Topic: Treated like a slab of meat?
Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:07 PM

There needs to be clarification here, are we talking about someone whom you want to spent the rest of your life with? Or the opposite sex in general?

Audie.....does it make a difference?

Noticing a fine body , is to be human, to denegrate that person with the fine body, by not acknowledging the person INSIDE the body, is treating someone as a slab of meat.

It could be either, or all, if you were to hook up with someone and try to develop a relationship, solelty based on their looks.... it's a pretty shallow relationship.

To just chat up a person for the night, and only comment on their body, is also shallow.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:07 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

There needs to be clarification here, are we talking about someone whom you want to spent the rest of your life with? Or the opposite sex in general?

in my original post my intention was to refer to the opposite sex in general.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:09 PM
I think there's a difference between a woman showing interest, which is always flattering and usually a turn-on and a woman treating you like you're an object - the proverbial "piece of meat."

I never like being treated like a piece of meat. If a woman doesn't feel like I'm worth a conversation or a shared moment, I'm not interested.

I've been through all of that, and it's no fun.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:09 PM

There needs to be clarification here, are we talking about someone whom you want to spent the rest of your life with? Or the opposite sex in general?

Audie.....does it make a difference?

Noticing a fine body , is to be human, to denegrate that person with the fine body, by not acknowledging the person INSIDE the body, is treating someone as a slab of meat.

It could be either, or all, if you were to hook up with someone and try to develop a relationship, solelty based on their looks.... it's a pretty shallow relationship.

To just chat up a person for the night, and only comment on their body, is also shallow.

I guess I've had a lot of shallow relationships then and loved every minute of it!

JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:09 PM

There needs to be clarification here, are we talking about someone whom you want to spent the rest of your life with? Or the opposite sex in general?

Audie.....does it make a difference?

Noticing a fine body , is to be human, to denegrate that person with the fine body, by not acknowledging the person INSIDE the body, is treating someone as a slab of meat.

It could be either, or all, if you were to hook up with someone and try to develop a relationship, solelty based on their looks.... it's a pretty shallow relationship.

To just chat up a person for the night, and only comment on their body, is also shallow.

so right :thumbsup:

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:09 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 04/10/09 08:10 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:10 PM

do men ever feel like they are being treated like a slab of meat?

how and when?

do you ever object to it?


We're all meat sacks.
We have different kinds of meat, much like a turtle does, each one serving a different purpose.

Sharing appreciation for the grey meat makes it all the better.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:12 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

Having something to show off is a basic human instinct

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:12 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Fri 04/10/09 08:15 PM
yeah I have been treated that way before and no I didn't much care for it either . It taught me something in the long run tho... not to treat others that way .

how and when.. seems several women I had been dating at one time (in my youth)years ago. They all got together and cornered me at my favorite bar.. and then started the routine of doing an inspection like I was a horse in front of my co workers

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:13 PM

I think there's a difference between a woman showing interest, which is always flattering and usually a turn-on and a woman treating you like you're an object - the proverbial "piece of meat."

I never like being treated like a piece of meat. If a woman doesn't feel like I'm worth a conversation or a shared moment, I'm not interested.

I've been through all of that, and it's no fun.

hello, and welcome! Great first post. flowerforyou

Christinacospgs's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:14 PM

I think there's a difference between a woman showing interest, which is always flattering and usually a turn-on and a woman treating you like you're an object - the proverbial "piece of meat."

I never like being treated like a piece of meat. If a woman doesn't feel like I'm worth a conversation or a shared moment, I'm not interested.

I've been through all of that, and it's no fun.

flowerforyou flowerforyou Bravo!

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:15 PM

I think there's a difference between a woman showing interest, which is always flattering and usually a turn-on and a woman treating you like you're an object - the proverbial "piece of meat."

I never like being treated like a piece of meat. If a woman doesn't feel like I'm worth a conversation or a shared moment, I'm not interested.

I've been through all of that, and it's no fun.


Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:16 PM

Having something to show off is a basic human instinct

Sorry, I beg to differ... that is not basic human instinct... it's human ego.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:18 PM

Having something to show off is a basic human instinct

Sorry, I beg to differ... that is not basic human instinct... it's human ego.

Me haz no ego, what makes you an authority on human behavior?

darkowl1's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:19 PM
yes, i moonlighted as an exotic dancer for 20 years, and sometimes women can be brash with their comments, degrading, and demanding. one claimed that you will do what we ask, because we're paying you, or as long as you are here, we own you. you're a piece of meat. that's all. i certainly ddn't do what she asked, and was backed up by other girls which was very cool. i still couldn't imagine how a woman feels, because i'm not one. iv'e got a few clues on it though.

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:21 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 04/10/09 08:21 PM
Six years in psychology...
45 years as a human, life experiences, extended study on the Psyche, the Ego, and human instinct...
10 years of counselling, working with damaged people....
you name it... I am either doing it or done it.

Being accountable for my own ego...

Understanding the difference between ego, and instinct.

that was your ego that asked who am I to be an expert on human behaviours....:wink:

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:21 PM

Six years in psychology...
45 years as a human, life experiences, extended study on the Psyche, the Ego, and human instinct...
10 years of counselling, working with damaged people....
you name it... I am either doing it or done it.

Being accountable for my own ego...

Understanding the difference between ego, and instinct.

that was your ego that asked who am I to be an expert on egos....:wink:

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

Anton_k's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:23 PM

I wonder why it would be any different, male or female.

To be nothing more than a body for sexual gratitude is disrespectful of the person..irrespective of gender.

It does the little ego no favours being's like being called's a comment about the exterior...not the interior....and keeps one focussed on the 'outside' of themselves, or others.

Luis has a hot exterior.....but a smokin' interior, combined he becomes an amazing person... he has dimension...

I see in 3 d...not 1 d.

but you are going deeper than just what eyes can see and you have had time to find this out.. males have been the ones the make the first moves in the past .. hence the rejection factors into the equation far more than it does for women..
and women need something more to connect with before giving themselves to a man .the man just needs the woman to show up for the most part..

Anton... I beg to differ.... any man who just wants to oggle... is just showing where he is at...that's fine... as it is to have a woman oggle a fine looking man... take it further, to the topic, being TREATED as a slab of meat... is different to being VEIWED as a slab of meat.

You either want the body... as an ornament, on your arm, to say look what I got! Or you want a person, on you arm, to say Look who I am with!

Big difference.

what now you're giving me a mans perspective..

now if you're going into a relationship status i agree with what you are saying ..i always have . but we are talking in general and from the past of years ago when it was a different time and place ..people didn't die from having unprotected sex.
this day and age things have changed in so many ways..

Jess642's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:23 PM

Six years in psychology...
45 years as a human, life experiences, extended study on the Psyche, the Ego, and human instinct...
10 years of counselling, working with damaged people....
you name it... I am either doing it or done it.

Being accountable for my own ego...

Understanding the difference between ego, and instinct.

that was your ego that asked who am I to be an expert on egos....:wink:

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

Again, I have to beg to differ.... ego is a basic human TRAIT.... not an instinct.

it is not part of our inherant makeup, it is a facet of our sense of 'self'.

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:24 PM
Edited by Audie on Fri 04/10/09 08:26 PM

Six years in psychology...
45 years as a human, life experiences, extended study on the Psyche, the Ego, and human instinct...
10 years of counselling, working with damaged people....
you name it... I am either doing it or done it.

Being accountable for my own ego...

Understanding the difference between ego, and instinct.

that was your ego that asked who am I to be an expert on egos....:wink:

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

Again, I have to beg to differ.... ego is a basic human TRAIT.... not an instinct.

it is not part of our inherant makeup, it is a facet of our sense of 'self'.

I guess I don't know the difference between a trait and an instinct, doesn't seem to matter much to me, they are both there...