Community > Posts By > Auryss_Valeria

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Fri 06/26/09 11:35 AM
<Auryss folds up her knitting.>

Think I'll go out and see what kind of damage the storm did...

<flies out the door and heads into town>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Fri 06/26/09 10:39 AM

Sounds good to me! I would love someone to hunt with.

<bubble of light flies out window and is gone for a few minutes. When it returns, the pixie lands on the bar and looks over at the vampire>

Okay, I've talked to the griffin and he agrees. He say that whenever you're ready to hunt, just step outside and wave up at him -- he'll fly over to the forest and meet you there at the pathway that enters it. He can understand some basic human words, so you can tell him "first", which will send him out ahead of you, or "wait" which will let you use your vampire stealth to find something for dinner. If you want him to come to you, he will answer to the human version of his name, which is "Greengages".

<Auryss pulls some yarn out of her little bag and begins knitting spidersilk into a sweater...>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Fri 06/26/09 10:01 AM

Draven let me clean up in his room. I feel bad, my body hurts.

Mmmmm, I can imagine. Maybe you could hunt with the griffin, since he's not interested in the blood of his food, only the meat of it. I could ask him if you decide that's what you'd like to do.

<looks around for Samwise or Boromir...>
And it's time for this pixie to eat, that's for sure...just a little something for me! <bells of laughter again>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Fri 06/26/09 08:40 AM

I got stuck outside in the storm. I had to hide in a tree. Was pretty bad.

Are you okay now? You're looking pretty together for someone who slept in a tree...<laughs like bells>

<Flies around the room, peeking out the window to see if anything is going on before finally settling on the bar. Pulls out her pipes and begins to softly play them...not really a song, more like a flow of music...and waits to see who else will come into the inn this day>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:28 AM
<bubble of light floats in from the stable area>

Good morning, gentle beings!

I checked on the griffin, and he's back up on the roof, helping keep watch.

Everyone make it through that storm ok?

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 03:24 PM
<slips out under the door to lead the griffin into the back of the stables, away from any horses, so that it can be safe during the storm, then returns to the inn>

Whew, it's windy!

<begins to play a song on her pixie flute which somehow matches the storm's pace but not its gives some cheer to the now darkened room>

[real life: sliding out since we're not going anywhere today. I'll try and catch up with the questing tomorrow...good evening, gentle beings!]

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:06 PM

We are going to wait around a few more minutes and see who shows up that can be of assistancebigsmile

<Auryss returns once more from the roof, holding a large feather>

Bard, I spoke of your quest to the griffin and he gave me this for you...I don't know what it does, if anything. But it can't hurt to have a griffin feather. It would look great in your cap!

He also suggests I tag along with you...I will try to keep up, so may at least start the journey with you?

[real life: will try to stay...depends on how work goes, so slow answers might be the price I pay for this little trek]

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:37 AM
<returns into the inn in time to hear the bard's question>

Oh, it's just the griffin...feeling better now, and already standing watch for us. He hopes to stay there a few days to regain his strength...depends on what the owner of the tavern says about having him up there! <laughs>

And so you are gathering for your quest? I think I shall stay here and continue to talk with the griffin...

<flies back out the window, snagging a sip of the elven wine on her way>

[real life: work is crazy busy and this is about the best I can do for being in here--off to do mundane things for a while, maybe catch up with you all later if things slack off--probably not until about 6 pm et...]

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:43 AM
<uses the minotaur's nose like a diving board to fly up and out the window...>

I'm sitting with a griffin! <sound of bells tinkling as Auryss laughs...>

[[going to work -- will try to be back online later]]

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:34 AM
Well, "if it can be had" are the operative words. What kind of protection do you have against flame? Maybe you should take a bath before going out on this quest--and don't bother to dry off, HAHAHA!

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:30 AM
Edited by Auryss_Valeria on Thu 06/25/09 08:31 AM
You seek the sword of the Minotaur King? I hope your fire insurance is paid up...

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:11 AM
<looks over at the minotaur>

Going questing again? What have I missed...what are you after now, O horned one?

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 08:05 AM
<ball of light floats into the room>

Whew! Thank you for the meat, Samwise...the griffin also sends his thanks and begs a favor of you.

The clerics have healed his wing and he can fly, but is still rather weak. He would stay on the roof for a few days, regaining his strength if you agree. He has offered to keep watch for any trouble--he's heard about the other places in town being robbed and could sound a warning if the miscreants should attempt to do the same here.

He feels that he can hunt for his own food in the nearby forest and therefore would not deplete your larder any more.

Are you willing for him to stay?

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 07:20 AM
Thank you!
<the bubble of light flies out the window, following the meat up to the griffin>

A loud squawk can be heard and then eating sounds...and just barely, almost more like a dream of music than real, comes the sound of a pixie flute, lulling the griffin so that the clerics can do their healing work.

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Thu 06/25/09 07:13 AM
<a buble of light enters the inn>

Good morning, gentle beings!

Samwise, do you have some raw meat? Something...chewy? And a large chunk of it?

Minotaur, I have need of your assistance--would you bring the meat from Samwise up to the roof? The griffin is hurt and while the clerics are trying to heal it, it is not cooperating.

I have talked to it, and it is so could use the food to help with the healing...

<flits from person to person as she talks, watching to see if they will help>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Wed 06/24/09 07:35 PM
<a bubble of light slips into the tavern from underneath the closed door...and flits up to Gandorn the historian's room. After ascertaining that he is asleep, the pixie settles up on a rafter overhead, to be able to talk to him in the morning...>

{...thinks that eavesdropping is a great way to keep up on all the news...and I can decide tomorrow if this little quest is worth going on...that magic book sounds interesting.}

[[Real life: if I can fit this in with work at 3 pm ET (that marvelous time of High Noon, PT), Auryss would like to accompany the group on the quest...but it depends on the workload in the mundane world]]

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:59 PM
<quietly retreats out of the window>

[[Real life: I'm at work and cannot pay enough attention to this to participate at this time. Will come back later tonight, when I get home...}}

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:00 PM
Edited by Auryss_Valeria on Wed 06/24/09 03:03 PM
<a ball of purple light enters the tavern>

Wow, where were all those minotaurs going...and did I miss something? Seems a bit...tense in here.

<flies over to Samwise> Can a pixie get something to eat?

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Wed 06/24/09 07:40 AM
<a ball of light floats down from the rafters, accompanied by the slightest suggestion of bells. It flits to the window then to this new minotaur, where it hangs for a moment, just at eye level.>

Hmmm another one. Good morning, gentle beings...and not so gentle being. Draven's second in command? You're a little late for the party--he's off killing things, you know.

<the pixie lightly lands on the minotaur's nose, but before he can react, is gone...out the window, off to do mysterious pixie things for a while>

Auryss_Valeria's photo
Tue 06/23/09 08:23 PM

Nevertheless it would do us good to have his as friend and not as foe.

This was a great meal my friend and you company has been good.

Am off to take a nap.

<sneaks down and snags some cheese and a piece of fruit, then flies back up into the rafters to wait for everyone to return from their various activities>

<Pixie music floats down...>

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