be cured from therelaugh laugh laugh

tongue2 I said 'at least' tongue2

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 09:13 AM
I've suffered from SAD occasionally over the years. In fact, it's even caused breakups in my relationships- one in particular dumped me the day after Christmas for some idiotic reasons only the other party could understand.

no photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:42 PM

I also suffer from NSB&SD.......need some beers & sex disorderdrinker

rofl Can't that at least be partial cured with a trip to the bar? rofl

It's possible for both to be cured from therelaugh laugh laugh

Only until both of you come to.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:46 PM
Winter is long and dark here in Northern MI. And We have a local pharmacy that will rent you a light therapy box cheaply for two wks to see if you respond to light therapy.
They say they sell a light box to %80 of the people they rent to.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 05/21/09 01:50 PM
Edited by tanyaann on Thu 05/21/09 01:52 PM

Winter is long and dark here in Northern MI. And We have a local pharmacy that will rent you a light therapy box cheaply for two wks to see if you respond to light therapy.
They say they sell a light box to %80 of the people they rent to.

I considered buying one this winter.

I think I am going to buy one before winter comes around again. I can't float through the winter while in grad school! noway Bad idea!

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:21 PM

All of your conditions are either treatable or manageable. The Borderline thing... that is a learned maladaptive behavior. It's also commonly known as a "drama queen" in women.

Psychological therapy can be invaluable to you.

You completely do not understand what it's like to live with 3 disorders. Maybe one is manageable or treatable. With 3 it is much more difficult. And borderline is actually inherited. I was in therapy, only a different kind, and it was helpful. It's the kind I plan to go into to help Borderlines. But do not assume you know how to treat my conditions or that it is easy for me. You do not know.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:22 PM

Hit the beach, that's what I do.

There is no beach around here for several, several miles. The only one worth going to is like 2-3 hours away. Plus I live in Michigan, where the weather changes constantly and we have a winter.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:23 PM

Winter is long and dark here in Northern MI. And We have a local pharmacy that will rent you a light therapy box cheaply for two wks to see if you respond to light therapy.
They say they sell a light box to %80 of the people they rent to.

My dad made me a light box and I do have it but haven't used it like I should. When he first made it I used it and it really helped. I should use it constantly in winter. In summer I can be outside or should be anyway. Then again with my allergies I should probably be using it, too. flowerforyou :wink: :tongue:

Winx's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:33 PM

Yeah, I have SAD, dysthymia depression, and Borderline Personality Disorder. I inherited the Borderline from my biological mother whom I've never met. The SAD came from being in the wonderful state I'm in (literally). The depression most likely came from my experiences, having to grow up faster than most kids. It is EXTREMELY hard to find happiness or good in anything when you suffer continously because of life's circumstances and because of your own self destruction. But I do plan to become a therapist and make something of myself and help others like me. I am not doomed in this darkness. smokin Btw, I am quite humorous and can have fun tongue2

Is the dysthymia late onset or early onset?

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/21/09 06:49 PM
Edited by Bi_CurizGrl on Thu 05/21/09 06:49 PM
well I was diagnosed in my teens with that and my SAD.....wasn't diagnosed as a child...the Borderline started as a child and was misdiagnosed...

Winx's photo
Thu 05/21/09 10:22 PM

well I was diagnosed in my teens with that and my SAD.....wasn't diagnosed as a child...the Borderline started as a child and was misdiagnosed...

That would be early onset then. People don't realize that it is chronic.

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