Topic: Non-believers are unloveable? | |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term.
He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? That you are truly blessed NOT to be in a relationship with your so called friend. Interesting judgement on his part, don't you think? I don't hear compassion nor generosity of spirit flowing through him, do you? |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? I think she's 100% incorrect. I've seen it work out with a non-believer and a Christian several times. |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? That you are truly blessed NOT to be in a relationship with your so called friend. Interesting judgement on his part, don't you think? I don't hear compassion nor generosity of spirit flowing through him, do you? he says he is only saying that for my own good... so that i don't raise my expectataions. ![]() |
Your Christian friend can only talk for himself, he cant talk for all people of his faith. Two people dont have to believe in the same thing to work out.
it will be extremely difficult. if he truly follows christ as his lord and saviour, he will always be trying to get you to follow christ as well. imagine you believe your spouse is going to burn in hell for all eternity, that would be a scary thought to go to sleep with every night. but that's if he actually fears god, or just wants his free get out of hell card. if he didn't try to have you come to christ, he wouldn't be a very good christian, and he wouldn't love you as much as he says, and he sure wouldn't love god as much as he says. in the end, one or the other will probably end up changing their views if you were to be together.
2corinthians6:14-18 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “ I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”[c] 17 Therefore “ Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”[d] 18 “ I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty.”[e] |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? Here's what the Bible says to the believer... 1 Cornithians 6 14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? That you are truly blessed NOT to be in a relationship with your so called friend. Interesting judgement on his part, don't you think? I don't hear compassion nor generosity of spirit flowing through him, do you? I hear honesty coming from her friend. |
When my mother married my father, she was a Christian and he was an atheist. They will be married for 51 years in June. My father now calls himself Agnostic. Mom is still a Christian.
A classmate in my child's class has a Christian mother and Atheist father. They have been married for over 20 years and have two children. |
It depends on how strict the person is with their faith...
But it is a sin for them to think you will "burn in hell", for man is not suppose to condemn anyone. Only God can make that kind of judgement. (also, for the record, I am also a non-believer but open to all religions) |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/09 12:06 AM
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? NO ONE has the right to JUDGE your relationship...or to tell you HOW to run your relationship. UNLESS You ask for advice. And even then, One STILL Has NO right to tell you what to do. A wise friend will only help you in finding out what is best for you ( and ONLY if you ask for help).... but will also allow you to MAKE DECISIONS for YOURSELF. A wise friend will NEVER Make the decision for you.... Or tell you what to do.... Or tell you that your relationship is wrong. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/09 12:20 AM
That you are truly blessed NOT to be in a relationship with your so called friend. Interesting judgement on his part, don't you think? I don't hear compassion nor generosity of spirit flowing through him, do you? I hear honesty coming from her friend. Then we have different forms of hearing. Jasmine, The man that you are interested is the only one who can answer for himself. Besides, I thought this whole righteous extremist christian thing, was a PERSONAL relationship with god. Jasmine, do your thing lovely, and ask the fella you are interested in, how your difference of faith affects him. ![]() |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? The trick word in the above statement that your friend said is "true Christian." What is a "true Christian?" Apparently there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians who can be married to non-Christians with no problems. But it depends on what he means by "True Christian." Are "true Christians" people who will relentlessly attempt to gain converts to their belief system? If so, then for a non-believer to be married to a "true Christian" spells disaster. Or if "true Christains" are people who live and let live and accept others for who they are without judgment or trying to convert them, then maybe a marriage like that could work. It depends on what he considers to be a "true" Christian. |
True Love has no religion
![]() It only has love to offer ![]() Embrace it and every religion in the world won't matter anymore ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/09 06:28 AM
True Love has no religion ![]() It only has love to offer ![]() Embrace it and every religion in the world won't matter anymore ![]() Who said that marriage had anything to do with true love? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
True Love has no religion ![]() It only has love to offer ![]() Embrace it and every religion in the world won't matter anymore ![]() Who said that marriage had anything to do with true love? I don't believe marriage is neccessary to enjoy love. ![]() ![]() ![]() Marriage??? I am talking about true love without the use of religion. If you love someone it is because of not of their religious affiliation, it is because you just enjoy the person for who they are. True Love the one that makes your heart pump fast ![]() Marriage, Religion, Laws are just man made rules that interfere with your private life. Love is pure feelings and enjoyment. ![]() True Love conquers fear, hatred, and confusions in my opinion, but only some actually use it. The problem is that most people in this world have high expectations of others. I think this is true rather they want to believe it or not or even deny it, and they are warped by the many institutes that tell them how to live in society to forget what is most important in life. In this complex world of various thoughts we are guided into organizations who tell us who to love or how to be without even knowing it. I think this is why people get lost and resort to religion that tells a person who to love or not. In the end one can love someone with all their heart without being married. Those who find it usually can smile and laugh longer periods without getting cramps in their cheeks ![]() |
Yes I know what you are talking about Smiles. I was addressing the post about having a long-term relationship(marriage) with someone who is Christian and Non-Christian. That is a compatibility issue, not really an issue of "true love."
Loving someone does not mean you are compatible and true love does not make two people compatible either. I may have true love for someone and yet not want to spend my life with them in the bond of matrimony. |
Edited by
Thu 04/09/09 08:09 AM
Yes I know what you are talking about Smiles. I was addressing the post about having a long-term relationship(marriage) with someone who is Christian and Non-Christian. That is a compatibility issue, not really an issue of "true love." Loving someone does not mean you are compatible and true love does not make two people compatible either. I may have true love for someone and yet not want to spend my life with them in the bond of matrimony. very true what you say ![]() I think in India there are over 30 ways to say "I love you" ![]() ![]() I thought I just add that in for fun ![]() |
My christian friend has told me that because i am a non-believer, and because someone i have recently fallen for is christian, that we will not work out for the long term. He's even gone as far to say that because i am a non-believer, i am essentially unmarry-able by anyone at all who is a true christian. what do you guys think...? Tell him to KISS MY A$$! ![]() |
Could you define a non-believer.
Everyone has beliefs. Mine just might not agree with yours. This does not make you a non-beliver in my eyes. just a different believer. |