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Topic: putting an animal down...
DragonFlyTat's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:15 AM

When you can't stand to see them suffer anymore.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:19 AM
lets not be shy, speak up guys

7z3r05's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:21 AM

steely determination

Queene123's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:26 AM
how can you determin what to say. for some of the members are making a joke out of something that wasent ment to be,,,grumble

7z3r05's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:30 AM
just let it go

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:43 AM
Just ignore their insensitivity. There's a smart alec around every corner.
When the pet is suffering, and there is nothing else that can be done, or when the things that can be done aren't going to ease it's pain or cure the ailment. Also, if an animal starts to show violent tendancies. I'm sure that I'm not the first person who had to have a beloved pet put down for biting, or biting at, people. It's probably one of the hardest decisions that you will ever have to make, but which consequences would you prefer to live with?
And, yes, we as a society are more humane to the animals in our lives than to the terminally ill people, many of whom would rather die peacefully and with dignity than suffer for any length of time.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/21/09 07:52 AM
thanks for the serious replies.

Queene123's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:15 AM

Just ignore their insensitivity. There's a smart alec around every corner.
When the pet is suffering, and there is nothing else that can be done, or when the things that can be done aren't going to ease it's pain or cure the ailment. Also, if an animal starts to show violent tendancies. I'm sure that I'm not the first person who had to have a beloved pet put down for biting, or biting at, people. It's probably one of the hardest decisions that you will ever have to make, but which consequences would you prefer to live with?
And, yes, we as a society are more humane to the animals in our lives than to the terminally ill people, many of whom would rather die peacefully and with dignity than suffer for any length of time.

my sister has always had golden labs
there beautiful dogs.
she had a dog that they had when my nephew was little, and they ended puting the dog down later on for he was having seizers and the meds wasent working anymore. and they decided it was best to put him down..(they have a pic of him wearing glasses and a bandana) he had a great personality.. my nephew was about 14yrs old when they put the dog down. he was really hurt it was like loosing a brother... and then they got another dog later. they had her for yrs. and she got cancer in her leg. the begaing of that triggered it from the fall she had before they got her. there was a guy that had puppies in the back of his truck, and my brother nlaw and my nephew were right behind them. and they noticed the dog fell out of the truck and i cant remember who took the dog to the vet.. but thats how they got her....after i had my surgery i was at my moms and my brother nlaw brought the dog over, she sat by me, knowing i wasent feeling good..(she like a medical dog)

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 04/21/09 11:15 AM

I Put them Down When I Feel They've Had Enough! when They Look at Me and I Can See in their Eyes they're Suffering, that is a good Time. only You Really know Your Pets and Have to Make that Determination Yourself.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:09 PM
Agrees with what all of the sane members said. Basically when you feel it's time. Some people do that as an animal starts to get sick, others will fight tooth and nail to keep their animals going. I guess it's when their mental faculties break down.

And I do believe humans should have the options to euthanasia. I think it's totally ridiculous to not allow them the option to do so.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:26 PM
I guess when it hurts too much to see them suffering any longer.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:29 PM
When they are suffering. :cry:

lulu24's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:46 PM
i personally don't think that i could put an animal down.

my aunt (who helped raise me) had one dog that was hit by a car. she was paralyzed in her back legs for several months...we just carried her outside (a samoyed) to use the bathroom and then brought her back in. after lots of rehab, she started walking again. my aunt's current dog has severe hip problems and is on NSAIDs at all times...

they've spent thousands to save their animals. the animals are very aware that they are loved...and you can tell that they return said favor. i'm not real sure how my aunt came to be like this, since my grandmother wasn't quite so tender-hearted. she once had a wonderful pet put down for no reason other than not being of show quality.

it's heart-wrenching no matter what you decide.

msberrypicker's photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:22 PM
Edited by msberrypicker on Tue 04/21/09 02:24 PM
I was having a dicussion with a woman from work. If her dog were dying, or suffering and there was no hope, then you would put it down. So here is my question. Why can't you put people down who are at the end of their time. instead we keep them here to suffer and if they do decide to croak, we bring them back and put them on life support. How is that humane.

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:49 PM
Simba was 14 years old and had cancer in her sinuses and in her head. they told my in April of 2006 she wouldnt make it through Thanksgiving. they did chemo and had her on meds, and she ended up losing her right eye to the chemo and the meds cost more more than $1400, but she made it until Sept of 2007!! She was fully active and was in very litte pain until she had a stroke after our daily walk and I knew it was time. Her eyes told me in the Vets office that she was tired and ready to go!! It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I dont regret it, as I dont regret the money or time we spent at the vets!! Adn when We meet at the rainbow bridge I know she will as healthy as she ever was on earth!!

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 04/21/09 06:09 PM
I've had to put several dogs down. They were sick. They were in pain. They weren't going to get better. It was their time. I hope someone has the good sense to do the same for me when my time comes. We all die sooner or later.

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