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Topic: The Green Dragon's Tavern
no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:34 PM
"Mushroom stew or perhaps Boar's stew

Tender yak meat served with mashed potatoes and red cabbage.

or some assorted cheeses and fruit might be more to your tasting," mentions the hobbit.

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:40 PM

"Mushroom stew or perhaps Boar's stew

Tender yak meat served with mashed potatoes and red cabbage.

or some assorted cheeses and fruit might be more to your tasting," mentions the hobbit.

I will take the the latter, meat is not my friend.
The cheese and fruits will be easier on the stomach this time of the day.Thank you.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:45 PM
Samwise disappears in the kitchen to prepare the meal.

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:51 PM
Wondering to herself, when will my friends show up. They promise to be here with me.
sighs well if they don't I will continue without them. That pixie will be good for companionship.At least I would not be lonely.

It would be nice to have that vampire lady as a friendly companion as well but am a little afraid to ask her after what happened.

I hope that Boromir will be able to help me with this new powers of his.I need all the help that i can get.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:51 PM
He comes back out with a big platter of assorted cheese and fruits to serve Gloriana.

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:57 PM
Thank you Samwise am sure going to enjoy this.
It is very quiet now.
What do you think is going on with Boromir. Will he return safely.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:58 PM
"I sure hope so. It is his very first adventure he has ever undertaken. I mean even if he had received such powers, I am not sure if he can handle the pressure. It is reassuring that he has Draven with him though that is for sure," Samwise mentions.

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:02 PM
That Draven sure is brave and strong .
I would not want to have him as an enemy, yet I sense that under all that toughness he has a soft spot.

He seems very fond of Boromir.

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:04 PM
"Well to tell you the truth he is kind of scary that is for sure. I mean I never seen a minotaur in my life until Draven walked in. Boromir assured me that it is safe," Samwise mentions.

dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:17 PM
Nevertheless it would do us good to have his as friend and not as foe.

This was a great meal my friend and you company has been good.

Am off to take a nap.

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:23 PM

Nevertheless it would do us good to have his as friend and not as foe.

This was a great meal my friend and you company has been good.

Am off to take a nap.

<sneaks down and snags some cheese and a piece of fruit, then flies back up into the rafters to wait for everyone to return from their various activities>

<Pixie music floats down...>

no photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:31 PM
Samwise is dissappointed that Draven and Boromir haven't made it back from the adventure. He hopes they will arrive tommorow morning. Slowly the small hobbit closes the tavern locking the doors, closing the shutters, and putting more wood in the fireplace for the night. It continues to storm and the hobbit stretches his little arms before going upstairs to sleep in his room for the night.

Tommorow will be another day and he needs to be well rested.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:02 PM
:smile: Mirror is disapointed that he arrived at the tavern after closing time.frown He has been hearing of a place known as the Cursed Sea and the rumors of a ruined city in its depths and is considering the possibilities of exploring it or even finding a way across the Cursed Sea.bigsmile Mirror figures that the Green Dragon would be a good place to recruit a team to do some exploringbigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:05 PM
drinker Mirror will be back to the tavern tomorrowbigsmile

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:46 PM
Ah, a long day to be sure, Criani thought. The tavern still smelled of good food. Samwise sure is a gem to stay on and help while Boromir went on his adventure to balance good and evil. Criani has complete faith in Boromir's abilities, even before she noticed the differences coming over him. Yes, he will be the finest Seer she knows...

Criani went to see what Samwise had left for dinner. He always left something for her and Beast. As she entered the kitchen, she saw a note requesting small eating utensils and cups for the lil pixie that has been a residence of late. That Samwise... he always thinks of the best things. Hmmm... I think I have just the right thing that will do for the morrow, until she can have the blacksmith in town create those special culinary items. She went upstairs into her emergency sewing basket and pulled out a thimble. It had been a gift from a teeny, tiny dwarf years ago. There! That should be the perfect size, she smiled and thought to herself. Taking it back down to the kitchen she left it on the counter along with a note saying thank you for all his help, telling him to tell the lil pixie to enjoy her stay and also asking of news of Boromir.

She then whistled for Beast as they went up to sleep. It was always nice to lay and listen to the sound of the rain while dozing off...

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 05:36 AM
Samwise wakes up to hop down the stairs to open the tavern. He sees the letter from his boss and smiles. It is great that we now have a thimble to offer a pixie. I am sure Criani will get more items for pixies to make their stay here most admirable.

He then starts to get some food out and begins mixing various ingredients together to form a most enjoyeable meal for the day.

As the food begins to boil, roast, and bake he goes to the tavern to fix it up a bit.

Opening the tavern's doors and shutters he sees it is still raining. Wow how many days has it been raining already.

He then dissappers into the kitchen to continue cooking.

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 05:36 AM
Edited by smiless on Wed 06/24/09 05:56 AM

XI (day 92) of the time of sun era:

WARNING: The "Wise Staffs Shop" has been robbed! Many powerful staffs have been stolen in the early mornings today. Although the town's Marshall has increased in the town's guards this cunning rogue manages to break in! Watch your purses adventurer's! Perhaps it is a group of rogues in the action. Investigations continue. If you have any news or have witnessed any unusual suspects please report to the either the captain's quarters or the Marshall’s magistrate.

The legendary writer Marissa has extended her stay in town. She is visiting the bookstore "Torik's Old Writing" and will do some booksignings. She is known for such novels as " Interracial love between humans and wood elves", "Elvin History the last Decade", and her present bestseller "How to start a business with no gold".

The daily lottery numbers are 6, 24, 43, 2, 40, 17. To play Sinatorium's gold lottery one has to visit "Old Flint's Warehouse" for more information. Currently there is 11,542 gold pieces in the pot.

The Sun Era Horoscope

Pixies - A joke and a tease will keep people at ease.

Wood Elf - The knowledge of herb lore can save a life.

High Elf - Intelligence is only valued if shared.

Dark Elf - Dark thoughts are not welcomed on the surface.

Dwarf - Boasting is a dwarf's nature, but don't overdue it.

Hobbit - A riddle a day keeps the magician away.

Human - Confusion begins from not knowing.

Centaur - Grazing, hugging, and loving is a beasts unwanted nature.

Minotaur - When times are rough a weapon is a must.

Gnome - Sharing is hard, but inventing is easy. Try to show both.

Half- Orc - Tankards of ale can make one rowdy. Be careful.

Vampire - Not much is told of powers of the unknown. Sometimes it is a good thing.

Lord Elkinsinan is looking for able adventurers to find the sacred sword of trust. It was his father's possession and has been missing since he childhood. Reward 500 gold pieces. If interested in this adventure then email the dungeonmaster.

dreamboat1974's photo
Wed 06/24/09 06:00 AM
Edited by dreamboat1974 on Wed 06/24/09 06:16 AM
The rain is falling. (sighs)I can't go outside with in all this rain.

I will see if Samwise has more of that cheese and fruits and then head back to my room and practice my powers, I may need.

Good morning Samwise could I have a plate of slice cheese and fruits that you served me yesterday and a glass of water or warm milk.

After breakfast am heading back to my room.

no photo
Wed 06/24/09 06:10 AM
"Good morning there Gloriana. I hope your stay at the tavern is satisfactory," Samwise says walking out of the kitchen wiping his hands with a cloth.

"You can have anything you want for a price that is," the 3 foot hobbit mentions pointing at the billboard.

It reads:

Green Dragon’s Inn prices


GOBLIN’S BREW: 1 large mug costs 1 gold piece

This specific drink is the most common dark ale in the Lands of Bavidirian. Not only does it quench the thirst it also clears your system for the potent drink has enough kick to knock out the most brutal and nastiest goblin the lands has ever encountered.

GRAPAN LIQUOR: 1 small glass costs 5 gold pieces and adds 2 charisma for one day

Hobbits from the Hills of Dilan spend extraordinary time distilling these aromatic and sweet roots grown above their hill homes. They mix special herbs and cook the roots to distill three sessions before storing them into cherry oak barrels. This liquor is served in long neck glasses and tastes delicious after a good meal.

ELVIN WINE: 1 glass costs 3 gold pieces and adds 1 charisma for the day.

The high elves are very keen about the taste and quality of their wine. The process is not taken lightly as they ensure only the best grapes to be allowed to create this fine wine. It is a favorite pass time amongst the higher class citizens of a town.

DWARVEN MEADE: A large mug costs 3 gold pieces and adds 1 strength for the day

This fizzling and potent steaming drink is rarely enjoyed by humans or elves, yet the dwarves claim that it is the best brewed beer the lands can ever enjoy. It has double the kick then a regular brew and can stimulate adrenaline beyond imagination for a good round of arm wrestling or a savvy patronage competition.


MEAL: 1 plate costs 3 gold pieces

The meal of the day various each day. Depending on the season Criani Peracien adjusts the meals to satisfy her customers with the best products available in the town of Sinatorium.

Ration: 1 wrapped package costs 2 gold pieces

Rations contain one dark bread loaf, yak cheese wrapped tightly in leaves, 2 apples, and a chunk of boiled meat in a small wooden box. This whole package is in a small wrapped clothe that is easy to store for adventurers or travelers alike.


1 Room: 1 days stay costs 10 gold pieces and restores 2 Hit Points.

The Green Dragon’s Inn doesn’t have much competition when it comes to a good accommodation of the highest standard now that the tavern in the noble district has closed down. These sizable rooms have goose feathered pillows and soft fur blankets to keep one warm and cozy even in the coldest nights. Boromir also prepares hot baths for an additional 5 gold pieces in the room. The room also has a small oak table and bookshelf for those who stay longer then a day.

Honeymoon Suite: 1 nights stay costs 100 gold pieces – restores all Hit Points lost.

These luxury rooms double the size of the regular rooms the tavern offers has a king size bed with the softest and finest embroidered silk covers and pillow cases. A complimentary treat of fine chocolates are brought in from the noble district of Sinatorium. A bath is prepared for the size of two that have magical tablets created by enchanters to make the water fizzle and massage aching muscles when sitting in the tub. Huge candles adorn the room that give out a scent of lavender to ensure a calm mind of peace and harmony.


Bath: 1 session in a bathtub costs 5 gold pieces and restores 1 Hit Point.

For those travelers who have not had the opportunity to wash themselves can get a bath prepared for them. One traveler can only have one bath per day in the Green Dragon’s Inn.

dreamboat1974's photo
Wed 06/24/09 06:23 AM
Samwise the Green Dragon's Tavern offers wonderful service to it customers and i would gladly pay .

Fix me up with a meal and then I'll have a bath.
Oh and here is my payment.

A bath will help me to relax and concentrate on the task at hand.

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