Topic: proveing god with the scientific method | |
When the end does come, I imagine a new doctrine would be given to us and every religious sect who absolute "knew" that they had the only truth, they'll be reluctantly admitting that they were wrong about certain key points.
I wasn't raised with any particular dogma. Mom said there is a god and he's good. Aside from that we never read the Bible, sparsely prayed, I didn't know the 10 commandments ,And we never went to church. I was always intrinsically(spell?) a good person because that was the rite way to be, not because I was scared to go to "hell".I've always had a strong belief in karma, you reap what you sow, good things happen to good people...whatever you want to call it. Later on in life,about 6years ago, I had an experience that changed my life, I won't get into ALL the details, but I put a bad man in jail. He had the resources to to get to me even while he was incarcerated. I worked at a night club and got off very late. at 4 in the morning there aren't allot of cars on the highway and this same black SUV kept pase with me, I slowed down, he slowed down, I put on my blinker, it followed suit and so on........I'm getting worried. I spoke these words" GOD if you're out there I need your help" then I turned on the radio. The very first thing I heard was. I"m here at club so and so and I"m gonna get ya threw the night. Then I said "is that really you?" The radio goes on " yes it's ME D.J. so and so listen real carefully to win." The next song went like this : You had to be a big shot didncha had to open up your mouth -had to have a white hot spot lite-had to be a big shot last night> The significance of the song is that I didn't have to let him know that it was me who put him in jail. The night he got arrested I let him know that he had stolen from the wrong person. I knew he had warrants he didn't have to even see me. Anyway getting back to the road. Every song after that had a direction in it. One song said that there are two wrong ways and only one is right. I just happened to be stop at a 4 way intersection, so I took a right. Each song gave me more insight on what way to go, and finally,after a long while I lost the car. I must have stayed parked and hidden for an hour or so before heading home. Think God he only knew where I worked and not where I lived. Needless to say I quit the next day. So coming out of that ordeal I'm thinking"I must be crazy -or it was just a coincidence. But I'm a scientific type of person, so I put to use the scientific method. Make a hypothesis and keep testing. Time and time again a message would come through different types of media and even other people. One time I was going to cheat on my boyfriend.....I didn't know what to do so I opened the Bible to random page and read a random #. It spoke about the whore of Babylon... and something about being unclean. So I didn't do it. I used the bible like that many times I've prayed silently in quite house and the person in the other room says "yes". He thought he heard me call him but I hadn't uttered a sound. This would also work when there were no media or people available. My house was right off the main road so I would ask for two honks for yes and one for no. The speed and accuracy of my answers never once let me down! I began study the bible and other religions. What's sad is that I don't "communicate" like that as often as i used to. Maybe because I've got a firm grip of the reality that there is a God, where as before it was only an inclination and I needed a revelation. But I do find that when I really need guidance and concentrate on it, the answer is always around the corner, I need only to stop and listen. I'm not saying this would work for everyone but it did for me. So I'm open to hearing your comments. Even if it's to tell me I'm nut bag. Believe me I thought I was too in the beginning. |
When the end does come, I imagine a new doctrine would be given to us and every religious sect who absolute "knew" that they had the only truth, they'll be reluctantly admitting that they were wrong about certain key points. I wasn't raised with any particular dogma. Mom said there is a god and he's good. Aside from that we never read the Bible, sparsely prayed, I didn't know the 10 commandments ,And we never went to church. I was always intrinsically(spell?) a good person because that was the rite way to be, not because I was scared to go to "hell".I've always had a strong belief in karma, you reap what you sow, good things happen to good people...whatever you want to call it. Later on in life,about 6years ago, I had an experience that changed my life, I won't get into ALL the details, but I put a bad man in jail. He had the resources to to get to me even while he was incarcerated. I worked at a night club and got off very late. at 4 in the morning there aren't allot of cars on the highway and this same black SUV kept pase with me, I slowed down, he slowed down, I put on my blinker, it followed suit and so on........I'm getting worried. I spoke these words" GOD if you're out there I need your help" then I turned on the radio. The very first thing I heard was. I"m here at club so and so and I"m gonna get ya threw the night. Then I said "is that really you?" The radio goes on " yes it's ME D.J. so and so listen real carefully to win." The next song went like this : You had to be a big shot didncha had to open up your mouth -had to have a white hot spot lite-had to be a big shot last night> The significance of the song is that I didn't have to let him know that it was me who put him in jail. The night he got arrested I let him know that he had stolen from the wrong person. I knew he had warrants he didn't have to even see me. Anyway getting back to the road. Every song after that had a direction in it. One song said that there are two wrong ways and only one is right. I just happened to be stop at a 4 way intersection, so I took a right. Each song gave me more insight on what way to go, and finally,after a long while I lost the car. I must have stayed parked and hidden for an hour or so before heading home. Think God he only knew where I worked and not where I lived. Needless to say I quit the next day. So coming out of that ordeal I'm thinking"I must be crazy -or it was just a coincidence. But I'm a scientific type of person, so I put to use the scientific method. Make a hypothesis and keep testing. Time and time again a message would come through different types of media and even other people. One time I was going to cheat on my boyfriend.....I didn't know what to do so I opened the Bible to random page and read a random #. It spoke about the whore of Babylon... and something about being unclean. So I didn't do it. I used the bible like that many times I've prayed silently in quite house and the person in the other room says "yes". He thought he heard me call him but I hadn't uttered a sound. This would also work when there were no media or people available. My house was right off the main road so I would ask for two honks for yes and one for no. The speed and accuracy of my answers never once let me down! I began study the bible and other religions. What's sad is that I don't "communicate" like that as often as i used to. Maybe because I've got a firm grip of the reality that there is a God, where as before it was only an inclination and I needed a revelation. But I do find that when I really need guidance and concentrate on it, the answer is always around the corner, I need only to stop and listen. I'm not saying this would work for everyone but it did for me. So I'm open to hearing your comments. Even if it's to tell me I'm nut bag. Believe me I thought I was too in the beginning. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 05/19/09 09:38 AM
Interesting story!
I have had answers to my questions come in that same way. Through signs that have meaning to me personally. The Tarot cards work in a similar way. Images are the universal language. Images are what we see in the real world. I can't say that these things are "scientific proof" of God because for me, you must first define what "God" means before you set out to prove it exists to someone else. You can, however develop faith in that which is and in God or the Universe or the Law of Attraction or what ever is at work in this 'place' we call reality. ![]() |
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Tue 05/19/09 09:45 AM
proveing god with the scientific method
I have no comments on your personal story. I wasn't there. ![]() However to your topic of proving God using the scientific method, I feel that the Biblical story of God has already been proven wrong by the scientific method. Not that scientists were out to prove the Bible wrong, but rather just like Greek Mythology the Bible contains false information. The Bible claims that mankind is responsible for bringing sin and inperfections into the world due to our fall from grace from God. In fact, this isn't just a trival claim, this is the foundational premise of the whole mythology. All men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. ![]() Ok, well, is it true that mankind could be responsible for having brought death, disease, natural disasters and even the fact that plants have grown thorns as the Bible claims? Well, according to scientific observations of the actual universe, no, this claim of the Bible is clearly false. Death, disease, natural disasters, thorny plants, and the fact that animals competed with each other for food and habitat, starved to death, and even ate each other has been true long before mankind ever arrived on the scene on planet Earth. So if we appeal to the scientific method of inquiry and observations of the actual universe, we have no choice but to discard the Bible as having absolutely no more credibility than the Greek Mythologies of Zeus. In fact, if you stop and think about it, the God of Abraham isn't all that different from Zeus. They were both appeased by blood sacrifices. ![]() So, yes it has already been proven by science that at the Biblical version of God is false. Or to put that more properly. The authors of that ancient methology have been caught lying. ![]() I perfer to recognize this latter truth. After all, science was never out to disprove the Bible. So it's kind of a farce to claim that science proved the Bible wrong. What's actually true is that the authors of the Bible just turned out to be liars. Which shouldn't come as a surprise actually. |
Glad to hear you had lost the guy that was following you. Some guys are just plain out creepy!!
Maybe he was just trying to return a $50.00 bill he saw her drop. Probably not. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() I'm pretty sure you're being sarcatic |
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Tue 05/19/09 11:04 AM
![]() ![]() I'm pretty sure you're being sarcatic You can rest assured that Mirror Mirror is one of the most sincere posters on the forums. ![]() ![]() |
Interesting story! I have had answers to my questions come in that same way. Through signs that have meaning to me personally. The Tarot cards work in a similar way. Images are the universal language. Images are what we see in the real world. I can't say that these things are "scientific proof" of God because for me, you must first define what "God" means before you set out to prove it exists to someone else. You can, however develop faith in that which is and in God or the Universe or the Law of Attraction or what ever is at work in this 'place' we call reality. ![]() i'de like to think that the love of god is what makes Loa possible. That the little treats in life have come from a loveing father/mother. That's part of the reason why i call it the Law Maker. But that's just it. I can't prove or disprove that these answers and gifts aren't just some part of the mechanism. Or maybe we are just answering our own question . That remindes me of what someone said the other day. "What has happened and what will happen is happening right now. And still i don't know of ANY proof of that. OR And here's a wild one. The help, answers, and presents are comeing from extrdimentional angels who are appointed to those who live in love(no matter what dogma you subscribe to) |
everything alive has an angel...
nothing can be alive without it... it travels beside each one, and gives all "first thought"... first thought, is pure, and devine for all, but, defined thru the "total sum" of what one wish... what is 2013 all about??? each one finds it's OWN angel, by the 13 year of the new millennium the world is already in, and finds that this ALWAYS existed... that each is a "greater", but a lessor for a spell, determined by it's less intelligent wants, so can only be a total sum of it's less intelligent "requests" for a spell... life is FIRST thought, which all had in the womb, hearing ONE voice, greater self, just as the stork, one's OWN greater self, drop a "version", a duplicate, a "holographic", a lessor version of self to the earth, to tread out a "path", as the whisper of greater self in the manner of "first thought" envoke, with a perfect plan to create within the lower self, "ultimate love and super intelligence", able to handle "infinite power", but not use it for self, and for self satisfaction alone??? but, if self satisfaction, is all about self ALONE, than "how" can greater self reveal the power self has YET??? one is given "a measure" of what itself ask for, to allow it to "taste the grass", on the "other side of the fence", ultimately to allow one with "free will", to find what one "really" wants, if it could have anything in the universe??? what would one want??? self is a "genie in it's own bottle", it just does not know what to ask for, that CANNOT BE DENIED??? THERE IS A SECRET REQUEST, that connect "lower" self to "higher" self, and ONLY this request, signal the end of the path of all pain, unknowing, misery, lonliness, distress, self pity, self loathing, guilt, and all things humans HATE!!!??? when the want, goes beyond all things of self, and there is no want left that self would seek for "itself" ALONE MOST, then FINITE destiny has brought to the "INFINITE destiny", and this time is the worst time, and the best time, all in one situation and experience??? no human is anything more, than what it can be "pressured" to do??? no human is anything more, than what is can be "made" to do, by other's??? no human is anything more, than what it's own ANGEL, can make it do??? no human is anything more, than what it would do if none in the universe would know about it??? no human is anything more good, than what it would wish upon all things it see's as "less or more evil than itself"??? just one reality, as each has it's own, and speak it's own... peace unto peace |
Powerful powerful pattern recognizing system the brain is, isnt it? |
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Tue 05/19/09 12:42 PM
Powerful powerful pattern recognizing system the brain is, isnt it? I think you are more guilty of that than I am. ![]() How many times have you changed your entire core belief system in search of meaning and truth? Me.... 1.Once I believed in a creator God and a higher authority. 2.Then I became an agnostic/atheist, believing in only verified 'reality.' 3.Then I just didn't give a crap and worshiped myself and materiality. 4.Then got into Yoga, for good health and long life reasons... but 5.Then found 'spirituality' and believed in my guru and some other God with a different name. LOL 6.Then I dropped them all in disgust. 7.Somewhere along the line I discovered evidence pointing to the existence of aliens and got obsessed with what they were doing for a few years. 8. Then I decided I didn't give a crap about them either, or whether they existed or not...and what if they did? 9. I briefly looked at all kinds of 'new age' crap. 10. And now I am my own final authority. I don't take anyone's word for anything (as a final authority in my life.) I hold my beliefs loosely about what does and does not 'exist.' I accept what is and I accept responsibility for my experience and situations. 10. My path now, is the path of the magician in the Tarot. Learning to use and understand the universal law of creativity, and this material world, to transform my life bit by bit, piece by piece, learning as I go. I have had many complete transformations. I am on the brink of another one. |
Edited by
Tue 05/19/09 01:11 PM
However to your topic of proving God using the scientific method, I feel that the Biblical story of God has already been proven wrong by the scientific method. Not that scientists were out to prove the Bible wrong, but rather just like Greek Mythology the Bible contains false information. I couldn't agree with you more here. But remember there is some truth in every lie. And the best way to defeit an enemy is to divide and conquer. If people see one lie in the midst of truth they are naturally inclined to disprove the whole thing. Moreover, when there are soooo many religions people don't know WHAT to believe in. It is all a cleverly evil plot to take the glory away from GOD. Lets not forget that man is not infallible and has most assuredly corrupted the word for there own ill gotten gain. The Bible claims that mankind is responsible for bringing sin and imperfections into the world due to our fall from grace from God. I listened to this thing on you tube once. It was called messages from the pleadians. They said that the Law maker commissioned them to propagate earth and at first we were a Utopian society, we had 12 strands of DNA and were able to use all our higher functions. The tape said that a rival alien race overtook our world and turned us into slaves. They messed with our DNA disconnecting anything that wasn't essential for survival. I believe that the original sin story is much like an Aseops fable.I will argue that there is real knowledge to be learned from the bible. Weather these stories are based in fact has yet to be seen. In fact, this isn't just a trivial claim, this is the foundational premise of the whole mythology. All men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. ![]() I agree that we HAVE fallen short of our original purpose. The first sin was the lie. Have you ever told a lie? One lie and you have sinned....more than two lies and you are a sinner. That doesn't mean you are damned though---doesn't mean you're gonna go to a hell that doesn't exit anyway make your choices hear on earth and you get punished here on earth."You reap what you sow." I believe that if you are at least 51% good that your name will remain the book of life and your spirit will transend. Some believe that you will inherit a paradise on earth---I guess we'll see when we get there. OK, well, is it true that mankind could be responsible for having brought death, disease, natural disasters and even the fact that plants have grown thorns as the Bible claims? My ol man says that yes that with out sin there would be no more death disease pain or suffering. It's a nice fairytale that I would love to believe but I'm still torn on an opinion personally. Well, according to scientific observations of the actual universe, no, this claim of the Bible is clearly false. Death, disease, natural disasters, thorny plants, and the fact that animals competed with each other for food and habitat, starved to death, and even ate each other has been true long before mankind ever arrived on the scene on planet Earth. So if we appeal to the scientific method of inquiry and observations of the actual universe, we have no choice but to discard the Bible as having absolutely no more credibility than the Greek Mythologies of Zeus. Even a myth can teach you something B=asic I=nstructions B=before L=eaveing E=earth In fact, if you stop and think about it, the God of Abraham isn't all that different from Zeus. They were both appeased by blood sacrifices. ![]() This was a corruption of the establishment. The clergy wanted a free meal. So, yes it has already been proven by science that at the Biblical version of God is false. Or to put that more properly. The authors of that ancient mythology have been caught lying. ![]() I prefer to recognize this latter truth. After all, science was never out to disprove the Bible. So it's kind of a farce to claim that science proved the Bible wrong. What's actually true is that the authors of the Bible just turned out to be liars. Which shouldn't come as a surprise actually. "hmmmmmmmm could it beeeee SATIN"--Saterday night live |
Powerful powerful pattern recognizing system the brain is, isnt it? I think you are more guilty of that than I am. ![]() How many times have you changed your entire core belief system in search of meaning and truth? Me.... 1.Once I believed in a creator God and a higher authority. 2.Then I became an agnostic/atheist, believing in only verified 'reality.' 3.Then I just didn't give a crap and worshiped myself and materiality. 4.Then got into Yoga, for good health and long life reasons... but 5.Then found 'spirituality' and believed in my guru and some other God with a different name. LOL 6.Then I dropped them all in disgust. 7.Somewhere along the line I discovered evidence pointing to the existence of aliens and got obsessed with what they were doing for a few years. 8. Then I decided I didn't give a crap about them either, or whether they existed or not...and what if they did? 9. I briefly looked at all kinds of 'new age' crap. 10. And now I am my own final authority. I don't take anyone's word for anything (as a final authority in my life.) I hold my beliefs loosely about what does and does not 'exist.' I accept what is and I accept responsibility for my experience and situations. 10. My path now, is the path of the magician in the Tarot. Learning to use and understand the universal law of creativity, and this material world, to transform my life bit by bit, piece by piece, learning as I go. I have had many complete transformations. I am on the brink of another one. |
Sounds like you didn't read it.
You are wrong. I did read it. You assume I did not read it. If I were the kind of person who looked for evidence to support my belief, I would have stuck to one belief. Instead, I found evidence that lead me down many different paths in an attempt to solve certain mysteries. Then when I found new evidence that blew my beliefs out of the water, I changed my core beliefs or simply set them aside undecided. Yes I read it and I understand what you are saying. I still think you do that more than I do. You still believe that people with sticks and ropes make crop circles because that supports your need for a logical uncomplicated explanation. It suites you fine. ![]() |
how can "two" eye's, having lived and seen but "one life", think it knows all in the universe???
how can self think itself is the "holy grail", or measure, of all that is possible, and all that is most true??? this in itself, is the "pride", that "fallen angel's", human man itself first believe in, a lessor form of itself, a child god, but, when this is passed thru, and the "veil" is rent, all words in the universe become as true, as it is only a matter of "how" words are true, not whether they are true or not??? if self has "bias", as indeed such IS TRUE, then "how" and WHAT CREATE THIS BIAS??? what one WISH AND WANT, to be true, is WHAT IT BELIEVE??? so what be the remedy, for the small minded brain, that base ALL KNOWING ON ITSELF ALONE??? want nothing, and everything??? WHAT IS TO BE IS TO BE??? I AM??? trust self emphatically, but deny not other's words??? how can self trust itself, but nothing else??? is this NOT THE GREATEST BIAS IN THE UNIVERSE THAT EXIST??? TO BELIEVE IN "GOD" IS TO BELIEVE EACH OTHER??? if self can make "what it wish to be true", then self has to SWITCH to everything as true, a "pole reversal", of self, or there is BIAS ENTERED IN??? 360% the "other way"??? "WHAT IS UP TO MAN IS DOWN WITH "GOD", AND WHAT IS DOWN TO "GOD", IS UP TO MAN"??? that one quote, or just a sentence, can "convert all the mind knows into 1000 times more data"??? basically, it say's nothing more, than IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU THINK IS POSSIBLE??? it is a nefarious deception, to think that if one prove ALL AS TRUE, that a LIE CAN REMAIN??? if one seek to prove how ALL RELIGIONS ARE TRUE, from ATHIEST TO CHRISTIAN TO BUDDHAISM TO AGNOSTIC, then the "part that is not true", is easily revealed??? to prove "only some things true", is how bias enter "into self" in the first place??? self just does not ask greater self, how it CAN BE TRUE, and instead, use's two eye's of "one life", WHICH IS NOT ENOUGH TO KNOW??? but, the greater self, the "god", or "personal angel" of EACH ONE, is NOT HOLY, and does KNOW HOW ALL THINGS ARE TRUE, and what part is not "all the truth"??? did it not say, "god" made "each one" in HIS OWN IMAGE, MALE AND FEMALE ALIKE??? each human being's god, is itself, as did it not also say all are "child gods", but, the GREATER SELF SPEAK TO SELF WITHOUT BIAS, using language SELF WILL DEFINE AS EVIL, IF IT BASE IT ON "HUMAN DEINITION'S ALONE"??? if there is BIAS, still in lower self, IT INTERPRET ALL INCOMING THOUGHT THRU THIS BIAS??? self gets twenty thoughts, it deems 10 true, the one's it wish, and want to be true, and deny the other 10, as not self, as not possible, as jibberish??? if self think itself is "jibberish", than it as well, think many other's are as "jibberish"??? self does not lie to self, nor tell self any harmful thing, but the mind that preside in "a holy perception of god", deem all words thru this "human filter", and corrupt data into "miniscule meaning", or simply thru "right and wrong of self alone"??? man "ate" or believed in the "tree of knowledge of "good and evil"??? deemed all thoughts, all words, all actions, simply as "good or evil"??? but, the "books of life" are opened, in the "new day", the new dawn??? what is the book of life??? the HUMAM MEMORY??? the ticker tape that hold all each one's own personal experince??? these "books of life", are opened by "god", or each one's own angel??? just higher self, that knows why and how and what of all things pertaining, that self is simply guessing, not believing there is are any REAL ANSWER'S??? if, "right and wrong", was the "purpose" of human existence, than man would NEVER have been allowed to exist, IF there was a god, and it was HOLY, as man make's and has interpreted it thus far??? it shall only be adding one small bit of data, that EACH HAD A GOD, IT'S OWN, WHICH IS WHY "RELIGION'S" WILL BE LAST, and what was thought and called as evil, will be first, as "they", will have NO PROBLEM BELIEVING SUCH. rock and roll, and what is called evil by religion, will accept "truth" long before all single religious views and perceptions?? what did "jesus" say, "i and the father are one"??? he was just a ****ing human being??? it was "man" that made many to serve some man as the "only god", as jesus was a "god", just as EACH HUMAN IS??? did not even jesus say, ye are all gods??? how can this be recitifed, to himself as the "only god"??? all religions, all belief's, simply made a "single god", which was intended for a time, but THIS BELIEF SHALL BE PROVEN "FALSE", BUT, AS TRUE, AS ALL THINGS "THINKING AND BELIVIENG THE SAME", DO IN A SENSE BECOME AS "ONE"??? KNOWING THE SAME DATA IS TO BE AS ONE??? WHAT WAS THE FATHER??? father, as in "founding" or "father of self", which when one connect to "greater self", male or fermale, is as connecting to it's father, or founder, male and female alike, and "it", then become a "mother", or simply "what reproduce ALL ETERNAL FULLFILLED CONNNECTION, OR LIFE THAT SEE HOW ALL OTHER'S ARE ETERNAL AS WELL AS SELF??? BUT, nothing can see or know, how itself is eternal, for the "fear of death", to pass away, UNTIL IT SEE AND ASK TO KNOW HOW "OTHER'S ARE"??? can "life on earth", be perpetuated without a "male and female"??? neither can all "infinite life", or eternal life, exist without male and female, AS IN RELAITY, IT IS MOST AS EACH HUMAN GREATER SELF IS FATHER, THE "HUMAN PART" AS SON OR DAUGHTER, THESE CONNECT, AND HUMAN SELF BECOME A MOTHER??? can a lessor life exist, as in a life with a beginning or ending, unless there be first a "infinite life"??? in other words, all things MUST COME FROM GREATER, BY ALL LOGIC, OR THERE COULD NOT EXIST A LESSOR??? THIS IS THE ONLY "LESSOR" MAN IS, NOT SOME "TERRIBLE THING" AS HUMAN MAN MAKES IT??? but, then it is "terrible", in the sense that "what self does not know, is a albatross around the neck, as not having any "needed data" could or can be??? this principle is no different in all science, math, and all such things is it??? the same as time, or LINEAL TIME, OR STRAIGHT TIME, AS MAN SEE'S IT, could not exist, unless there was INFINITE TIME??? did not the text say, cycle's of 7000 years??? did it not say, these are INFINITE, WITH NO BEGINNING OR NO ENDING??? so, every 6000 YEARS, is a "break", in lineal time, or "man time" for a thousand years of "infinite time"??? what does science say be the "modern man period"??? about 4000 bc, to now??? 666 is the number of all things man??? three cycles of 6, equal 18000 years, does it not??? check and see what science says about 18000 years ago??? then, 1000 or the "seventh day", is left off in the "18000 count"??? the evidence of "what happened on the "seventh day", is "erased", by the earth itself, before the next cycle, EXCEPT, FOR AFTER 3 TOTAL CYCLE'S OR THREE CYCLE'S OF 6, OR 666, which added together, with the DAY OR THOUSAND YEARS OF GOD, ADDED INTO THE "MAN ALONE SKILLS" TIME, all these together is "21,000" years, UNTIL A TOTAL EDEN??? pull up 21,000 years ago??? see what science say's??? what was eden??? what of the eagels new album, "long road out of eden"??? what of the john fogerty's new album, "revival"??? what of paul mccartney's new album, "memory almost full"??? what of U2 new album, "no line on the horizon"??? WHO is giving "them" this information??? their greater self, or angels??? man just does not hear the words of other's, as real, or telling, because it deem itself as almost as a "single diety alone", exactelY WHY the inclination of man to make "god" only as ONE!!!??? SELF, as the sole bar and measure of all data, in the universe!!!??? please, it is sheer self pride and self delusion to the greatest degree??? even a scientist that does this, will fall but unto self pride, and deny many other scientists, and declare them as ignorant??? when "god", or greater self, talked to "human man", each being as an "adam and eve", WITHOUT SHAME, OR NOT THRU GUILT, was what the "garden of eden was", was it not??? just as human life, is staggered, not all human "babies" born the same day, so is it with the "supernatural", or greater self??? man thinks if it know something today, and someone else does not, this means other "babies born" are evil, or less??? if they are not born the same day as self, lol??? if one child learn something one day, does this mean another child that learn on another day is "less"??? no, but man despise ANYTHING THAT "MIGHT" KNOW MORE THAN SELF??? would even "kill another" for this sake, in some cases??? please, it is sheer miniscule thinking, is it not??? but, this is indeed how man look at all things??? it is even thought, if one is "older", somehow itself is superior??? how ludicris, but man think thru "self as a diety" bias, because self is a diety, but only after it connect to higher self, and higher self "hate's no one, or despise anything, seeing itself could have "easily been born in their shoe's"??? lower self is only walking "as alone", or not "knowing all", as long as it hate, or can be made to hate, but, when it ask to "undertstand", what it first hate, or despise, such things are always granted, as they are for ANOTHER, AND NOT FOR SELF??? it is first, to depise another, or ridicule another to lift self, or lower another to profit self, that keep and perpetuate all that man hate in the earth??? it cannot be missed, that NOTHING, within the human species, could do "evil", unless it "first" thought, other's were supposed to, or there, to make "self happy"??? just one reality... peace |
However to your topic of proving God using the scientific method, I feel that the Biblical story of God has already been proven wrong by the scientific method. Not that scientists were out to prove the Bible wrong, but rather just like Greek Mythology the Bible contains false information. I couldn't agree with you more here. But remember there is some truth in every lie. And the best way to defeit an enemy is to divide and conquer. If people see one lie in the midst of truth they are naturally inclined to disprove the whole thing. Moreover, when there are soooo many religions people don't know WHAT to believe in. It is all a cleverly evil plot to take the glory away from GOD. Lets not forget that man is not infallible and has most assuredly corrupted the word for there own ill gotten gain. The lie that is obvious in the Bible is the MAIN THESIS, that all men fell from grace from God. Also, just because some men are obviously corrupt is no reason to condemn everyone. Telling good people that they are sinners who failed their creator is ludicous. The Bible claims that mankind is responsible for bringing sin and imperfections into the world due to our fall from grace from God. I listened to this thing on you tube once. It was called messages from the pleadians. They said that the Law maker commissioned them to propagate earth and at first we were a Utopian society, we had 12 strands of DNA and were able to use all our higher functions. The tape said that a rival alien race overtook our world and turned us into slaves. They messed with our DNA disconnecting anything that wasn't essential for survival. I believe that the original sin story is much like an Aseops fable.I will argue that there is real knowledge to be learned from the bible. Weather these stories are based in fact has yet to be seen. I prefer the sciences of bilology, physics, chemistry and cosmology over tales of Draconians. To each their own. ![]() In fact, this isn't just a trivial claim, this is the foundational premise of the whole mythology. All men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. ![]() I agree that we HAVE fallen short of our original purpose. The first sin was the lie. Have you ever told a lie? One lie and you have sinned....more than two lies and you are a sinner. That doesn't mean you are damned though---doesn't mean you're gonna go to a hell that doesn't exit anyway make your choices hear on earth and you get punished here on earth."You reap what you sow." I believe that if you are at least 51% good that your name will remain the book of life and your spirit will transend. Some believe that you will inherit a paradise on earth---I guess we'll see when we get there. The only point I made is that the Biblical myth claims that mankind INTRODUCED sin into the world and is RESPONSIBLE for bringing it into the world. That's the LIE. Any argument that things simply aren't perfect is moot. The LIE that the Bible is responsible for it the LIE we feel from grace from our creator and need to seek repentance. OK, well, is it true that mankind could be responsible for having brought death, disease, natural disasters and even the fact that plants have grown thorns as the Bible claims? My ol man says that yes that with out sin there would be no more death disease pain or suffering. It's a nice fairytale that I would love to believe but I'm still torn on an opinion personally. A lot of people believe this because they believe the Bible. This is indeed what the Biblical myth demands to be the truth. It's the whole basis of a need for salavtion, and without it the crucifixion would have no meaning. Pinning the BLAME for evil on MAN, is the very FOUNDATION of the biblical myth. Well, according to scientific observations of the actual universe, no, this claim of the Bible is clearly false. Death, disease, natural disasters, thorny plants, and the fact that animals competed with each other for food and habitat, starved to death, and even ate each other has been true long before mankind ever arrived on the scene on planet Earth. So if we appeal to the scientific method of inquiry and observations of the actual universe, we have no choice but to discard the Bible as having absolutely no more credibility than the Greek Mythologies of Zeus. Even a myth can teach you something B=asic I=nstructions B=before L=eaveing E=earth If course it can. We can learn things from the Wizard of OZ and Cinderella too. I never claimed otherwise. I'm, just denouncing the whole sin and salavtion lie. In fact, if you stop and think about it, the God of Abraham isn't all that different from Zeus. They were both appeased by blood sacrifices. ![]() This was a corruption of the establishment. The clergy wanted a free meal. The Biblical cannon was chosen precisely for this purpose. It's a manmade myth that claims that we need to appease the CHURCH. It was never about a God at all. |
That is not remotely scientific. Please do not misuse the name of science for your personal fantasies.
That is not remotely scientific. Please do not misuse the name of science for your personal fantasies. Well Excuuuuuuusssse them! Defending the name of 'science' are you? This IS the RELIGION FORUM after all. ![]() |
That is not remotely scientific. Please do not misuse the name of science for your personal fantasies. Well Excuuuuuuusssse them! Defending the name of 'science' are you? This IS the RELIGION FORUM after all. ![]() |