Topic: Missing gospels | |
For those who quote the good book.
Where is the gospel of Mary? Not the virgin. The Redeamed One. Where is the gospel of the soldier? The centurion that allowed the followers of Christ to remove him from the cross. And became a beliver 3 days later when he saw Him again. I hear no one quoting these yet they did exist. |
They exist, but they aren't gospel. The reason for that in some cases
they aren't as old as other books and in others they directly contradict the rest of the Bible. |
I don't worry about it because the Gospels which we know and read are
there because they are the ones we need. Knowledge is great wether it be the Dead sea scrolls or the books that were never approved by the council of carthage such as the Acts of Peter and the revelations of Peter but the ones that are there are the ones that are essential for reaching a oneness with Christ |
Really? They exist.
Imagine that. By their own words let them be judged. If they are the gospel (witness) of those that where there in the presence of Jesus they are a part of the book. To have included them not is a change of a far greater magnitude than a simple small jot or a bit of a tittle. Who chose not to include them? Wonder if the reason they contradict the accepted chapter and verse because they were not trying to build a church but establish the wonder of his presence. The words of the roman soldier must have been moving and emotional for he pierced the side of your lord and was forgiven by the very hand of him he thought dead. |
yes they do and the council was constructed of Bishops and arcbishops.
there are many books The Book of the Pastor of Hermas, Epistle of Barnabus, The teaching s of the 12 Apostles. The reason they are excluded is because they were carefully studied by the leaders of the church and could not be determined wether they were really written by the folks since they had passed on. There were many cases where people wrote fake letters and signed the as Paul and as peter. therefore without verification it would have been considered irresponsibl to place these books as God's word. However Christ did mission to build and establih a church. Signs and wonders would follow that church. Therefore placing more priority on the building and constructing of the church |
Correct me if I am wrong please.
Bishops are men that take on the robes of office but are still men therefore imperfect. To have left out from the bible any part of its writings is to have changed the word of god. Who among us is understanding enough of the will of god to judge what would be or not be his word. |
yes they are men. and in God's hierchial process we are subject to their
authority. We are not talking about modern day bishops we are talkng about the founders of the church who were guided by the Holy Spirit.. If we do not believe that then we cannot believe in Christ. This was done for the benefit of the church. It is like saying that any crazy fool who says he is preachin Christ now a days should be given a michrophone. The spirit guides and gives discerment to know these things. We forgt the spiritual factor in all of this not realizing that Most of God's "things" dont make sense . God gives the episcopalian body authority to quench the spirit even and say whatsoever you bind on earth whall be bound in heaven and beneath the earth. You better believe it that these men had th authority and the true men of God to the day have the authority |
You are not wrong, Adventure according to Revelations 22:19. And if any
man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy. God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. |
this book? which book...? the Bible wa not the bible til carthage and
the counsil established it. the did not remove snything from it they just did not add on what the could not be sure was truly written by these men because the nature of the writing f=did not match their previous books. that would have been totally irresponsible. You think that these men did not fast and pray for a wose desicion? |
Robby the founders of the church were long dead when that council decide
the future path that church would take. |
hey bud
hows ya today yea theres lots that left out of the bible n im still searchin for those booke so far i have found 5 letters to the church at corinth (chorinthians) by the apositle paul some basically sayin the same thing man he chewed that church out alot also i have found 3 letters to the church at ephesus (ephesians) im still seachin for others but i use the bible as a referance to how to lead my life my faih is in God the Father alone not in any book wrote by any man the bible is there for a referance to live our lives i learn from other churchs not only from my own so as far as ya questin even other books like to koran left out books if we was to try n get every book that was ever write concernin the bible im sure we couldnt have a big enough libray to hold them all have fun bud n party on.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() btw i dont drink only coffee n sweet tea |
"Where is the gospel of Mary? Not the virgin. The Redeamed One."
AB I'm curious .. are you speaking of Mary Magdalene? |
the founders of the establsihed church is what i mean. the church was
still being somewhat persecuted when the counsil was held. To question books that are not in the Bible is to question God himself. If they are not there it's beacause they do not belong there. Everything God has to say to us is there. Any other books wether they were written by them or not would not impact the plan of salvation. It's all there in Acts 2:38 and in John 3:16. I see your argument i really do but salvation is centered around Christ not Mary and not the roman soldier so i don't see the harm in leaving these books out. And again if we don't believe that these mean 40 years approx. after Johns death were not sprit filled and guided then our whole faith in Christ is unwhole |
How could the diarys of Mary the Redeamed One not be as old or older
then the books and letters written by Paul. She was there in that time! She saw it all. |
All i know is God is Perfect and he does things the right way. If he
wanted any other books in there a some point they would have been in there. Don't get me wrong i would love to read those books i would but only as reference because again we dont know for sure the extent of their validity. |
Aye God is.
Men are not. Men decided. I question books that are not in the bible. How is questioning the decisions made by men questioning God? If we do not ask questions of God how than can we expect him to answer us? If you look not for truth how can you expect it to be present. Yes I was speaking of Mary Magdelene. |
Its my thought and belief that they kept the Gospel of Mary The Redeemer
out because it was truth from a woman, we are meant to be kept subservient in the bible because men fear the power and intelligence we have. |
CCP, exactly my observation
Robby you wrote...
'I see your argument i really do but salvation is centered around Christ not Mary and not the roman soldier so i don't see the harm in leaving these books out. And again if we don't believe that these mean 40 years approx. after Johns death were not sprit filled and guided then our whole faith in Christ is unwhole ' I agree faith is the Christ is based upon him and none other. The teachings of the disciples are but a reference as would be the teachings of the witness of mary. Unless perhaps her witness did not fit the edifice those that wished to control a church were erecting. I have faith in the message of Christ. I have no faith in the churches. They have become corrupted by the weight of their own self importantance, rich with the shearing of the flock and covered with the briers and thorns of the web of deciet and falsehoods they have reaped from the sowing of additions and subtractions from his word. |
'the church was still being somewhat persecuted when the counsil was
held.' The council mentioned was held 325 years after the fact. It was also held after the faith of Christ had been recognized by the Roman Empire and had become the official religion of that empire. Where was the persecution? |