Topic: Treated like a slab of meat?
Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:25 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

what now you're giving me a mans perspective..

now if you're going into a relationship status i agree with what you are saying ..i always have . but we are talking in general and from the past of years ago when it was a different time and place ..people didn't die from having unprotected sex.
this day and age things have changed in so many ways..

How is my post a man's perspective? I gave my perspective, and the last time I looked, I was still a female..

I gave you a human perspective, applicable to either gender...

I used the term 'you' it could have easily been, 'them' they' 'I'.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:27 PM

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

I'm going to have to agree... everyone has an ego. But having an ego is not instinct, it's learned behavior.

Having said that, an ego is not necessarily a bad thing, how you feed it can be. If you can keep your ego satisfied "in house" if you will, you're probably pretty balanced. When you need others - either their approval or their degradation to feed that ego, you're headed for trouble.

Just my opinion.

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:28 PM

So you are saying that there are those with no ego?

I have not met one person who does not have some semblance of ego.... however, it is not instinct, it is a trait, a part of our humaness...

it is possible to not have ego... to not have that constant projecting, inner monologue... I have been with many highly educated zen monks, and nuns who are as close to ego-less, as is in my perspective possible.

Audie, it's a trait...I am not trying to be difficult, I am trying to explain a misnomer......what it is.

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:28 PM
I wonder what would happen if we had no ego? I bet we would end up depressed and wretched after some time...

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:29 PM

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

I'm going to have to agree... everyone has an ego. But having an ego is not instinct, it's learned behavior.

Having said that, an ego is not necessarily a bad thing, how you feed it can be. If you can keep your ego satisfied "in house" if you will, you're probably pretty balanced. When you need others - either their approval or their degradation to feed that ego, you're headed for trouble.

Just my opinion.

Audie...what he said!

And again great post!

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:29 PM

So you are saying that there are those with no ego?

I have not met one person who does not have some semblance of ego.... however, it is not instinct, it is a trait, a part of our humaness...

it is possible to not have ego... to not have that constant projecting, inner monologue... I have been with many highly educated zen monks, and nuns who are as close to ego-less, as is in my perspective possible.

Audie, it's a trait...I am not trying to be difficult, I am trying to explain a misnomer......what it is.

Eh, your diving into things i don't wanna know, she asked for a guys input and i gave it

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:30 PM

I wonder what would happen if we had no ego? I bet we would end up depressed and wretched after some time...

No, I don't believe so....

do you believe animals have an ego?

if not, do they appear wretched, and depressed...

it is often the ego that triggers those emotional responses... the inner that case.

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:32 PM

I wonder what would happen if we had no ego? I bet we would end up depressed and wretched after some time...

No, I don't believe so....

do you believe animals have an ego?

if not, do they appear wretched, and depressed...

it is often the ego that triggers those emotional responses... the inner that case.

Yeah, maybe you're right there...I hadn't thought about animals in that light. Nice example.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:32 PM

do men ever feel like they are being treated like a slab of meat?

how and when?

do you ever object to it?


bigsmile I love itbigsmile

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:33 PM
If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:33 PM

do men ever feel like they are being treated like a slab of meat?

how and when?

do you ever object to it?


bigsmile I love itbigsmile

I thimk Mirror would qualify as prime rib. happy

Anton_k's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:33 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

what now you're giving me a mans perspective..

now if you're going into a relationship status i agree with what you are saying ..i always have . but we are talking in general and from the past of years ago when it was a different time and place ..people didn't die from having unprotected sex.
this day and age things have changed in so many ways..

How is my post a man's perspective? I gave my perspective, and the last time I looked, I was still a female..

I gave you a human perspective, applicable to either gender...

I used the term 'you' it could have easily been, 'them' they' 'I'.

well ..the orignal question was asked from a mans perspective .and you begged to differ with me is all.. ergo you were telling me i was wrong and i am a man as far as i can tell giving the opinion that was asked for from a mans point of view..but i have to agree with a lot of what you are saying though there is truth in it.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:36 PM
The other white meat.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:36 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

what now you're giving me a mans perspective..

now if you're going into a relationship status i agree with what you are saying ..i always have . but we are talking in general and from the past of years ago when it was a different time and place ..people didn't die from having unprotected sex.
this day and age things have changed in so many ways..

How is my post a man's perspective? I gave my perspective, and the last time I looked, I was still a female..

I gave you a human perspective, applicable to either gender...

I used the term 'you' it could have easily been, 'them' they' 'I'.

well ..the orignal question was asked from a mans perspective .and you begged to differ with me is all.. ergo you were telling me i was wrong and i am a man as far as i can tell giving the opinion that was asked for from a mans point of view..but i have to agree with a lot of what you are saying though there is truth in it.

I think what they want is a man's opinion that agrees with their opinion laugh laugh laugh laugh

Anton_k's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:37 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

what now you're giving me a mans perspective..

now if you're going into a relationship status i agree with what you are saying ..i always have . but we are talking in general and from the past of years ago when it was a different time and place ..people didn't die from having unprotected sex.
this day and age things have changed in so many ways..

How is my post a man's perspective? I gave my perspective, and the last time I looked, I was still a female..

I gave you a human perspective, applicable to either gender...

I used the term 'you' it could have easily been, 'them' they' 'I'.

well ..the orignal question was asked from a mans perspective .and you begged to differ with me is all.. ergo you were telling me i was wrong and i am a man as far as i can tell giving the opinion that was asked for from a mans point of view..but i have to agree with a lot of what you are saying though there is truth in it.

I think what they want is a man's opinion that agrees with their opinion laugh laugh laugh laugh

bingo..hold all calls we have a winnerdrinker drinker

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:39 PM

If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

From taking on external, (coming from outside yourself) conditioning... from the moment you were were labelled... a 'boy', a 'name', an 'age', a position in your family, a'son', a 'brother'... all of these become 'I am's'... I am...a boy, I am...Audie...

The mind/(ego) takes on these and creates identification with it...the more input, the more the ego stretches, grows, learns... 'pain' pleasure', 'fear' 'courage'...the illusionary perceptions of who you are.

'If I do this....I will get that, or be this, or be that...'

it is a belief structure... and can be very illusionary.

Ego is the pain body... the part of us that will do anything to get away from perceived pain... be it rejection, or abandonment, or anything similar... we 'create' aspects of ourselves to sheild the pain body/ego from having to experience it.

Denial, self denial is a classic form of a disfunctional ego/mindset.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:40 PM

If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

In my opinion, from interaction with everyone around you. If you never met anyone, never desired what they had, or compared yourself to them, there would be no need for an ego, and you would never have to form one.

But all of us do. We all create a self-image, an internal projection of ourselves, probably as a protection from the world around us. We're very zealous about the upkeep on that image, too.

Some are self-confident enough and secure enough to maintain that reflection without a problem. Others are not so lucky.

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:41 PM

If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

In my opinion, from interaction with everyone around you. If you never met anyone, never desired what they had, or compared yourself to them, there would be no need for an ego, and you would never have to form one.

But all of us do. We all create a self-image, an internal projection of ourselves, probably as a protection from the world around us. We're very zealous about the upkeep on that image, too.

Some are self-confident enough and secure enough to maintain that reflection without a problem. Others are not so lucky.

Reflection...I always remember what happened to Narcissus. I liked your points.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:42 PM
Edited by Audie on Fri 04/10/09 08:46 PM

If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

From taking on external, (coming from outside yourself) conditioning... from the moment you were were labelled... a 'boy', a 'name', an 'age', a position in your family, a'son', a 'brother'... all of these become 'I am's'... I am...a boy, I am...Audie...

The mind/(ego) takes on these and creates identification with it...the more input, the more the ego stretches, grows, learns... 'pain' pleasure', 'fear' 'courage'...the illusionary perceptions of who you are.

'If I do this....I will get that, or be this, or be that...'

it is a belief structure... and can be very illusionary.

Ego is the pain body... the part of us that will do anything to get away from perceived pain... be it rejection, or abandonment, or anything similar... we 'create' aspects of ourselves to sheild the pain body/ego from having to experience it.

Denial, self denial is a classic form of a disfunctional ego/mindset.

But everyone is different and yet everyone possesses it, doesn't seem learned to me
Sounds like people are in denial about it being instinctive...kinda like when people say they are the way they are because of their upbringing or their experiences in life..

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:42 PM

do men ever feel like they are being treated like a slab of meat?

how and when?

do you ever object to it?


Not often enough.