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Topic: wth
no photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:05 PM

everybody is just desperate to know how this could happen.
it was mutual match right?

I heard they were passing notes in study hall... bigsmile

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:48 PM

Ya know DD, this thought just crossed my mind with regard to all of the perving you mentioned. Maybe it's that when y'all announced it, people went to see things like your age, her age, where she lives, where you do etc. You see what I mean? Just those kinds of curious things.
nope.. these were people not from the forums I am talking about.

papersmile's photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:52 PM
Maybe when you update information, your profile is sort of pushed to the top?

s1owhand's photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:52 PM
it is part of the mingle2 - get 10 matches and 10 dates at mingle2 or quadruple your money back offer. they'll do anything to avoid that!


no photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:55 PM

I just can not believe this.. destiny and I are now a couple and we both changed our profiles to reflect that "we are taken".. Since the posting of this news I have had more "profile views" and I don't mean friends of either of us or people who know us through the forums. Then I have also have more "mutual matches" and even nudges. one was from France today.... It is like there is a neon sign flashing overhead .. try and get me...

Can't they read?.. don't they understand that I am not interested in anyone else?.

Is there some kind of hormone being produced that says.. I want him?

If you had merely changed your profiles without splashing the news all over the threads I highly doubt this would be an issue.

You are the one who attracted attention to yourself. If you want to blame someone look in the mirror. I see no advantage to splashing your "relationship" on the threads.

But hey, that's just cranky old me talking.
Maybe your right.. but let me ask you this.. I see so many others "splashing" their relationships all over the place. so whats the big deal? But no one says boo to them? IT was done for a reason. to let our mutual friends and associates who we consider friends to be aware of it.. YES we did change our profiles ..That's the whole point of the WTH? It was all done . And then started the matching . nudges, e mails. so my question why? people can't read? or are they so damn ignorant ? I mean it was plain as day on my profile. I guess I just didn't understand why women would do something like that? Guess I have a higher opinion of the female species then SOME have of themselves. A rhetorical question is what it was and some have blown it out of proportion and pointed fingers? Do you really think I care what some people think?....its a friggin dating site for god's sake not the end of the world. And soon my profile will be totally gone....oh wait I better not announce that or be accused of something else again..sometimes people don't think they just spew words to hear themselves.

You could've let your friends know via e-mail yet you chose to make this LOUD public proclamation. Therefore, you should be ready for the consequences of your action. I stand by my statement: I see NO ADVANTAGE in splashing your "relationship" all over the threads. In fact, I only see negative outcomes from such a public stance on the internet.

But hey, once again it is just cranky old Mitch talking. Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.

personally I really do not care what you think or for that matter some of the other off comments. AGAIN you are selective in who you are judging here I have never seen you or anyone else for that matter say anything to the "other couples" in the forums.. And I have just as much right as anyone else here to post as I see fit. Look around you ,Anmd how many people put up stupid things just to have a post going or to find humor where ever they can. So I post something of personal nature. And yes we could of gone to emails. But did you realize that some of the people have blocks on their e mails that may stop us from giving them personal attention.. No you didn't think that far ahead.. You just want to criticize. go criticize someone who cares about opinions. we said what we needed to say... and those that are our friends. They had the common decency to at least wish us well. And not make an issue of this. like some? to be honest I wish there was a way just to delete this post/ thread its now become a soap box for some.

feistybaby's photo
Tue 05/19/09 02:13 PM
Public Forum, Public opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts. Yes we put personal business out here. It was done with a reason, which I went to the trouble to explain had anyone taken the time to read, not that I feel I owe anyone any explanations. But for some reason "we" seem to be a major point of aggravation for some people. And I find it highly ironic to see the major detractors are regular posters of their own personal issues, or have been in the past. I have been here a long time and have an even longer memory. And for some it may be the voice of experience speaking when they say it can lead to trouble/issues putting your personal business out. For me If I couldn't stand the heat I would stay out of the kitchen. I chose to post, I had a reason for handling it the way I did (in the main to avoid hurting people's feelings), and I don't/didn't have time to write the 178 people at last count on my friends list privately. For the ones that wished us well, we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts. flowerforyou For everyone else thanks for your comments this proves again that we have free speech and should be grateful for it.

7z3r05's photo
Tue 05/19/09 02:17 PM
grown adults acting like high-school kids after drama practice.

i still dont know what the big deal is.

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/19/09 02:28 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Tue 05/19/09 02:29 PM

I just can not believe this.. destiny and I are now a couple and we both changed our profiles to reflect that "we are taken".. Since the posting of this news I have had more "profile views" and I don't mean friends of either of us or people who know us through the forums. Then I have also have more "mutual matches" and even nudges. one was from France today.... It is like there is a neon sign flashing overhead .. try and get me...

Can't they read?.. don't they understand that I am not interested in anyone else?.

Is there some kind of hormone being produced that says.. I want him?

I viewed BOTH your profiles when you posted the thread.... does it mean I want you bad?


It means I was curious to see how big the distance was geographically, how much you appear to have in common.

Get a grip....post a thread of any description, and people like to see what you are about.

The nudges could be a form of affection, like a slep on the back, and congratulations....


everyone ignore DD...he doesnt like anything less.

auburngirl's photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:41 PM
Or...better yet, we could not ignore anyone, click on threads we care to, not on ones we don't. Some people announce their relationships, some don't. Personal preference. Some people also perv to check distance, ages, whatever...no biggie really.

DD & Destiny...wish you all the best!

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 05:00 PM
I guess I don't see what the big deal is. You post something public about a relationship, so of course people will look. If you didn't want things like that to happen, why make it so public?

papersmile's photo
Wed 05/20/09 02:51 AM
There also might be a lot of people who read the forums only, but never (or hardly ever) post, and that's why you don't recognize the names who are stealing looks at you?

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