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Topic: And So Do The Bombs....
AngelLight's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:34 PM
Edited by AngelLight on Tue 04/28/09 07:49 PM
(13th Write For This


Homeless and alone...
Just a bum on the street
drinkin' himself to death,
hidden swollen feet.

"Give me a break and stop
beggin' for a dime. Your
existence is a crime!
Every time I walk past I
see you sittin' on your ass!"

"You're homeless and alone
'cause you won't help
yourself. You look like a
slob. Clean yourself up and
get a job. And you wonder
why the crowds ignore you."

Homeless and alone looks up.
At first, he does not speak.
He stands, and finally
addresses the angry man.

"My friend, you clearly are
not aware of who I once was.
I was a man, just like you,
with my life intact.

Then I went to war, thinkin'
I was keepin' you free.
Now I see you will never be free.
You will never be free simply
because you will never see me!"

~© JDS 04/28/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Wed 04/29/09 03:34 PM
(14th Write For This



I remember you Geo.
You couldn't let
go of that girl
in your mind.
Her parents had
died, yes, killed
in combat. They
were of "the other

You wanted to help
that precious child;
she looked at you
with pleading eyes,
but your commander
said "No!" It was
against the rules,
even though you
knew it shouldn't
be so.

How could you leave
her in the dust?
Well, the order was
a cruel must!
Despite all that,
you gave her something
her Soul will always
remember, forever,
Geo, forever.

You looked back at
her with the eyes of
compassion, with eyes
that cried "Dear child,
sweet child, I will
never forget the
radiance of you!"

~© JDS 04/29/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Thu 04/30/09 07:04 AM
(15th Write For This


I don’t think we should
talk about war anymore.
Do you? I mean, so there’s
a huge death toll, and
people are gettin’ blown
to bits but, what’s with
all this anyway? Who’s
to say any of this matters?
War certainly is big
business too but, so who
cares? As long as your
parent isn’t going there?
So there’s a fight here and
there, and there and here.

Do we really need to hear
about someone else’s
nightmare as long as we
think it doesn’t effect us?
Is speaking about war a
must? I mean, whaat’s the
fuss?! After all, “In God
We Trust” so the mighty
dollar says. I’d rather
talk about religion ‘cause
there’s a lot of sinners
out there not goin’ to
church! You know, not doin’
much about the status quo.

Oh! Wait a minute! Do we
know if the status quo has
anything to do with war?
Perhaps it just might
‘cause when people are
oppressed with the same
ol' same ol' they want
change, and will go to
great pains to have the
basics in life. But if
those at the top try to
stop equity and economic
balance, a lance or two
may be thrown.

Oh, I don’t know. Should
we talk about war or not?
People die, bodies drop,
but, that’s OK. I’d rather
sit around drinking, or
thinkin’ ‘bout soda pop!

~© JDS 04/29/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:41 AM
(16th Write For This


At times what some
call "aggression" in
another man's scream
is really the impetus
for change, for
realignment of the
times, an ending of
white flowered crimes.

Yes, it's time to see
the truth, to remove
the status quo from
mowing over the
majority of people,
those who don't know
their power. Indeed,
the time is now, the
hour is before us. See
the reality of unjust.
In what can we trust?
In what will we trust?

~© JDS 05/01/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Sat 05/02/09 07:59 PM
Edited by AngelLight on Sat 05/02/09 08:02 PM
(17TH Write For This


Grief. Relief? Can
someone help me
find peace? My
life ceased when
I leaped,
unleashed into the
horror of war.

I did not understand
deceit, the driving
force for the elite.
So necessary to keep
people poor, and
unaware in their

I now understand
the powers that be
refuse to ease the
suffering of the
masses. In fact,
pain and confusion
are exacted to
prevent change from
occurring; to keep
blurring the Truth
of what constitutes

Grief. Relief? Will
someone help me
find peace? Ok,
so you say it's
within? I'd have to
agree 'cause, now
I see things like
I never have before.
Yes I'll return to
war, to fight, yet
my armory will be
my voice exposing
what fuels & ignites
corruption and greed.

~© JDS 05/02/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Sat 05/02/09 08:19 PM
(18th Write For This


Love comes and goes
and comes again,
although not always
clearly sent. An
aura, a knowing, a
seeing that retrieves
the resurrection of
God believing,
hope unweaving,
Truth perceiving,
hearts grieving,
or self-deceiving
as defense.

The Soul stretches
to touch, to feel,
to experience what
the mind and body
never will. Perhaps
the sacrificial lamb,
the Soul agrees to
every thing the human
ego is quick to damn.

Still Soul lives
and carries on, yet
not so fond of
letting go. It freely
Loves to release by
communion and in
peace. Devoid of
hate, devoid of weight,
Soul returns to
incarnate as Love
itself, to recreate.

~© JDS 05/02/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Sun 05/03/09 03:59 PM
(19th Write For This


Sudanese child
Fallen to the ground
Face down
Chest to knees in a
fetal position.
No one feeds you;
no one gives you drink
as you sink further into the dust
underneath an unforgiving sun.

Yet there is one standing
behind you, a vulture of prey,
waiting for your death as you
struggle to breathe your very
last breath.

The cameraman sees you too
waiting for the PERFECT shot,
one that will catapult him into
journalistic fame. He is also
your prey, but no one sees him
there as he buries you with his
artistic inspiration and career
minded aspirations.

Sudanese child
I lifted you up and cradled
you in my arms a thousand
times. Darling, my precious
child, you did not die alone.
My Soul came for you and
lovingly, so lovingly, carried
you Home.

~© JDS 05/03/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Sun 05/03/09 04:49 PM
(20th Write For This


At the top of the hill
I saw him.
He was still alive,
yet barely breathing.

My friend and comrade.
He wasn't going to make it;
he knew it, and so did I.
He looked at me
in a silent, quiet
sort of way
as I held him close,
giving him
presence and love.

He asked me to tell
his wife and child
he tried to make it
never dreamed
he'd leave them alone.
One more thing
he asked of me,
“Tell my wife to find
a way to tell the
Truth of why I died.”

And in his last breath
he said,
"We must bring
about peace,
for it is only
the power of Love
that will allow us to see,
and enable us to be free."

~© JDS 05/03/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Mon 05/04/09 04:07 PM
(21st Write For This


Another night in the desert,
so far away from home.
I miss my kids,
and my wife,
the life I used to know.

Letters from those I Love
surround like falling rain,
cleansing my every wound,
easing my deep pain.

Now comes the rising sun
as we try to survive the
heat. I think of my family,
the only fluid I can drink,
my basic human need.

Tomorrow is another day
and soon I will be home
to touch and feel and
overcome the grief that
has me stunned.

Dear God,
Please be with me
inside my heart right now.
I long to be whole again
just like these other men.
Help me to forgive what’s
here, and remember this
as “then.”

~© JDS 05/04/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Wed 05/06/09 03:22 PM
(22nd Write For This


There was the young one
who came in to talk.
He had been discharged
from the service due to
a dispute with one of
his peers. "It wasn't
fair; I didn't start it.
I'm not proud of what I
said or did but, this
never should have
happened that I landed
here and he's still
over there."

This young one felt lost,
not knowing what to do
with the rest of his life.
He equated his personhood
inextricably with being
in uniform,
in the role of protector,
a defender of....of....
well, he wasn't sure of
what but, anyway.

I was concerned for him;
he harbored guilt...
shame...and expressed his
pain like one who would
never quite be the same.
I could read between his
lines sensing he’d rather
be dead instead of dealing
with what felt like his
heart’s demise.

Yet, he spoke about
what this loss meant to
him and, I asked if there
was another way
to be of service,
to protect,
to defend,
to still know himself
fully as man?
He said he didn't know,
perhaps he'd seen too
many commercials,
too many infomercials.

We explored other options,
of different ways of being
in the world like, despite
your name, who are you
without one? Who are you,
anyway? I could still feel
his pain when he finished
confessing, yet he said
all was right in his mind.
He'd committed no sin.
He'd live from within.

Several years later I
received a call from
someone who knew this
tormented Soul. I was
told he recently died,
that he'd ended his life,
shot himself
right in the head.

He only left this message:

"They need to do away
with all those
commercials, all those
infomercials that have
people believing in
roles that deceive.
I was deceived but,
I just gave my life,
so that others may live.

This is my gift of service,
to protect,
to defend,
my fellow countrymen."

~© JDS 05/06/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Mon 05/11/09 05:53 PM
(23rd Write For This


Annihilation inside
Proclamations of hate
Denigration at will
No contemplation
No conversation
Deliberations to quell
No confrontation
Complication of Truth
Desperation to kill
Frustration builds
Situations twisted
Aberrations appear
Limitation mounting
Trepidation rising
Termination the goal.

Commissioned Souls
Creations of Love
Transformation of life
Meditation a must
Communication sound
Exaltation of others
Invitations to speak
Clarification made
Inspiration to live
Assimilation of all
Operations smooth
Collaboration results
Integration and whole
Negotiation of calm
Inclusion the goal.

~© JDS 05/11/2009~

AngelLight's photo
Thu 05/21/09 08:01 AM
Innumerable voices have been asserting for some time now that human society is passing through a crisis, that its stability has been gravely shattered. It is characteristic of such a situation that individuals feel indifferent or even hostile toward the group, small or large, to which they belong. In order to illustrate my meaning, let me record here a personal experience. I recently discussed with an intelligent and well-disposed man the threat of another war, which in my opinion would seriously endanger the existence of mankind, and I remarked that only a supranational organization would offer protection from that danger. Thereupon my visitor, very calmly and coolly, said to me Why are you so deeply opposed to the disappearance of the human race

- Albert Einstein

Diamond4ever's photo
Fri 05/22/09 12:28 AM
a lot of writes AngelLight

too many to read now,,,,i'll peek in over time

but the einstein quote is like whoa! ,,,,,,an "eye opener",,,,thank you for the post

no photo
Fri 05/22/09 03:58 AM
Reading many over again, this body of work is impressive and important J. I'm sure you've opened the eyes of many by giving voice to those we sometimes forget. You have truly blessed us with this gift.:heart:

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