Topic: this is not advice, just ramblings, but influenced by an e-m | |
when you're hurtin, you're hurtin. s'ok to hurt. don't get self pity and hurt mixed up. sheer beauty alone can hurt....even to look at, when there's feelings behind that, it's even worse. i'd rather go to war than feel that again. at least with war, i know what i'm up against. it's different today, than the past. everyone has changed. no more snail mail and waiting weeks for a reply to help you through another month of anxious waiting for a cross-country, or overseas lover...forever..... but part of that is passion. passion's different now, and so is marriage....this is a small percentage of pure good. MOST marriages were miserable then,(not all) it's just that most stuck it out, way past the time when they should have left.... now, marriage is a trump card. just like the" i'm the man, and this is how it goes" to, you've upset me, no more sex, and you're on the couch, or out the door, and we might talk later, i'll think about it. i have patience for none of this normal everyday happening, because it seems to be nothing but control now, and getting what they want(both sexes). not the passion of yesteryear, when you wouldn't think of leaving your best friend. "male and female issues" should never even play into it.....what a shame....but it always kinda has. it's just that the real true love with no stipulations is lost forever. it's all boundries now, stipulative boundries. there's always moral boundries, and those should be understood, but are now lost in the shuffle with legal boundries, because true honesty seems to be a dead issue, and justification for one's means has taken over, so it's a sided truth...a point of view, instead of real truth. what a shame!!! only people can change this, and it'll only be individual people that can see this and make the change. i've seen a lot in my very incredibly short life-span, that i hope lasts another ten-twenty-or thirty years, and i'm really worried about how we are relating. it seems that the games and drama that needs not be there, for either self-protection for games, and sheer ego and, or, boredom for drama, that are taking mainstream over HONEST courting. everyone is categorized to feel more comfortable, and it's working. i've never fit into a "category", and people never feel quite comfortable with me, so it doesn't work with me in the least, and i've become merely an "immortal observer" or atleast it feels that way (and i wouldn't trade it for the world) with my infantesimle bit of life experience, i practically know nothing to help another, but it's an honor to try....the more i learn, the less i know, and am humbled at every turn. these reflections, are not advice, merely the observations and gathered facts that "i appear" to see.
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Tue 04/21/09 09:48 AM
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I agree 100% vincent. That's where I'm at. The lack of tolerance for nonsensical parochial control issues and overdramatized stupid bullsh!t for the sake of excitement and self importance. The drama for the sake of drama has gotten old beyond compare.
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 09:54 AM
I agree 100% vincent. That's where I'm at. The lack of tolerance for nonsensical parochial control issues and overdramatized stupid bullsh!t for the sake of excitement and self importance. The drama for the sake of drama has gotten old beyond compare. biker, i've missed you. been very busy as of late, but thanks for posting, and you put it perfectly, i might add. i'm still on track for this summer, it's just a matter of when i get free, but it'll be a pleasure to talk and ride with you,...and thanks! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() very observant! it has, most definitely, and has given us easy-way outs on many things ![]() ![]() |
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I beleive deep within me that the old way of life, will one day return
and the calm will bring forth those moments of time where we sit,, talk, bickerrrrr and resolve all that is,,, those moments of Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeee yes I love you and will fight freely for what it is we want ( as a unit) can't live my life without you,,,, will bring us back to those simple hand written love notes, a cup of tea between two,, and a simply wink of the Eye will remind us of the importance of unconditional love, friendship and the bond that once was shall be again,,,, Maybe if we let go of technology and bring back the old,,, Love will once again shineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee its light upon the lighter side of life,, the good side Rambleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I go,,, I enjoyed your spirit,,,, Blessed be |
I beleive deep within me that the old way of life, will one day return and the calm will bring forth those moments of time where we sit,, talk, bickerrrrr and resolve all that is,,, those moments of Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeee yes I love you and will fight freely for what it is we want ( as a unit) can't live my life without you,,,, will bring us back to those simple hand written love notes, a cup of tea between two,, and a simply wink of the Eye will remind us of the importance of unconditional love, friendship and the bond that once was shall be again,,,, Maybe if we let go of technology and bring back the old,,, Love will once again shineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee its light upon the lighter side of life,, the good side Rambleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I go,,, I enjoyed your spirit,,,, Blessed be aahh, (smiles) blessed be to you! and with affirmations as such, there's no reason why that wouldn't seek you out, for soul seeks soul, and spirit guides can help with that one, lass! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() it has for me for eight long years......i'd have a hunger beyond imagining if it weren't for this. ![]() |
![]() it has for me for eight long years......i'd have a hunger beyond imagining if it weren't for this. ![]() ![]() |
"Inspired" as well
![]() My GOD V!!! I have no words except that I am humbled. I know I have a mediocre talent of witty quips that may twist "some" into thinking in a different perspective or perhaps a silly "that guys a nut with a passable vocabulary" giggle. All of this is just a cowards fraud to "look" ....clever... AT BEST I aspire to this kind of true wisdom, clarity and "passion of yesteryear." Thank you SO MUCH for this! |
Todays relationships or dating has made me almost not want to date. And if you could have seen all the people in front & behind me in line at court getting divorced this morning(myself included) why dp people even's sad really!
Todays relationships or dating has made me almost not want to date. And if you could have seen all the people in front & behind me in line at court getting divorced this morning(myself included) why dp people even's sad really! i feel for ya man, and i agree! it's a trumping peice of paper that states ownership, rather than the fact that "i sacredly love and cherish my best friend of all time, for all time" it has become an expensive legal institute for people of several professions to make tremendous money...(maybe that's why more and more are shying away from marriage.) i costs both parties way too much in this day and age of no work and low pay, and insecure good jobs.....and your licence by supension and warrants fo arrest if you're even late one half of a month on child support or alimony(yes, still exists, for women to pay too) i have several friends here, that i've helped with payments in hard times so they wouldn't go to jail, for they would lose their job.....then miss more payments....vicious! there should be a happy medium here....but there isn't. deadbeats are deadbeats, but this makes good men and women(yes) seem like deadbeats if they get caught up in this mess and lose everything. |
"Inspired" as well ![]() My GOD V!!! I have no words except that I am humbled. I know I have a mediocre talent of witty quips that may twist "some" into thinking in a different perspective or perhaps a silly "that guys a nut with a passable vocabulary" giggle. All of this is just a cowards fraud to "look" ....clever... AT BEST I aspire to this kind of true wisdom, clarity and "passion of yesteryear." Thank you SO MUCH for this! thank you for inspiring it! ![]() |
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I'm not sure you will ever know how much peace you have brought my brother or the depth of appreciation for the bridge that your words have repaired.
I'm not sure you will ever know how much peace you have brought my brother or the depth of appreciation for the bridge that your words have repaired. i'm humbled to help if i have the power. if this helped, i don't know what to say, but thanks! from the bottom of my heart! ![]() ![]() |
![]() ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Montana....)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you sure are a sight for sore eyes. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |