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Topic: Proof
Michael715's photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:50 AM
Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:54 AM
Darn it.

He discovered it already!

Now we'll have to shut him down and reprogram him.

Michael715's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:05 PM

Darn it.

He discovered it already!

Now we'll have to shut him down and reprogram him.

Haha but this is a valid philosphy question

Lilypetal's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:15 PM

Darn it.

He discovered it already!

Now we'll have to shut him down and reprogram him.

rofl rofl rofl

You'll have to reprogram everyone who reads this thread.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:28 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?
bigsmile We live in a holographic realitybigsmile

Michael715's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:29 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?
bigsmile We live in a holographic realitybigsmile

Darn where's the computer interface so I can get u here with me

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:38 PM

Haha but this is a valid philosphy question

Valid philosophy?

But philosophers don't prove anything.

Philosophy is just a hobby.

All ideas are valid in philosophy.

In order to prove something you must first have a set of accepted premises. They don't need to be true, simply accepted.

Then you need some rules of logic.

Then you're off to the races. You prove things based on the compatibility of your premises and rules of logic.

That's even how mathematics works. No one can prove the fundamental axioms of mathematics. You either accept them, or become a rogue philosopher. :wink:

Even science just assumes that yesterday existed, and that everything we see today was a result of some process.

That's just an accepted premise. No one has proven it to be true. Most people just accept that it's more likely than not.

After all, we need to start somewhere.

Also, it appears that science has panned out. But that assumes that we can even trust that history to be true.

I think the point is that if what you propose is true, then it won't do us much good to know it anyway. So what have we gained by that guess?

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:40 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?
bigsmile We live in a holographic realitybigsmile

Darn where's the computer interface so I can get u here with me

Be careful.

What you see in the Mirror may not be what you get in reality. laugh

Michael715's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:49 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?
bigsmile We live in a holographic realitybigsmile

Darn where's the computer interface so I can get u here with me

Be careful.

What you see in the Mirror may not be what you get in reality. laugh

But what is reality? Let us not forget at one time 'reality' was that the univierse revolved around the earth, and the Sun was considered god!

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:53 PM

But what is reality? Let us not forget at one time 'reality' was that the univierse revolved around the earth, and the Sun was considered god!

And what was it that brought you to the conclusion that those 'realities' are no longer true? spock

Michael715's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:57 PM

But what is reality? Let us not forget at one time 'reality' was that the univierse revolved around the earth, and the Sun was considered god!

And what was it that brought you to the conclusion that those 'realities' are no longer true? spock

simple science. Of course like my 1st ? assumes how do we know that we were even here 5 mins ago? all we know to be real could be illusion, fantasy. This could be a holodeck from Star Trek.

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 01:01 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 04/21/09 01:07 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?
bigsmile We live in a holographic realitybigsmile

Darn where's the computer interface so I can get u here with me

Be careful.

What you see in the Mirror may not be what you get in reality. laugh

But what is reality? Let us not forget at one time 'reality' was that the univierse revolved around the earth, and the Sun was considered god!
No those where personal concepts of reality, not reality itself.

This is often confused, and in many discussions here on the forums we have decided to instead use the work actuality to describe the non personal reality that we each interact with.

Like Abra said, you either accept that

A) we can know things
B) we know things by examining data
c) that the relationships between data and actuality can be explored and "proved" via methods such as mathematics and logic.

If not then what does anything matter?

As far as the idea that this could be a hologram, the basic concept voids occums razor.

When posed with a set of possibilities, the method with the least amount of assumption (ie unneeded baggage) is the most probable.

We could assume that the flying spaghetti monster created all of reality 5 minutes ago, planted millions upon millions of years of fossils in the ground, that he set the motions of objects in the sky to look like they are old, and set the light in position to appear to jive with all the other observations. He would have also had to put the memories into all the people, and all the built up knowledge that was gathered by the alleged previous generations into books for us to think there where these previous generations.

But what is more probable, that all this took place to fool us, or that what we observe is actually what it appears to be . . . .

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:35 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 04/21/09 02:36 PM
Concerning "proving" something:

One can actually adapt to your mindset of believing the world was created in 5 minutes. It seems a great many people around the world believe that the Earth and the Universe was created in 7 days. How long do you think a day is for these believers?? Do they measure this time as we know it as one full 24 hour cycle or is one day a God's Day that takes millions of years for us but only one God day??

So it depends how you count time perhaps.

The majority of the world accepts that a day is 24 hours and that a year is 365 days. Human mind days that is. lol

Yet we can change the time frame and yes we can say that the world was involved in 5 minutes if you like.

Meaning one second is actually a 100 million years or something of this time frame.

So your idealogy could work if you change your mindset to see the world in a different sense.

I cannot guarantee that the world will agree with you on it, for most probably won't, but that doesn't mean you can't believe it to be true.

In my fantasy work one era is one season and one cyclone is one year. This planet I write about has 400 days a year as one era is 100 days.

So a different time frame, not much different then Earth but nevertheless different.

Mercury goes around the sun in 88 days.

So yes maybe for a God you just lived 5 minutes for him or her! lol

yet I think we are so small that no one supernatural even knows we exist. That could be possible also. If you believe in the supernatural that is.

So in the end it is what your mind wants to believe that makes it true.

So what does clinge true for you?

creativesoul's photo
Tue 04/21/09 10:39 PM
But philosophers don't prove anything.

Really? huh

James, you know better.


davidben1's photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:22 PM
philosophy in inception, but pose idea's and notions from the human well of all wisdom, that are so profound and of the human well of all wisdom, that a dynamic self induced human pressure of change occur, no matter the response from the hearer???

the greatest philosophy, envoke the human brain to either prove or dispove the philosophy within itself, as true or not true, therefore, expaning the minds of all unto more knowing???

if it cannot be proven by the human reasoning of other's as true or not true, than it is philosophy, but philosophy of one, which is but ideas from the shallow well, and but self deeming itself philosophical???

true philosophy come from one source, and all the same source, from the human that care more for other's than itself, from the mind that has been freed from self want, so all data is not heard basing it on how self feel about it, as the self want no longer define, all things by how they effect self, and it see thru but one as all, which is what all self want will not allow the brain???


Winx's photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:27 PM

Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?

Didn't Descartes already cover that? lol

justinc1431's photo
Wed 04/22/09 12:29 AM
Are you taking the blue pill or the red pill?

no photo
Wed 04/22/09 07:10 AM

But philosophers don't prove anything.

Really? huh

James, you know better.


Well I think Dan Dennet does a good job for one.

Michael715's photo
Wed 04/22/09 08:24 AM
What do I think? I think it really doesn't matter when we began, the fact is we are here now in our current situations. As to time it is a creation of man. God is not bound by time, nor (as some would argue) did he create it directly. Life exists, it is. I've studied philosophy and theology, and have come to the conclusion reality is in the mind.

creativesoul's photo
Wed 04/22/09 09:48 AM
Prove to me that this world didn't start 5 mins ago and all we think we remember isn't just a memory plant?

Differences in individual memory.

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